lnfo t tgr u :Confirm your primary phone number

From: "lnfo" <mmojnoz@101conseils.fr>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:51:32 +0200
Subject: Ναtաеѕtgrоuр:Confirm your primary phone number!
Dr utmr,

W wll b mltl rbuldng ur tm n
th nt wk. n rdr fr th rv t wrk
rrl, vr utmr nd t vrf thr
rmr hn numbr. Dt l nd dl m
rult frm th. l rgtr n
u r bl.

w n u b ur tht u ntnu ung ur
nln rv rrtl?
1. g t ur mg nd lg n.
2. Fllw th gudln.
3. nfrm th ur f ur nfrmtn.

LG LN  <Suspicious hyperlink> 

W wll hv t trmnt thr unt f th
dn’t lg n b th ddln. f u dd t
rtvt ur unt ftr th. h wll
hv t r fr t.
W r vr td t u!

Wrm rgrd.
Νtwtgru tm.


L’ASSOCIAZIONE SPORTIVA ROMA, littéralement _Association sportive
Rome_, abrégée en AS ROMA, couramment appelée ROMA en italien
et AS ROME en français ; est un club de football
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  italien
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  fondé en 1927 et situé
à Rome  <Suspicious hyperlink> . Le club possède
également une section féminine
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  évoluant
en Serie A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Les couleurs du club, le jaune et le rouge, plus spécifiquement le
pourpre et l’or, sont celles de la ville de Rome. Le symbole de la
Roma est la Louve capitoline
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , associée à la
légende de la fondation
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  de la Ville
éternelle  <Suspicious hyperlink> , le 21 avril
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  753 av. J.-C
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Trois titres de champion d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
neuf Coupes d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
une Coupe des villes de foire
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (ancienne coupe
de l’UEFA  <Suspicious hyperlink> ), une Ligue
Europa Conférence
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
deux Supercoupes d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  composent le
palmarès d’un des clubs les plus titrés et un des plus populaires du
football italien.

La Roma est le club supporté en large majorité dans la Ville
éternelle  <Suspicious hyperlink> , et le 5ème club plus
supporté d’Italie avec près de 2 millions de _tifosi_3
 <Suspicious hyperlink> dans
la Botte. La rivalité
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  avec l’autre club
professionnel de la capitale, la Lazio
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , est l’une
des plus fortes au monde4
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,5
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
La Roma fut le premier club du Centre-Sud italien à remporter le
championnat national, en 1942
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
et constitue depuis sa fondation l’opposition la plus sérieuse à
l’emprise habituellement exercée sur la Serie A
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  par
les trois clubs de la Triade lombardo-piémontaise (l’Inter
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , le Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
la Juventus  <Suspicious hyperlink> ).

Il est l’un des rares clubs à avoir disputé une finale de Ligue des
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  à
domicile, le 30 mai 1984 face à Liverpool
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , match perdu
tragiquement après la séance des tirs au but6
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
La date du 30 mai est à marquer d’une pierre noire pour le club. Dix
ans jour pour jour après cette finale, le 30 mai 1994, l’ancien
capitaine et idole des _tifosi romanisti_, Agostino Di Bartolomei
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , mettra fin à
ses jours7
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

La Roma joue ses matchs à domicile au Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  de Rome, dans
le centre sportif du Foro Italico
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , au Nord de la ville. En
opposition aux tifosi de la Lazio, les romanisti occupent le virage
Sud du stade : la _Curva Sud_.

À l’international, le club est mondialement connu pour la fidélité
qui lui est portée par certains de ses meilleurs joueurs. Francesco
Totti  <Suspicious hyperlink>  et Daniele De
Rossi  <Suspicious hyperlink> , anciens
capitaines du club, romains de naissance et champions du monde en
2006, ont endossé le maillot _giallorosso_ durant toute leur
carrière malgré les offres reçues des meilleures équipes d’Europe8
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Forte de cette image, la Roma est le 15ème club le plus supporté au
Monde, avec un bassin de près de 22 millions de supporters9
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Attilio Ferraris IV
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Fulvio Bernardini
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Guido Masetti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Amedeo Amadei
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Giacomo Losi
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Agostino di Bartolomei
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Bruno Conti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Roberto Pruzzo
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Giuseppe Giannini
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Francesco Totti
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et Daniele De Rossi
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  sont les légendes
le plus fréquemment associées à la riche histoire de la _Magica_.
En près de 90 années d’existence, les supporters _giallorossi_ ont
également eu le privilège de voir évoluer sous leurs couleurs
d’autres joueurs de grande renommée, tels qu’Alcides Ghiggia
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Fabio Capello
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Falcão
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Carlo
Ancelotti  <Suspicious hyperlink> , Rudi
Völler  <Suspicious hyperlink> , Aldair
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Cafu
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Gabriel Batistuta
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ou Edin Deko
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La plupart de ces
joueurs figurent dans la Hall of Fame de l’AS Roma, créée en 201210
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Le président actuel du club est l’américain Dan Friedkin
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La cellule sportive est
organisée autour des portugais Tiago Pinto, directeur sportif, et le
célèbre _manager_ José Mourinho
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , entraîneur de
l’équipe depuis le 4 mai 2021.

Au 17 mars 2023, à la suite de sa qualification pour les quarts de
finale d’Europa League  <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
la Roma est classée 10ème au classement UEFA des clubs11
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
basé sur les résultats obtenus dans les compétitions européennes
lors des 5 dernières années.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
Arbre généalogique de l’AS Rome.
L’Associazione Sportiva Roma est fondée le 22 juillet
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  1927
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Durant cette
époque, la ville de Rome
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  possède déjà cinq clubs dans
le championnat italien que sont l’Alba Audace, Fortitudo, Pro Roma,
Roman F.C. et la Lazio  <Suspicious hyperlink> .
L’équipe dirigeante de la Lazio refuse toute discussion et finalement
c’est la fusion des quatre autres clubs qui donne naissance à l’AS
Rome. Le club évolue au départ dans le _Motovelodromo Appio
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _, puis dans
le _Campo Testaccio_ et le _Stadio Flaminio
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _ (auparavant _Stadio
Nazionale_ et _Stadio Torino_, depuis la tragédie de Superga
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ou
l’équipe du Torino
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  périt dans la
chute de son avion en 1949), pour finalement s’installer dans
le _Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _ construit en 1952
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Les _Giallorossi_ pour la 1re fois champion d’Italie en 1942.
L’AS Rome prend part à son premier championnat de Série A en 1929
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Vice-champion en
1931 et en 1936, le club remporte son premier _Scudetto
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _ en 1942
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (il faudra
attendre 1983  <Suspicious hyperlink>  pour
le second et 2001
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  pour le troisième).
Le club est relégué en Série B à l’issue de la saison 1951
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  mais remonte
directement en Série A la saison suivante.

 <Suspicious hyperlink>  | MODIFIER
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

L’arrivée de joueurs talentueux coïncide avec le retour au premier
plan du club. En effet, Bruno Conti
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (champion du monde
en 1982  <Suspicious hyperlink>  avec
l’Italie), Agostino Di Bartolomei, Roberto Pruzzo et le Brésilien
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  Falcão
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , permettent
au club d’atteindre les meilleurs classements de son histoire. Le club
romain est ainsi récompensé par le _Scudetto_ en 1983
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (devant la Juventus
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  où évolue
alors Michel Platini  <Suspicious hyperlink> )
et par une finale de Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1984
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (perdue face
au Liverpool FC
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  aux tirs au
but 2-4). Le club est également vice-champion d’Italie en 1984
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et 1986
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et troisième
en 1988  <Suspicious hyperlink> , avant que
le grand Milan AC  <Suspicious hyperlink>  de Marco
van Basten  <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
le SSC Naples  <Suspicious hyperlink>  de Diego
Maradona  <Suspicious hyperlink>  ne prennent
les commandes de la Série A. S’ajoutent aussi les victoires en Coupe
d’Italie de football
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1980,
1981, 1984 et 1986.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

Les années 1990 sont marquées par une absence de placements de
relief en série A malgré la présence de joueurs champions du monde
comme Rudi Völler
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Thomas Hässler
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Thomas Berthold
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Vincent Candela
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Aldair
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ou Cafú
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

L’unique victoire intervient en Coupe d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1991
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre la Sampdoria
de Gênes  <Suspicious hyperlink>  plus une
finale perdue face au Torino FC
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1993
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . En 1991, la Roma
joue sa troisième finale européenne en Coupe UEFA
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , un match perdu contre
l’Inter Milan  <Suspicious hyperlink>  0-2 et 1-0.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

Le 17 juin 2001 – Roma-Parma 3–1: Les fans célèbrent
le 3e titre.
L’année 2001
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  marque le troisième
et pour le moment dernier titre de championnat glané par l’AS Rome,
grâce à un cocktail explosif en attaque composé de Gabriel
Batistuta  <Suspicious hyperlink> , Vincenzo
Montella  <Suspicious hyperlink> , et Marco
Delvecchio  <Suspicious hyperlink>  avec
l’émergence sans doute du meilleur joueur italien des années
2000, Francesco Totti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Cette même année le
club remporte sa première Supercoupe d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre l’ACF
Fiorentina  <Suspicious hyperlink>  (3-0).

À partir de ce moment-là, l’AS Rome ne lâche plus les quatre
premières places synonymes de Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en
compagnie de la Juventus
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , du Milan AC
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et de l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La saison 2005-2006 est
marquée par l’Affaire des matches truqués du Calcio
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  où
la Juve  <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
le Milan AC  <Suspicious hyperlink>  sont mis en
cause ; cela permet à l’AS Rome de retrouver une place de
vice-champion et de se projeter « sereinement » sur la saison
2007. Après une belle campagne européenne, la Roma cède
douloureusement en quarts de finale contre Manchester United
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  7-1. En
championnat, malgré un parcours de champion, le club termine second,
derrière l’Inter, véritable machine à gagner en cette saison 2006
 <Suspicious hyperlink> -2007
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Mais c’est en Coupe
d’Italie  <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
après deux échecs successifs contre l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en finale, que la Roma
prend sa revanche en triomphant de ces mêmes intéristes grâce à
une victoire 6-2 à l’Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La défaite 2-1
à San Siro  <Suspicious hyperlink>  ne fait
que confirmer l’avantage pris à l’aller. Francesco Totti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , véritable symbole du
club, soulève pour la première fois de sa carrière le trophée le
17 mai 2007.

Totti brandissant la Coupe d’Italie 2007-2008.
Ensuite, la Roma s’impose aussi en Supercoupe d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (sa deuxième)
1-0 face à ces mêmes intéristes.

La Roma réussit un bel exploit en éliminant le Real Madrid
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en Ligue
des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  le 5
mars 2008 à Madrid sur le score de 2 à 1 pour le compte du match
retour des huitièmes de finale (2-1 au match aller pour la Roma au
stade Olimpico). Malheureusement, au tour suivant, la Roma se fait
sortir par la meilleure équipe du moment, le Manchester United (0-2
et 0-1) pour la deuxième année consécutive. À deux doigts de
remporter le _Scudetto_ 2008 (les Romains sont virtuellement leaders
pendant une heure lors de la dernière journée), ceux-ci voient,
impuissants car n’ayant pas leur sort entre leurs mains, les
intéristes remporter un nouveau _scudetto_, avant de s’imposer face
à ceux-ci au Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  pour le compte de la
finale de la Coupe d’Italie, sur le score de 2-1, avec des buts
de Philippe Mexès
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et Simone
Perrotta  <Suspicious hyperlink> .

À l’inter-saison, Matteo Ferrari
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  quitte le club car il
arrive en fin de contrat pour rejoindre le Genoa CFC
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , de même pour le
Français Ludovic Giuly
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  qui quitte le club pour
rejoindre le Paris Saint-Germain
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ainsi que Mauro
Esposito  <Suspicious hyperlink>  qui est
prêté au Chievo Verone
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La Roma compte comme
première acquisition le Norvégien John Arne Riise
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (ex-joueur
de Liverpool FC  <Suspicious hyperlink> ) et
comme second le Brésilien Julio Baptista
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en provenance du Real
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Président de la Roma depuis 1993, Franco Sensi
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  décède le 17 août
2008 à la suite de complications d’une crise pulmonaire. À la fin du
mois d’août 2008, après avoir perdu la supercoupe d’Italie
contre l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  à San Siro
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-2, puis 8-7 aux
tirs au but), les Romains obtiennent le jeune attaquant
français Jérémy Ménez
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en
provenance de l’AS Monaco
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (contrat de 4 ans). Le 29
août 2008, la fille de Franco Sensi
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Rosella Sensi
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  devient la nouvelle
présidente de l’AS Roma et succède ainsi à son père décédé
quelques jours plus tôt.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

La saison 2008  <Suspicious hyperlink> -2009
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  est bien décevante
pour les _Giallorossi_. Le début de saison est catastrophique,
marqué par une série de défaites et notamment à domicile 0-4 face
à l’Inter de Milan  <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
une 17e place en championnat (record absolu depuis plus d’une
cinquantaine d’années). Au fil du temps, l’AS Roma retrouve de
meilleurs résultats, notamment après sa victoire face à la SS
Lazio  <Suspicious hyperlink>  lors du derby (1-0),
et réalise une belle série de victoires en Série A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , ce
qui lui permet d’espérer encore à une 4e place, place
qualificative pour la Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Dans
cette compétition, les Romains se réveillent et terminent à la
première place de leur groupe devant Chelsea
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , et
les Girondins de Bordeaux
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , que les Romains
condamnent à la 3e place au Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  lors de la dernière
journée (2-0). Les Romains entament l’année 2009 par de bons
résultats en championnat, qui les replacent directement dans la
course à la 4e place. En Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , les
Romains héritent du club anglais d’Arsenal
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 8e de
finale. Malheureusement, ils se font éliminer au match retour, qu’ils
remportent 1-0 accédant ainsi à la prolongation et aux tirs au but,
mais qu’ils perdent la tête haute (6-7). Cette défaite abaisse
considérablement le moral de l’équipe, qui traverse un deuxième
passage à vide, et qui condamne le club à une 6e place, quand
même européenne.

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Lors de la saison 2009-2010
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , à la
suite de victoires sur des scores fleuves en qualifications en Ligue
Europa  <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre
des équipes modestes et après deux journées de championnat, la Roma
se retrouve seule sur la dernière marche du classement de Serie A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Luciano
Spalletti  <Suspicious hyperlink>  prend
alors la décision de démissionner de son poste d’entraîneur et est
remplacé par Claudio Ranieri
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . L’espoir
italien, Alberto Aquilani
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  est vendu
au Liverpool FC  <Suspicious hyperlink>  lors
du mercato  <Suspicious hyperlink>  estival
provoquant quelques déceptions chez les supporters.

Francesco Totti, _Capitano_ historique de l’AS Rome.
Le club de la louve finit l’année 2009 sur une série de dix matchs
sans défaites toutes compétitions confondues (avec une victoire
contre la SS Lazio  <Suspicious hyperlink> ), en
accrochant la quatrième place face à Parme Football Club
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , ainsi qu’une
qualification en seizième de finale de la Ligue Europa 2009-2010
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre
le Panathinaïkos
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Le 2
janvier 2010, Luca Toni
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  signe à la Roma pour un
prêt de six mois, avec option d’achat.

La deuxième partie de saison de la Roma s’avère être un véritable
coup de tonnerre dans la hiérarchie de la Série A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Malgré une élimination en Ligue Europa
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre le club grec
de Panathinaïkos
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Roma
mène en championnat une incroyable série de 24 résultats
consécutifs sans concéder une défaite. Cette série est marquée
par une victoire à l’extérieur contre la Juventus
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (1-2),
arrachée par John Arne Riise
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  dans les dernières
minutes, et une victoire à domicile contre le leader, l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-1), grâce notamment
à un but de Luca Toni  <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Quelques jours plus tard, à l’occasion d’une nouvelle victoire contre
l’Atalanta  <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-1), les hommes
de Claudio Ranieri
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  s’emparent de la
tête de la Série A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
s’ensuit un derby remporté contre la SS Lazio
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-1). Hélas, deux
défaites, en championnat à domicile contre la Sampdoria
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (1-2) à trois journées de
la fin de la saison et contre l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en finale de la Coupe
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (0-1),
les privent de titre. En championnat, le club termine une nouvelle
fois dauphin de l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , un classement cependant
inespéré lors du début de saison.


Informa Hospitality Group England vs New Zealand Twickenham 499pp

From: Informa Hospitality Group <info@informahg.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 08:23:14 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: England vs New Zealand | Twickenham | £499pp

This is the only table we have available for this fixture

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Dear Client,
We are delighted to present you with an exclusive opportunity to
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This offsite hospitality facility (Kneller Hall) is situated within 7
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We can offer this private table for 10 guests with full hospitality at
just £4,990 + VAT. 

           Package Details:

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* Facility access begins three-and-a-half hours before kick-off,
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* Indulge in a delicious four-course lunch served with fine wines
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* Engage in a Q&A session with rugby legends from England and New
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* Post Match hot supper with a two-hour complimentary bar
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Torture was abolished. But the cow-puncher was not ready to come to
grapples yet. The emperor, who, amidst the ruins of the Roman world,
revived the ancient language of law and liberty, which Trajan would
not have disclaimed, must have derived those generous sentiments from
his own heart; since they were not suggested to his imitation by the
customs of his age, or the example of his predecessors. Why did you
not lower rates in the valley of the San Joaquin? His lot has been
prosperous, as he well deserved it should be. With all this he had one
of the pleasantest smiles I ever saw. In a few minutes, the topsail
yards were manned, and all three of the topsails furled at once. The
authentic and impartial narrative of Aeschines, see Bayle,
Dictionnaire Critique, Scamandre, and the adventure of Mudus, Joseph.
Bennett got tired of in-doors and stillness, and was soon out again,
and set up a stall, covered with canvas, at the end of one of the
bridges, where he could see all the passers-by, and turn a penny by
cakes and ale. Their long train- ing in the art of suffering defeat
had taught them the value of patience. The valuable library of
Alexandria was pillaged or destroyed; and near twenty years
afterwards, the appearance of the empty shelves excited the regret and
indignation of every spectator, whose mind was not totally darkened by
religious prejudice. Vanamee could scarcely repress a cry. Yes, I
thought so. By the conquest of Justinian, we have been recalled to the
banks of the Tyber, to the deliverance of the ancient metropolis; but
that deliverance was a change, or perhaps an aggravation, of
servitude. Peace was incompatible with the situation and temper of the
king of the Goths. Well, why not HAVE a Railroad Commission of our
own, then? c. 9, and De Guignes, Hist. She proved to be a brig under
English colors, and passing under our stern, reported herself as
forty-nine days from Buenos Ayres, bound to Liverpool. He pushed his
way farther on. From thence he departed laden with spoil; but he left
behind him neither troops to awe the contumacious, nor magistrates to
protect the obedient, natives.

Wise Fwd:Update phone number

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two-day professional wrestling
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  event and
tournament promoted by the American promotion WWE
 <Link to Wikipedia article> . The tournament aired exclusively
on the WWE Network  <Link to Wikipedia article>  and
featured wrestlers from their NXT UK
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and NXT
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  brand divisions
 <Link to Wikipedia article> —the first event
to officially promote NXT UK. The event was filmed on 18 and 19 June
2018 and aired on 25 and 26 June. It was held at the Royal Albert
Hall  <Link to Wikipedia article>  in Kensington
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , London
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> .

Day one of the event featured the second United Kingdom Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article> ,
which was won by Zack Gibson
 <Link to Wikipedia article> . Day two (promoted as NXT
U.K. CHAMPIONSHIP) saw Zack Gibson unsuccessfully challenge WWE
United Kingdom Champion
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  Pete
Dunne  <Link to Wikipedia article> . As well,
NXT’s North American
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Women’s
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , and Tag
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  championships
were also defended on day two. NXT UK’s Women’s
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Tag
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  championships
were also introduced during the event.


* 1Background
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* 1.1Production
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
* 1.2Storylines
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* 2Participants
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
* 3Tournament bracket
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* 4Results
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* 4.1United Kingdom Championship Tournament (18 June)
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
* 4.2NXT U.K. Championship (19 June)
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* 5Broadcast team
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
* 6Aftermath
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
* 7See also
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
* 8References
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
* 9External links
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]

On 14 and 15 January 2017, the American professional wrestling
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  WWE
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  held its first United Kingdom
Championship Tournament
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  event.
The tournament crowned the inaugural holder of the WWE United Kingdom
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , which
was won by Tyler Bate  <Link to Wikipedia article> .[1]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  A
follow-up to the event called the United Kingdom Championship Special
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  aired
on May 19.[2]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [3]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  On
7 April 2018, a second United Kingdom Championship Tournament event
was scheduled for 18 and 19 June at the Royal Albert Hall
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  in Kensington
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , London
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and to air on 25 and 26 June
exclusively on the WWE Network
 <Link to Wikipedia article> .[4]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [5]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [6]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [7]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  In
addition to featuring wrestlers from WWE’s new NXT UK
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  brand
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , the tournament
also featured wrestlers from the American-based NXT
 <Link to Wikipedia article> .[8]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [9]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

On 25 May 2018, Shawn Michaels
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Triple H
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  were scheduled to make
appearances at the event.[10]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [11]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  On
7 June, Johnny Saint
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  was announced as the
General Manager of WWE’s United Kingdom-based brand, officially named
NXT UK.[12]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  A
United Kingdom Championship Tournament: Bracketology special aired on
the WWE Network later that day, with appearances from all 16
tournament competitors.[13]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]

The card included matches that resulted from scripted storylines,
where wrestlers portrayed villains
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , heroes
 <Link to Wikipedia article> ,
or less distinguishable characters
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  in
scripted events that built tension and culminated in a wrestling match
or series of matches, with results predetermined by WWE’s writers.[14]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [15]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  Storylines
were produced on the _NXT
 <Link to Wikipedia article> _ television program.

On 28 April 2018, it was announced that British Strong Style
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  (Pete
Dunne, Trent Seven
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Tyler Bate
 <Link to Wikipedia article> ) would face The Undisputed
Era  <Link to Wikipedia article>  (Adam Cole
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Kyle O’Reilly
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Roderick Strong
 <Link to Wikipedia article> ) in a six-man tag
team match
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  on
the June 18 event.[10]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

On 14 May, WWE revealed details about the second United Kingdom
Championship tournament, scheduling the first round matches for
the 2018 Download Festival
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  from 8–10
June and succeeding rounds for the United Kingdom Championship
Tournament event on 18 June.[16]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [17]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  The
winner of the tournament will receive a United Kingdom Championship
match with Pete Dunne
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  on the
following day.[16]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [17]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  On
16 May, the first 8 competitors of the 16 man tournament were
officially announced on WWE.com. The first 8 revealed were Zack
Gibson  <Link to Wikipedia article> , Joe Coffey
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Gentleman Jack
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Dave
Mastiff  <Link to Wikipedia article> , Kenny Williams
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Ligero
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Joseph Conners
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Amir Jordan.[18]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  On
18 May, the remaining 8 competitors were announced.[19]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

On 23 May, it was announced that Aleister Black
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Ricochet
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  would face EC3
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Velveteen Dream
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  in a tag team match
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  on the 19 June
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

On 25 May, a fatal four-way match
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  between Isla
Dawn  <Link to Wikipedia article> , Jinny
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Killer Kelly
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Toni Storm
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  was announced for the 18
June event.[10]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  The
winner of the match will receive a NXT Women’s Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  match
with Shayna Baszler
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  on the following
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

On 18 June, it was announced that Adam Cole
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  would defend his NXT North
American Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  against Wolfgang
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  the following
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

On 18 June, it was announced that The Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly
and Roderick Strong) would defend their NXT Tag Team Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  against
Moustache Mountain (Tyler Bate and Trent Seven) the following day.[21]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]


Travis Banks  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[New Zealand]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Auckland
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , New Zealand
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Joe Coffey  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[Scotland]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Glasgow
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Scotland
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Joseph Conners  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Nottingham
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Jordan Devlin  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[Republic of Ireland]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  Bray
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , County Wicklow
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Ireland
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

James Drake  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Blackpool
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Gentleman Jack Gallagher
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Manchester
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Zack Gibson  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Liverpool
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Drew Gulak  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[United States]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  Philadelphia
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Pennsylvania
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Amir Jordan
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Dewsbury
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Ligero  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Leeds
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Dave Mastiff  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  The Black Country
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Ashton Smith
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Manchester
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Tyson T-Bone
[England]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Malvern
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , England
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[Northern Ireland]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  Belfast
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Northern Ireland
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Flash Morgan Webster
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[Wales]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Brynmawr
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Wales
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Kenny Williams
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
[Scotland]  <Link to Wikipedia article>  Glasgow
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Scotland
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]

First round
_NXT  <Link to Wikipedia article> _ tapings (10 May)[39]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Download Festival
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  (8–9
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
United Kingdom Championship Tournament
(18 June)[41]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
United Kingdom Championship Tournament
(18 June)[41]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
United Kingdom Championship Tournament
(18 June)[41]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


ZACK GIBSON  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Amir Jordan

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Gentleman Jack Gallagher

Drew Gulak  <Link to Wikipedia article> 


 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Flash Morgan Webster

FLASH MORGAN WEBSTER  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


James Drake  <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Jordan Devlin

Tyson T-Bone


JORDAN DEVLIN  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Travis Banks

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


JOE COFFEY  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Dave Mastiff

DAVE MASTIFF  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Kenny Williams
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Joe Coffey


 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Ligero  <Link to Wikipedia article> 


TRAVIS BANKS  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Ashton Smith

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 


Joseph Conners  <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]


Amir Jordan defeated Joseph Conners
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Singles match
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [42]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Zack Gibson
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated Gentleman Jack
Gallagher  <Link to Wikipedia article>  by
WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament quarterfinal match
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [43]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Joe Coffey
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated Dave
Mastiff  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament quarterfinal match[44]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Flash Morgan Webster
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated Jordan
Devlin  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament quarterfinal match[45]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Travis Banks  <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated
Ashton Smith
WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament quarterfinal match[46]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Toni Storm
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated Killer Kelly
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Isla Dawn
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [note 1]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Triple threat match
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  to
determine the #1 contender for the NXT Women’s Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [47]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Zack Gibson defeated Flash Morgan Webster by submission
WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament semifinal match[48]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Travis Banks defeated Joe Coffey
WWE United Kingdom Championship tournament semifinal match[49]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

British Strong Style
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  (Pete Dunne
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Trent Seven
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Tyler Bate
 <Link to Wikipedia article> ) defeated The Undisputed
Era  <Link to Wikipedia article>  (Adam Cole
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , Kyle O’Reilly
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Roderick Strong
 <Link to Wikipedia article> )
Six-man tag team match
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [50]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Zack Gibson defeated Travis Banks by submission
Tournament final to determine the #1 contender to the WWE United
Kingdom Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [51]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* (c) – refers to the champion(s) heading into the match
* D – indicates the match was a dark match
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* ^
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  This
match was originally a fatal four-way match
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  also
involving Jinny  <Link to Wikipedia article> , but
she was injured in the match and subsequently the match was made into
a triple threat match.

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]

 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 Logo of the NXT U.K. Championship event.


Ligero  <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated Mike
Singles match
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [52]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Moustache Mountain
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  (Trent Seven
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Tyler Bate
 <Link to Wikipedia article> ) defeated The Undisputed
Era  <Link to Wikipedia article>  (Kyle O’Reilly
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Roderick Strong
 <Link to Wikipedia article> ) (c)
Tag team match
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  for
the NXT Tag Team Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [53]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Charlie Morgan
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated Killer
Kelly  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Singles match[53]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Noam Dar  <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated Flash
Morgan Webster  <Link to Wikipedia article> , Mark
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Travis
Banks  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Fatal four-way match
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  to
determine the #1 contender for the WWE United Kingdom Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [53]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Adam Cole  <Link to Wikipedia article>  (c)
defeated Wolfgang  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Singles match for the NXT North American Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [53]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Aleister Black
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Ricochet
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  defeated EC3
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  and Velveteen Dream
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Tag team match[53]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Shayna Baszler  <Link to Wikipedia article>  (c)
defeated Toni Storm  <Link to Wikipedia article>  by
Singles match for the NXT Women’s Championship
 <Link to Wikipedia article> [53]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Pete Dunne
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  (c)
defeated Zack Gibson  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Singles match for the WWE United Kingdom Championship[53]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

* (c) – refers to the champion(s) heading into the match
* D – indicates the match was a dark match
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]


Andy Shepherd  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Andrew Shepherd
Ring announcer  <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Cathy Kelley  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Catherine Kelley
Backstage interviewer

Mauro Ranallo  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Mauro Ranallo
Lead commentator

Nigel McGuinness  <Link to Wikipedia article> 
Steven Haworth
Color commentator  <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]

On 18 June at day one of the event, it was revealed that WWE’s United
Kingdom brand would be debuting its first television programme
 <Link to Wikipedia article> , called _NXT UK
 <Link to Wikipedia article> _.[54]
 <Link to Wikipedia article>  The
inaugural tapings of _NXT UK_ occurred on 28 and 29 July at
the Cambridge Corn Exchange
 <Link to Wikipedia article> .[54]
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

 <Link to Wikipedia article> ]


Dr. Grey Watson I have all the necessary legal documents.

From: "Dr. Grey Watson"<drgrey10923@netvigator.com>
Reply: <drgreywatson@indamail.hu>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2022 05:17:34 -0700
Subject: I have all the necessary legal documents.

From: Dr. Grey Watson (ESQ)
Attention: Beneficiary,
I am Dr. Grey Watson (Esq). I had a client who shared the same
surname with you.He was a Citizen of your country and worked with
On the 2nd of August 2016, my client, his wife and their three
children were involved in a car accident along Manchester Express
Road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives.
Since then, I have made several frantic enquiries at your Embassy
here in London, to locate any of my client’s extended relatives, this
has also proved no success.After these series of unsuccessful
attempts, I decided to trace his relatives over the internet, to
locate any member of his family ,but to no avail, hence I contacted
I have contacted you to assist me in repatriating the money left
behind by my client before they got it confiscated or declared it
unserviceable by the Finance House where this money was deposited.
Particularly and more seriously, the Finance House where the deceased
made a deposit valued at US$20M. They gave me an ultimatum to provide
the next-of-kin within the shortest possible time or have the funds
indefinitely confiscated within the next ten official working days.
Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over
nine (9) months now, I therefore seek your consent as a last resort to
present you as the next of kin to the deceased (My Late Client) so
that the proceeds of this deposit valued at US$20M can be paid to you
and then you and I can share the money among ourselves in the
following ratio: 50%/50% to me,  to you and the last  should be for
expenses or tax as your government may required.
I have all the necessary legal documents that can be used to back up
any claim we may make, all I require is your honest co-operation and
sincerity to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that
this will be executed under a very legitimate arrangement that will
protect both of us from any breach of the law, and my profession as a
lawyer guarantees that.
I shall highlight the necessary steps to take soon as I acknowledge
your anticipated affirmative reply.
1) Your full name.
2) Phone, fax and mobile #.
3) Company name, position and address.
4) Profession, age and marital status.
5) Working I’d/Int’l passport.
Anticipating your prompt response with the above requested
information to my private/confirmation email address
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Grey Watson ESQ
Email: drgreywatson@indamail.hu


From: "MEGA MILLION"<testuser01@nihonsystemseigyo.co.jp>
Reply: <infoconsultant1@webmail.co.za>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 23:36:07 +0100

The National Lottery
P.O.Box 1010
Liverpool L70 1NL. United Kingdom
(Customer service) NOTIFICATION DESK
Attention: Email Account Holder,
Congratulations, congratulations!!, We happily announce to you the
2021 draw (#1453) of the MEGA MILLION , online Sweepstakes promotion
drawn in London on Friday 17th /12/ 2021.
Your active e-mail address attached to the World Wide Web computer
generated online ticket number: JUCRTYRWQ with reference number
MEJ56D45KF and Serial number XPHRA456 ,Batch number CRTYUDW-DR ,drew
the lucky numbers: 12 16 15 11 23 40 Bonus 32
This subsequently won you the lottery in the 1st category i.e. matches
6 lucky numbers as jackpot prize.
You have therefore been allocated to claim a total sum of
£1,850,513.00 (One Million Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Five
Hundred and Thirteen British Pounds) in cash is credited to file
CPKU/8975432876/21. This is from a total cash prize of £14,210,702.00
Shared amongst the 315,337 with (3) lucky winners in “1st” category.
Draw 1453 Friday 17th   December  2021, 12 16 15 11 23 40 Bonus 32
Lotto -Jackpot for this draw £6,804,104
No. of matches No. of winners £s per winner £s Prize fund
Match 6 8 £850,513 £6,804,104
Match 5 plus Bonus 26 £22,726 £590,876
Match 5 1,172 £315 £369,180
Match 4 41,092 £19 £780,748
Match 3 549,274 £10 £5,492,740
Totals 591,572 £14,037,648
Additional information Jackpot winner(s) Lucky Dip winners Machine
used for draw Ball set used
This promotion was drawn based on email address as the key
identification for setting up online accounts. All valid email
addresses in the World Wide Web Draw used/participants for the online
email promotion version were selected randomly via computer balloting
from a global website collaboration with internet companies like eBay,
pay pal, liberty reserve, and Google whom also built their systems and
based their membership registration identity on email addresses
supporting this computer draw system done by extracted email addresses
from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies and
affiliated members to the National Lottery website and their
advertisers listed online.
This Online promotion takes place via virtual ticket balloting and it
is done Bi-annually.
Please note that your lucky winning ticket file and number falls
within our European booklet representative office in Watford (UK) as
indicated in your ballot played coupon. In view of this, your
£1,850,513.00 would be released to you by our payment department.
Contact our Africa Asia Fiduciary agents immediately to commence
release of your lottery prize by providing details below.
1. Full Name:
2. Reference Number/
3. Age/Occupation:
4. Winning email Address:
5. Phone Number:
6. Country:
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information
confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to
you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize. Precautionary
measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program
are in place. Please be warned!!! To file for your claim, please
contact our fiduciary agent and provide them with your winning ticket
and details.
Fiduciary Agents:
Mrs. Selby Dolezal
Foreign Service Manager
Africa/Asia Regional Centre
E-mail: infocash4u@webmail.co.za
“Please do not reply back to the senders address or the source email
address, this notification is sent automatically via computer virtual
notification to winning email addresses and a response will not be
attended by human but computer” contact the fiduciary agents above “
Yours faithfully,
Selby Duffield
Online Coordinator. National Lottery Customer Care Team
UK LOTTERY. Copyright (c) 1994-2021 The UK Lottery International
Promotion Inc.
All rights reserved. Terms of Service -Guideline. 77635 476378


From: "Mega Million"<ccfc@cmu.ac.kr>
Reply: <infoconsultant1@webmail.co.za>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 12:50:42 -0800

The National Lottery
P.O.Box 1010
Liverpool L70 1NL. United Kingdom   
(Customer service) NOTIFICATION DESK
Attention: Email Account Holder,
Congratulations, congratulations!!, We happily announce to you the
2021  draw (#1453) of the MEGA MILLION , online Sweepstakes promotion
drawn in London on  Friday   5/11/ 2021.

Your active e-mail address attached to the World Wide Web computer
generated online ticket number: JUCRTYRWQ  with reference number
MEJ56D45KF and Serial number XPHRA456  ,Batch number CRTYUDW-DR ,drew
the lucky numbers: 12 16 15 11 23 40  Bonus 32
This subsequently won you the lottery in the 1st category i.e.
matches 6 lucky numbers as jackpot prize.

You have therefore been allocated to claim a total sum of
£1,850,513.00 (One  Million Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Five
Hundred and Thirteen British Pounds) in cash is credited to file
CPKU/8975432876/21. This is from a total cash prize of £14,210,702.00
Shared amongst the 315,337 with (3) lucky winners in “1st” category.
Draw 1453 Friday 5th    November  2021,  12 16 15 11 23 40 
Bonus 32   Lotto -Jackpot for this draw     £6,804,104
No. of matches   No. of winners        £s per
winner      £s Prize fund
Match  6                    
£850,513             £6,804,104
Match 5 plus Bonus   26                   
£22,726               £590,876
Match 5                  
£315                    £369,180
Match 4                  
£19                      £780,748
Match 3                 
£10                      £5,492,740

Additional information Jackpot winner(s) Lucky Dip winners Machine
used for draw Ball set used
This promotion was drawn based on email address as the key
identification for setting up online accounts. All valid email
addresses in the World Wide Web Draw used/participants for the online
email promotion version were selected randomly via computer balloting
from a global website collaboration with internet companies like eBay,
pay pal, liberty reserve, and Google whom also built their systems and
based their membership registration identity on email addresses
supporting this computer draw system done by extracted email addresses
from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies  and 
affiliated members to the National Lottery website and their
advertisers listed online.
This Online promotion takes place via virtual ticket balloting and it
is done Bi-annually.

Please note that your lucky winning ticket file and number falls
within our European booklet representative office in Watford (UK) as
indicated in your ballot played coupon. In view of this, your
£1,850,513.00 would be released to you by our payment department.

Contact our Africa Asia Fiduciary agents immediately to commence
release of your lottery prize by providing details below.
1. Full Name:
2. Reference Number/
3. Age/Occupation:
4. Winning email Address:
5. Phone Number:
6. Country:
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning
information confidential till your claim is processed and your money
remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize.
Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse
of this program are in place. Please be warned!!! To file for your
claim, please contact our fiduciary agent and provide them with your
winning ticket and details.
Fiduciary Agents:
Mrs. Selby Dolezal
Foreign Service Manager
Africa/Asia Regional Centre
The Isle of Houghton Old Trafford 3 Houghton JHB South Africa
E-mail:   infocash4u@webmail.co.za
“Please do not reply back to the senders address or the source email
address, this notification is sent automatically via computer virtual
notification to winning email addresses and a response will not be
attended by human but computer” contact the fiduciary agents above ”

Yours faithfully,
Selby Duffield
Online Coordinator. National Lottery Customer Care Team
UK LOTTERY. Copyright (c) 1994-2021 The UK Lottery International
Promotion Inc.
All rights reserved. Terms of Service -Guideline. 77635
476378     255667460.

RW Invest Luxury Liverpool Waterfront Apartments from 139 950

From: RW Invest <from@palise25.fr>
Reply: reply@palise25.fr
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 13:49:04 +0200
Subject: Luxury Liverpool Waterfront Apartments from 139,950


 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


click here
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
to remove yourself from our emails list

Dr. Grey Watson ESQ I shall highlight the necessary steps to take soon as I…

From: "Dr. Grey Watson ESQ" <danileywood@gmail.com>
Reply: drgreywatson@indamail.hu
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2021 19:38:00 +0100
Subject: I shall highlight the necessary steps to take soon as I...

From: Dr. Grey Watson (ESQ)

Attention: Beneficiary,

I am Dr. Grey Watson (Esq). I had a client who shared the same surname
with you.He was a Citizen of your country and worked with MULTI-MEDIA

On the 2nd of August 2016, my client, his wife and their three
children were involved in a car accident along Manchester Express
Road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives.

Since then, I have made several frantic enquiries at your Embassy here
in London, to locate any of my client’s extended relatives, this has
also proved no success.After these series of unsuccessful attempts, I
decided to trace his relatives over the internet, to locate any member
of his family ,but to no avail, hence I contacted you.

I have contacted you to assist me in repatriating the money left
behind by my client before they got it confiscated or declared it
unserviceable by the Finance House where this money was deposited.
Particularly and more seriously, the Finance House where the deceased
made a deposit valued at US$20M. They gave me an ultimatum to provide
the next-of-kin within the shortest possible time or have the funds
indefinitely confiscated within the next ten official working days.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over nine
(9) months now, I therefore seek your consent as a last resort to
present you as the next of kin to the deceased (My Late Client) so
that the proceeds of this deposit valued at US$20M can be paid to you
and then you and I can share the money among ourselves in the
following ratio: 50%/50% to me, to you and the last should be for
expenses or tax as your government may required.

I have all the necessary legal documents that can be used to back up
any claim we may make, all I require is your honest co-operation and
sincerity to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that
this will be executed under a very legitimate arrangement that will
protect both of us from any breach of the law, and my profession as a
lawyer guarantees that.

I shall highlight the necessary steps to take soon as I acknowledge
your anticipated affirmative reply.

1) Your full name.
2) Phone, fax and mobile #.
3) Company name, position and address.
4) Profession, age and marital status.
5) Working I’d/Int’l passport.

Anticipating your prompt response with the above requested information
to my private/confirmation email address (drgreywatson@indamail.hu).

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Grey Watson ESQ
Email: drgreywatson@indamail.hu

The Email contained an excessively large subject. For aesthethic reasons we have truncated the message in the title and reproduce the full subject below.

I shall highlight the necessary steps to take soon as I acknowledge your anticipated affirmative reply.

Natwest Bank Plc Project Funding Loan BG SBLC POF LC MT103

From: Natwest Bank Plc <info@natwestbanking.co.uk>
Reply: "Natwest Bank Plc" <letdemsay@krystalkeystechnical.com>
Date: 27 Jul 2021 09:56:35 -0700
Subject: Project Funding/Loan, BG, SBLC, POF, LC, MT103


  • Payment advice.doc    POTENTIAL VIRUS 


We wish to bring to your notice that NATWEST BANK PLC is currently

providing Loan, BG, SBLC, POF, LC, MT103 Cash Transfer, SKR

Discounting, Project Funding/Loans, Letter of credit, and lots more

for client all over the world.

Equally, we are ready to work with Brokers and financial

consultants/consulting firms in their respective countries. Meanwhile,

we will pay commission to those Brokers and financial

consultants/consulting firms.

The above mentioned bank services are offered without upfront fees

For more details,kindly contact us.


Mr. Shahid Hussain: E-mail: loan.dept@natwest-bk.com

Advert Department.


Natwest Head Office
135 Bishopsgate
EC2M 3UR Call: (+44 170 237 8290 [tel:0044%20170%20227%208270] from
outside the UK).


The Natwest Head Office is located within the City of London so there
are plenty of public transport options available to you if you wish to
travel this way. The head office is located extremely close to the
Liverpool Street Station, with both Overground and Underground

We may monitor or record telephone calls to check out your
instructions correctly and to help us improve the quality of our
service. Calls from abroad are charged according to the telephone
service provider’s published tariff. Not all Telephone Banking
services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please speak to
an adviser for more information.


From: "LUCKY SURF LUCKY PROMOTION" <info@punkspeed.com>
Reply: <barr.diop@citromail.hu>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2021 11:52:18 -0700

London.SE28 8LR.
P.O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM.

TICKET NO: NHF754/20/33

Congratulations……..Lucky Surf Winner 2021,

The New Hope International is an organization established by
different philanthropic association in United
Kingdom which serves to promote Sports, Music, Theater, Art, and
Literature, projects in the social and political
arena with a focus on health, as well as science, research, and
higher education.

Most recently the organization set up the NEW HOPE LUCKY SURF LOTTERY
PROMOTIONS to give out prizes based on the
computer ballot system. By doing this the organization seek to
encourage the use of Internet for academic and
business pursuits.

This is in conjunction with the British £1.5bn Olympic lottery puzzle
 <Link to BBC> 
The Lottery must raise £1.5bn over the next seven years to pay its
share of the public money going into the

We are please to inform you of the announcement today as one of the
(10) lucky winners in the HOPE LUCKY SURF
LOTTO draw held on 24th-3-2021.All winners from the lottery
promotional program where randomly selected from a
batch of 50,000,000 individual and company emails. Your email address
emerged alongside (9) others as a category
‘A’ winner in this year’s Annual Hope Surf Online Draw.

Consequently, after the computer ballot draws, you have therefore
been approved for a lump sum pay of
£1,500.000.00 only (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Great British
Pounds only) in cash.

The following particulars are attached to your lotto payment order:
(i) Winning numbers: 23-32-87-99-26-10
(ii) Email ticket number: NHF754/20/33
(iii) Lotto code number: NHFTI09622SP
(iv) The file Ref number: HFTI/941JUD/06

You are advice to contact provide the following details for claim.
FULL Name:
Complete Address:

Your fund is now deposited and insured in your name with our
accredited authorized Finance House. Due to the mix
up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award
strictly from public notice until your claim has
been processed and your cash prize release to you.

This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or
unscrupulous acts by other participants of this

NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please
remember to attach your reference, ticket
number and Lotto Code number as quoted above in every one of your
correspondence with your authorized Claims

Furthermore, should there be any change of your address, do inform
your claims agent as soon as possible.
Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part
of our Lottery Promotion program.

Once again on behalf of all our staff, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Best Regards,
Mr. Paul Adams.
The New Hope International Lucky Surf Promotions.

1. All claims are nullified after 20 working days from today.
2. Your Ref number must be in all your mails with the claims officer.

3. Do inform the claims officer of any change of names or addresses.
4. All winners under the age of 18 are automatically dis-qualified
Open 7 days 8am-8pm.



From: "DR JOSEPH PETRE."<enquiries@bec.co.bw>
Reply: <raguilera@inorbit.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 07:58:26 -0700

Good Day Beneficiary.

Top of the day to you and your humble family, I am Mr Joseph Petre the Head of Foreigh remittance from the Starlight Bank United Kingdom, I have been trying to get hold of you for quit some time now, the reason why i am contacting you for the third time is that My Bank has finally received a list for 20 Unpaid Beneficiary who have been approved to receive 500,000.00 GBP each and your file happens to be among the 20 lucky beneficiary selected to be paid this week, your file was handed over to me for immediate remittance but because the Funds is being Transferred to a foreigh Country an Immediate currency exchange has been made which sumed up to a total amount of $1,350.650.00 USD , i have been trying to reach you for over a week now and my bank wants to confiscate the Money and place it as an abandon property on the Bank report record but because i strongly believe that there must a reason why you are not replying my emails and messages, well since i have not gotten any
from you for over two week

A change of ownership Certificate has been arranged with other paperwork backing up the Fund and it origin of legitimacy, regarding the name you would like me to use in opening your emergency Fund release account BUT I GOT NO RESPONSE FROM YOU.

Unfortunately i should have dropped your file long time ago but i just wanted to contact you this last time and if i do not get or hear any response from you then i would drop your Fund release file, but if you are lucky to read this email then i would say Congratulation because i was able to deposit your Funds in a secret account in my name until i get a response from you.

If you are getting my emails and refusing to reply then i am sorry to say that you are absolutely making a huge mistake that would have changed your life for better, maybe by releasing the Online Login information to your money too you maybe then you can understand that this is not a joke.

I am a God fearing man with 3 kids and a wife, we live in Liverpool, United Kingdom.

But Firstly i would like you to verify the information below for my acknowledgement and reference.

Please For more information and directives on how to start making use your Funds, i advice you reply to my email or contact me privately on my personal email address raguilera@inorbit.com

Regards From
Dr Joseph Petre.
Head of Foereigh Operations.

This e-mail and attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If this transmission is received in error please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from your e-mail system. All electronic transmissions to and from Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) are recorded and may be monitored. Whilst reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this e-mail, files or its attachments are clear of any known viruses, intended recipients are advised to sweep or clear the files for viruses prior to use. BEC accepts no liability for any damage caused by any current or future viruses transmitted by this e-mail.

james whall Nippon Oil Exploration UK Ltd

From: james whall <jamewhallagency@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2020 07:20:36 +0100
Subject: Nippon Oil Exploration UK Ltd

_Nippon Oil Exploration UK Ltd_
_New Liverpool House_
_2nd Floor,15 Eldon Street_
_EC2M 7LD_
_United Kingdom_
_Dear Sir/Madam,_
_NOEL 2019-2021. Let me crave your indulgence to introduce myself to
you, I am Dr. Rockey Moyub President of Nippon Oil Exploration UK
Ltd.we deal on crude oil and raw material and export into the various
continents. I will want to solicit for your assistance to help collect
a check that is due for payment to me for services and supplies I
rendered to customers in America,Canada and Europe. Please if you are
willing to assist, I will want you to furnish me with your
particulars, so as to enable me give you further details. Please, you
have to be an honest and trusted person, as more payments will be made
through you in the course of this transaction. And more so you will be
entitled to 10% of every payment that you are able to receive for us
from our customers. Please contact us for more information via email
with the below in formations filled out._
_TEL NUMBER (Personal):_
_COMPANY NAME (If any):_
_We look forward in working with you._
_Dr. Rockey Moyub_
_N: B_
_we are very much aware of scams going on all over the Internet and as
such we are assuring you that at no time will you be required to make
any upfront payments of your personal funds to us for whatever
reasons, we are legitimate entrepreneur seeking for a trustworthy
foreign partners/relationship on a long term bases.we do not wish to
disturb your private life so if you feel you received this email
erroneously please delete and do note reply._

Mr Amidu Director Debts Management We look forward to working with you.

From: Mr Amidu Director Debts Management <ddmcontroler01@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2020 06:04:26 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: We look forward to working with you.

Nippon Oil Exploration UK Ltd
New Liverpool House
2nd Floor,15 Eldon Street
London EC2M 7LD
United Kingdom

Attention: Sir/Madam,

NOEL 2019-2021. Let me crave your indulgence to introduce myself to
you, I am Mr Amidu Mij  President of Nippon Oil Exploration UK
Ltd.we deal on crude oil and raw material and export into the various
continents. I want to solicit for your assistance to help collect a
check that is due for payment to me for services and supplies I
rendered to customers in America,Canada and Europe. Please if you are
willing to assist, I will want you to furnish me with your
particulars, so as to enable me to give you further details. Please,
you have to be an honest and trusted person, as more payments will be
made through you in the course of this transaction. And more so you
will be entitled to 10% of every payment that you are able to receive
for us from our customers. Please contact us for more information via
email with the below in formations filled out.

TEL NUMBER (Personal):

We look forward to working with you.


Mr Amidu Mij
Debts Management Office
N: B
we are very much aware of scams going on all over the Internet and as
such we are assuring you that at no time will you be required to make
any upfront payments of your personal funds to us for whatever
reasons, we are legitimate entrepreneur seeking for a trustworthy
foreign partners/relationship on a long term bases.we do not wish to
disturb your private life so if you feel you received this email
erroneously please delete and do note reply.

Director Director Claim.

From: Director Director <teresamarierobertsb13@outlook.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 08:37:23 +0000
Subject: Claim.

The National Lottery

P.O.Box 1010

Liverpool L70 1NL.United Kingdom

(Customer service) NOTIFICATION DESK

Attention: Email Account Holder,

MICROSOFT LOTTERY COVID-19 NATIONAL UK COMPASSION FUND Congratulations! Your valid active email address has won you GBP 800, 000, 00 (Eight Hundred Thousand British Pounds) draw, organized and sponsor by the Microsoft conjunction with the Covid-19 the Lottery collects personal information from individuals only as allowed by law and with their explicit consent. The Lottery limits the collection of personal information to what is relevant and necessary to accomplish its lawful purpose, as defined in the World Lottery Association Act. For example, the Lottery may need an individuals Full Name:








Winning Number:

Your winning Number UK COVID1920 You are advice to fill the Claim form and send it by E-MAIL: mmwad@outlook.com to our Representative Trust Claim Agent Mrs. Annelize Melanie Marlene Wepener in South Africa, immediately you read this message for quick and urgent release of your winning fund,

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize. Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program are in place. Please be warned!!!To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent and provide them with your winning email and details.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Angelica Baykal (Sec. Zone Co-coordinator).

Copyright Microsoft compassion Covid-19 UK Lottery Association All Rights.

Director Director Claim.

From: Director Director <teresamarierobertsb14@outlook.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 08:35:29 +0000
Subject: Claim.

The National Lottery

P.O.Box 1010

Liverpool L70 1NL.United Kingdom

(Customer service) NOTIFICATION DESK

Attention: Email Account Holder,

MICROSOFT LOTTERY COVID-19 NATIONAL UK COMPASSION FUND Congratulations! Your valid active email address has won you GBP 800, 000, 00 (Eight Hundred Thousand British Pounds) draw, organized and sponsor by the Microsoft conjunction with the Covid-19 the Lottery collects personal information from individuals only as allowed by law and with their explicit consent. The Lottery limits the collection of personal information to what is relevant and necessary to accomplish its lawful purpose, as defined in the World Lottery Association Act. For example, the Lottery may need an individuals Full Name:








Winning Number:

Your winning Number UK COVID1920 You are advice to fill the Claim form and send it by E-MAIL: mmwad@outlook.com to our Representative Trust Claim Agent Mrs. Annelize Melanie Marlene Wepener in South Africa, immediately you read this message for quick and urgent release of your winning fund,

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize. Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program are in place. Please be warned!!!To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent and provide them with your winning email and details.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Angelica Baykal (Sec. Zone Co-coordinator).

Copyright Microsoft compassion Covid-19 UK Lottery Association All Rights.

Mrs Rita Andrew REPLY

From: Mrs Rita Andrew <smith_adamsz@yahoo.com>
Reply: andrewbailey2425@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 02:45:43 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: REPLY

Dear Friend,

Greetings from L.U.TH. Hospital and God bless I am Mrs Rita Andrew Udala from Liverpool United Kingdom and also a widow to the Late Clark Hank, I am 53 years old, and a new Christian convert, suffering from long time, cancer of the ear. From all indications my condition is really
deteriorating and it's quite obvious that I won't live long according to my doctors. This is because my cancer stage has gotten to a very
bad stage. My late husband was killed during the U.S raid, against terrorism in Afghanistan when he traveled to Afghanistan to monitor a
Hospital/a Humanitarian Found at (HHF) he was setting up for the benefit of the Afghan masses as of then; whose majority and 99 percent
of them were Muslims, Islamic scholars and loyalists. During the period of our marriage we couldnt produce any child.

But my late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his businesses and wealth, and when I noticed that my condition is
not improving rather it gets worsen by the day I decided to divide part of this wealth, to contribute to Charity and the development of
the churches in Africa, and I prayed over it. So I am willing to donate the sum of $5.8 Million to you for charity, Evangelical work
and the less privileged, churches, orphanages and widows, Propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. I
took this decision upon myself because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I
don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers.

Because I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity upon vanity. Please I want you to note that
this fund is deposited with security company For safety purpose. And upon my instruction, I will file in an application for the Change of
Ownership of the fund to your name once I hear from you and you give me assurance of utilizing the fund properly. May the Grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family.

I Await Your Urgent response to this email and with your contact telephone numbers and be informed that any delay in your response will
give me room in sourcing for a church, another person or Christian individual for this same purpose.

Yours in Christ.
Mrs Rita Andrew Udala

National Lottery PLS CHECK YOUR MAIL

From: "National Lottery"<bug@ruking-emerson.com>
Reply: <bayford4real@yahoo.co.jp>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 12:09:05 +0100

The National Lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool L70 1NL


We wish to inform you about the draw number (2503) for Lotto held on 11/12/2019. Your e-mail address attached to your e-ticket number on file drew the lucky numbers:

13 15 36 44 50 56 Bonus 45 which won you the Raffle draw. You have been approved to claim a total sum of GBP2, 000,000.00 credited to file reference number:

KLM91/UK11SA and Batch number: 014/UK12/KLM.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from the World Wide Web through a computer-generated ballot draw system, emails entered were extracted

from over a million unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are affiliated to the gaming control board.

This promotion takes place weekly.

N.B: Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the claimant will result in disqualification. You must contact your agent not later than 48 hours upon receipt of

this information to file your claims; this way your certificate and all other relevant documents/paperwork can be prepared for payout to you.

Call +44 741 834 8785 now.

Due to the scam on the air, you must provide the information below:
Winning e-mail address:
Reference number:

It is for us to be sure you are the right winner, view our website for live testimonies and to know more about us.

You can also visit us in person for the claim.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Chen T. Butler
Online Coordinator

Registration details Camelot Group plc Registered office: Tolpits Lane, Watford, Herts WD18 9RN Registered in England and Wales No. 2822203


Madam Ann Dear Peter McDoodle

From: Madam Ann <annmadam280@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 08:12:13 +0100
Subject: Dear Peter McDoodle

Dear Peter McDoodle,

May the peace of the Lord be with you and your Family. My Name is Madam,
Ann Roger (KSC)Am from liverpool, where are you from if you don't mind? Are
you a dedicated Christian or a Muslim?? because i have something very
important to tell you.

My Regards. (KSc)


From: LOTTERY <wutarbo@yahoo.pt>
Reply: bayford4real@yahoo.co.jp
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 07:40:34 +0000 (UTC)

The National Lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool L70 1NL


We wish to inform you about the draw number (2503) for Lotto held on 11/12/2019. Your e-mail address attached to your e-ticket number on file drew the lucky numbers:

13 15 36 44 50 56 Bonus 45 which won you the Raffle draw. You have been approved to claim a total sum of GBP2, 000,000.00 credited to file reference number:

KLM91/UK11SA and Batch number: 014/UK12/KLM.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from the World Wide Web through a computer-generated ballot draw system, emails entered were extracted

from over a million unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are affiliated to the gaming control board.

This promotion takes place weekly.

N.B: Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the claimant will result in disqualification. You must contact your agent not later than 48 hours upon receipt of

this information to file your claims; this way your certificate and all other relevant documents/paperwork can be prepared for payout to you.

Call +44 741 834 8785 now.

Due to the scam on the air, you must provide the information below:
Winning e-mail address:
Reference number:

It is for us to be sure you are the right winner, view our website for live testimonies and to know more about us.

You can also visit us in person for the claim.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Chen T. Butler
Online Coordinator

Registration details Camelot Group plc Registered office: Tolpits Lane, Watford, Herts WD18 9RN Registered in England and Wales No. 2822203



From: LOTTERY <wutarbo@yahoo.pt>
Reply: winnin2009@yahoo.co.jp
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 16:39:41 +0000 (UTC)

The National Lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool L70 1NL


We wish to inform you about the draw number (2503) for Lotto held on 11/12/2019. Your e-mail address attached to your e-ticket number on file drew the lucky numbers:

13 15 36 44 50 56 Bonus 45 which won you the Raffle draw. You have been approved to claim a total sum of GBP2, 000,000.00 credited to file reference number:

KLM91/UK11SA and Batch number: 014/UK12/KLM.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from the World Wide Web through a computer-generated ballot draw system, emails entered were extracted

from over a million unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are affiliated to the gaming control board.

This promotion takes place weekly.

N.B: Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the claimant will result in disqualification. You must contact your agent not later than 48 hours upon receipt of

this information to file your claims; this way your certificate and all other relevant documents/paperwork can be prepared for payout to you.

Call +44 741 834 8785 now.

Due to the scam on the air, you must provide the information below:
Winning e-mail address:
Reference number:

It is for us to be sure you are the right winner, view our website for live testimonies and to know more about us.

You can also visit us in person for the claim.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Chen T. Butler
Online Coordinator

Registration details Camelot Group plc Registered office: Tolpits Lane, Watford, Herts WD18 9RN Registered in England and Wales No. 2822203


Mrs Rita Andrew Udala REPLY

From: Mrs Rita Andrew Udala <smith_adamsz@yahoo.com>
Reply: andrewbailey2425@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2019 11:40:53 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: REPLY

Dear Friend,

Greetings from L.U.TH. Hospital and God bless I am Mrs Rita Andrew Udala from Liverpool United Kingdom and also a widow to the Late Clark Hank, I am 53 years old, and a new Christian convert, suffering from long time, cancer of the ear. From all indications my condition is really
deteriorating and it's quite obvious that I won't live long according to my doctors. This is because my cancer stage has gotten to a very
bad stage. My late husband was killed during the U.S raid, against terrorism in Afghanistan when he traveled to Afghanistan to monitor a
Hospital/a Humanitarian Found at (HHF) he was setting up for the benefit of the Afghan masses as of then; whose majority and 99 percent
of them were Muslims, Islamic scholars and loyalists. During the period of our marriage we couldnt produce any child.

But my late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his businesses and wealth, and when I noticed that my condition is
not improving rather it gets worsen by the day I decided to divide part of this wealth, to contribute to Charity and the development of
the churches in Africa, and I prayed over it. So I am willing to donate the sum of $5.8 Million to you for charity, Evangelical work
and the less privileged, churches, orphanages and widows, Propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. I
took this decision upon myself because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I
don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers.

Because I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity upon vanity. Please I want you to note that
this fund is deposited with security company For safety purpose. And upon my instruction, I will file in an application for the Change of
Ownership of the fund to your name once I hear from you and you give me assurance of utilizing the fund properly. May the Grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family.

I Await Your Urgent response to this email and with your contact telephone numbers and be informed that any delay in your response will
give me room in sourcing for a church, another person or Christian individual for this same purpose.

Yours in Christ.
Mrs Rita Andrew Udala

British Samsung Company BHC

From: British Samsung Company <info@divinetym.com>
Reply: <samsunge_lectronic@outlook.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2019 01:58:52 -0600
Subject: BHC

These are your identification numbers:
Ticket Number: 011425896/2019
Serial Number: 3872/506
Lucky Numbers: 7/4/88/28/01/40.
Dear: Lucky Winner:

This is to inform you that your Email have won (1 Millions Pounds) from the Samsung Company United Kingdom which is organized by Samsung Company in conjunction with Chevron Texaco Oil and Gas Company, Your Email Address" were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from Nine hundred thousand email from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceanic as part of our international program which is conducted annually, 20 people was selected as our winners, Through electronic ballot System without the winner applying.

1. Full Name:
2. Full Address:
3. Occupation:
4. Age:
5. Sex:
6. Mobile Number:
7. State:
8. Country:
9 Winning Email:

EMAIL samsunge_lectronic@outlook.com / samsungwindept@gmail.com

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