lnfo t tgr u :Confirm your primary phone number

From: "lnfo" <mmojnoz@101conseils.fr>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:51:32 +0200
Subject: Ναtաеѕtgrоuр:Confirm your primary phone number!
Dr utmr,

W wll b mltl rbuldng ur tm n
th nt wk. n rdr fr th rv t wrk
rrl, vr utmr nd t vrf thr
rmr hn numbr. Dt l nd dl m
rult frm th. l rgtr n
u r bl.

w n u b ur tht u ntnu ung ur
nln rv rrtl?
1. g t ur mg nd lg n.
2. Fllw th gudln.
3. nfrm th ur f ur nfrmtn.

LG LN  <Suspicious hyperlink> 

W wll hv t trmnt thr unt f th
dn’t lg n b th ddln. f u dd t
rtvt ur unt ftr th. h wll
hv t r fr t.
W r vr td t u!

Wrm rgrd.
Νtwtgru tm.


L’ASSOCIAZIONE SPORTIVA ROMA, littéralement _Association sportive
Rome_, abrégée en AS ROMA, couramment appelée ROMA en italien
et AS ROME en français ; est un club de football
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  italien
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  fondé en 1927 et situé
à Rome  <Suspicious hyperlink> . Le club possède
également une section féminine
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  évoluant
en Serie A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Les couleurs du club, le jaune et le rouge, plus spécifiquement le
pourpre et l’or, sont celles de la ville de Rome. Le symbole de la
Roma est la Louve capitoline
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , associée à la
légende de la fondation
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  de la Ville
éternelle  <Suspicious hyperlink> , le 21 avril
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  753 av. J.-C
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Trois titres de champion d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
neuf Coupes d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
une Coupe des villes de foire
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (ancienne coupe
de l’UEFA  <Suspicious hyperlink> ), une Ligue
Europa Conférence
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
deux Supercoupes d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  composent le
palmarès d’un des clubs les plus titrés et un des plus populaires du
football italien.

La Roma est le club supporté en large majorité dans la Ville
éternelle  <Suspicious hyperlink> , et le 5ème club plus
supporté d’Italie avec près de 2 millions de _tifosi_3
 <Suspicious hyperlink> dans
la Botte. La rivalité
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  avec l’autre club
professionnel de la capitale, la Lazio
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , est l’une
des plus fortes au monde4
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,5
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
La Roma fut le premier club du Centre-Sud italien à remporter le
championnat national, en 1942
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
et constitue depuis sa fondation l’opposition la plus sérieuse à
l’emprise habituellement exercée sur la Serie A
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  par
les trois clubs de la Triade lombardo-piémontaise (l’Inter
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , le Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
la Juventus  <Suspicious hyperlink> ).

Il est l’un des rares clubs à avoir disputé une finale de Ligue des
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  à
domicile, le 30 mai 1984 face à Liverpool
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , match perdu
tragiquement après la séance des tirs au but6
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
La date du 30 mai est à marquer d’une pierre noire pour le club. Dix
ans jour pour jour après cette finale, le 30 mai 1994, l’ancien
capitaine et idole des _tifosi romanisti_, Agostino Di Bartolomei
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , mettra fin à
ses jours7
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

La Roma joue ses matchs à domicile au Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  de Rome, dans
le centre sportif du Foro Italico
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , au Nord de la ville. En
opposition aux tifosi de la Lazio, les romanisti occupent le virage
Sud du stade : la _Curva Sud_.

À l’international, le club est mondialement connu pour la fidélité
qui lui est portée par certains de ses meilleurs joueurs. Francesco
Totti  <Suspicious hyperlink>  et Daniele De
Rossi  <Suspicious hyperlink> , anciens
capitaines du club, romains de naissance et champions du monde en
2006, ont endossé le maillot _giallorosso_ durant toute leur
carrière malgré les offres reçues des meilleures équipes d’Europe8
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Forte de cette image, la Roma est le 15ème club le plus supporté au
Monde, avec un bassin de près de 22 millions de supporters9
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Attilio Ferraris IV
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Fulvio Bernardini
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Guido Masetti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Amedeo Amadei
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Giacomo Losi
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Agostino di Bartolomei
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Bruno Conti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Roberto Pruzzo
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Giuseppe Giannini
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Francesco Totti
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et Daniele De Rossi
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  sont les légendes
le plus fréquemment associées à la riche histoire de la _Magica_.
En près de 90 années d’existence, les supporters _giallorossi_ ont
également eu le privilège de voir évoluer sous leurs couleurs
d’autres joueurs de grande renommée, tels qu’Alcides Ghiggia
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Fabio Capello
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Falcão
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Carlo
Ancelotti  <Suspicious hyperlink> , Rudi
Völler  <Suspicious hyperlink> , Aldair
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Cafu
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Gabriel Batistuta
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ou Edin Deko
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La plupart de ces
joueurs figurent dans la Hall of Fame de l’AS Roma, créée en 201210
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Le président actuel du club est l’américain Dan Friedkin
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La cellule sportive est
organisée autour des portugais Tiago Pinto, directeur sportif, et le
célèbre _manager_ José Mourinho
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , entraîneur de
l’équipe depuis le 4 mai 2021.

Au 17 mars 2023, à la suite de sa qualification pour les quarts de
finale d’Europa League  <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
la Roma est classée 10ème au classement UEFA des clubs11
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
basé sur les résultats obtenus dans les compétitions européennes
lors des 5 dernières années.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
Arbre généalogique de l’AS Rome.
L’Associazione Sportiva Roma est fondée le 22 juillet
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  1927
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Durant cette
époque, la ville de Rome
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  possède déjà cinq clubs dans
le championnat italien que sont l’Alba Audace, Fortitudo, Pro Roma,
Roman F.C. et la Lazio  <Suspicious hyperlink> .
L’équipe dirigeante de la Lazio refuse toute discussion et finalement
c’est la fusion des quatre autres clubs qui donne naissance à l’AS
Rome. Le club évolue au départ dans le _Motovelodromo Appio
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _, puis dans
le _Campo Testaccio_ et le _Stadio Flaminio
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _ (auparavant _Stadio
Nazionale_ et _Stadio Torino_, depuis la tragédie de Superga
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ou
l’équipe du Torino
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  périt dans la
chute de son avion en 1949), pour finalement s’installer dans
le _Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _ construit en 1952
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

Les _Giallorossi_ pour la 1re fois champion d’Italie en 1942.
L’AS Rome prend part à son premier championnat de Série A en 1929
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Vice-champion en
1931 et en 1936, le club remporte son premier _Scudetto
 <Suspicious hyperlink> _ en 1942
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (il faudra
attendre 1983  <Suspicious hyperlink>  pour
le second et 2001
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  pour le troisième).
Le club est relégué en Série B à l’issue de la saison 1951
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  mais remonte
directement en Série A la saison suivante.

 <Suspicious hyperlink>  | MODIFIER
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

L’arrivée de joueurs talentueux coïncide avec le retour au premier
plan du club. En effet, Bruno Conti
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (champion du monde
en 1982  <Suspicious hyperlink>  avec
l’Italie), Agostino Di Bartolomei, Roberto Pruzzo et le Brésilien
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  Falcão
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , permettent
au club d’atteindre les meilleurs classements de son histoire. Le club
romain est ainsi récompensé par le _Scudetto_ en 1983
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (devant la Juventus
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  où évolue
alors Michel Platini  <Suspicious hyperlink> )
et par une finale de Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1984
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (perdue face
au Liverpool FC
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  aux tirs au
but 2-4). Le club est également vice-champion d’Italie en 1984
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et 1986
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et troisième
en 1988  <Suspicious hyperlink> , avant que
le grand Milan AC  <Suspicious hyperlink>  de Marco
van Basten  <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
le SSC Naples  <Suspicious hyperlink>  de Diego
Maradona  <Suspicious hyperlink>  ne prennent
les commandes de la Série A. S’ajoutent aussi les victoires en Coupe
d’Italie de football
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1980,
1981, 1984 et 1986.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

Les années 1990 sont marquées par une absence de placements de
relief en série A malgré la présence de joueurs champions du monde
comme Rudi Völler
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Thomas Hässler
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Thomas Berthold
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Vincent Candela
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Aldair
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ou Cafú
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

L’unique victoire intervient en Coupe d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1991
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre la Sampdoria
de Gênes  <Suspicious hyperlink>  plus une
finale perdue face au Torino FC
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 1993
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . En 1991, la Roma
joue sa troisième finale européenne en Coupe UEFA
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , un match perdu contre
l’Inter Milan  <Suspicious hyperlink>  0-2 et 1-0.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

Le 17 juin 2001 – Roma-Parma 3–1: Les fans célèbrent
le 3e titre.
L’année 2001
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  marque le troisième
et pour le moment dernier titre de championnat glané par l’AS Rome,
grâce à un cocktail explosif en attaque composé de Gabriel
Batistuta  <Suspicious hyperlink> , Vincenzo
Montella  <Suspicious hyperlink> , et Marco
Delvecchio  <Suspicious hyperlink>  avec
l’émergence sans doute du meilleur joueur italien des années
2000, Francesco Totti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Cette même année le
club remporte sa première Supercoupe d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre l’ACF
Fiorentina  <Suspicious hyperlink>  (3-0).

À partir de ce moment-là, l’AS Rome ne lâche plus les quatre
premières places synonymes de Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en
compagnie de la Juventus
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , du Milan AC
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et de l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La saison 2005-2006 est
marquée par l’Affaire des matches truqués du Calcio
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  où
la Juve  <Suspicious hyperlink>  et
le Milan AC  <Suspicious hyperlink>  sont mis en
cause ; cela permet à l’AS Rome de retrouver une place de
vice-champion et de se projeter « sereinement » sur la saison
2007. Après une belle campagne européenne, la Roma cède
douloureusement en quarts de finale contre Manchester United
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  7-1. En
championnat, malgré un parcours de champion, le club termine second,
derrière l’Inter, véritable machine à gagner en cette saison 2006
 <Suspicious hyperlink> -2007
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Mais c’est en Coupe
d’Italie  <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
après deux échecs successifs contre l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en finale, que la Roma
prend sa revanche en triomphant de ces mêmes intéristes grâce à
une victoire 6-2 à l’Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La défaite 2-1
à San Siro  <Suspicious hyperlink>  ne fait
que confirmer l’avantage pris à l’aller. Francesco Totti
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , véritable symbole du
club, soulève pour la première fois de sa carrière le trophée le
17 mai 2007.

Totti brandissant la Coupe d’Italie 2007-2008.
Ensuite, la Roma s’impose aussi en Supercoupe d’Italie
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (sa deuxième)
1-0 face à ces mêmes intéristes.

La Roma réussit un bel exploit en éliminant le Real Madrid
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en Ligue
des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  le 5
mars 2008 à Madrid sur le score de 2 à 1 pour le compte du match
retour des huitièmes de finale (2-1 au match aller pour la Roma au
stade Olimpico). Malheureusement, au tour suivant, la Roma se fait
sortir par la meilleure équipe du moment, le Manchester United (0-2
et 0-1) pour la deuxième année consécutive. À deux doigts de
remporter le _Scudetto_ 2008 (les Romains sont virtuellement leaders
pendant une heure lors de la dernière journée), ceux-ci voient,
impuissants car n’ayant pas leur sort entre leurs mains, les
intéristes remporter un nouveau _scudetto_, avant de s’imposer face
à ceux-ci au Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  pour le compte de la
finale de la Coupe d’Italie, sur le score de 2-1, avec des buts
de Philippe Mexès
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  et Simone
Perrotta  <Suspicious hyperlink> .

À l’inter-saison, Matteo Ferrari
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  quitte le club car il
arrive en fin de contrat pour rejoindre le Genoa CFC
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , de même pour le
Français Ludovic Giuly
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  qui quitte le club pour
rejoindre le Paris Saint-Germain
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  ainsi que Mauro
Esposito  <Suspicious hyperlink>  qui est
prêté au Chievo Verone
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . La Roma compte comme
première acquisition le Norvégien John Arne Riise
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (ex-joueur
de Liverpool FC  <Suspicious hyperlink> ) et
comme second le Brésilien Julio Baptista
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en provenance du Real
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Président de la Roma depuis 1993, Franco Sensi
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  décède le 17 août
2008 à la suite de complications d’une crise pulmonaire. À la fin du
mois d’août 2008, après avoir perdu la supercoupe d’Italie
contre l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  à San Siro
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-2, puis 8-7 aux
tirs au but), les Romains obtiennent le jeune attaquant
français Jérémy Ménez
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en
provenance de l’AS Monaco
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (contrat de 4 ans). Le 29
août 2008, la fille de Franco Sensi
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Rosella Sensi
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  devient la nouvelle
présidente de l’AS Roma et succède ainsi à son père décédé
quelques jours plus tôt.

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 <Suspicious hyperlink> ]

La saison 2008  <Suspicious hyperlink> -2009
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  est bien décevante
pour les _Giallorossi_. Le début de saison est catastrophique,
marqué par une série de défaites et notamment à domicile 0-4 face
à l’Inter de Milan  <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
une 17e place en championnat (record absolu depuis plus d’une
cinquantaine d’années). Au fil du temps, l’AS Roma retrouve de
meilleurs résultats, notamment après sa victoire face à la SS
Lazio  <Suspicious hyperlink>  lors du derby (1-0),
et réalise une belle série de victoires en Série A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , ce
qui lui permet d’espérer encore à une 4e place, place
qualificative pour la Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Dans
cette compétition, les Romains se réveillent et terminent à la
première place de leur groupe devant Chelsea
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , et
les Girondins de Bordeaux
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , que les Romains
condamnent à la 3e place au Stadio Olimpico
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  lors de la dernière
journée (2-0). Les Romains entament l’année 2009 par de bons
résultats en championnat, qui les replacent directement dans la
course à la 4e place. En Ligue des champions
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , les
Romains héritent du club anglais d’Arsenal
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en 8e de
finale. Malheureusement, ils se font éliminer au match retour, qu’ils
remportent 1-0 accédant ainsi à la prolongation et aux tirs au but,
mais qu’ils perdent la tête haute (6-7). Cette défaite abaisse
considérablement le moral de l’équipe, qui traverse un deuxième
passage à vide, et qui condamne le club à une 6e place, quand
même européenne.

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Lors de la saison 2009-2010
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , à la
suite de victoires sur des scores fleuves en qualifications en Ligue
Europa  <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre
des équipes modestes et après deux journées de championnat, la Roma
se retrouve seule sur la dernière marche du classement de Serie A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Luciano
Spalletti  <Suspicious hyperlink>  prend
alors la décision de démissionner de son poste d’entraîneur et est
remplacé par Claudio Ranieri
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . L’espoir
italien, Alberto Aquilani
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  est vendu
au Liverpool FC  <Suspicious hyperlink>  lors
du mercato  <Suspicious hyperlink>  estival
provoquant quelques déceptions chez les supporters.

Francesco Totti, _Capitano_ historique de l’AS Rome.
Le club de la louve finit l’année 2009 sur une série de dix matchs
sans défaites toutes compétitions confondues (avec une victoire
contre la SS Lazio  <Suspicious hyperlink> ), en
accrochant la quatrième place face à Parme Football Club
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , ainsi qu’une
qualification en seizième de finale de la Ligue Europa 2009-2010
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre
le Panathinaïkos
 <Suspicious hyperlink> . Le 2
janvier 2010, Luca Toni
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  signe à la Roma pour un
prêt de six mois, avec option d’achat.

La deuxième partie de saison de la Roma s’avère être un véritable
coup de tonnerre dans la hiérarchie de la Série A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Malgré une élimination en Ligue Europa
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  contre le club grec
de Panathinaïkos
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , Roma
mène en championnat une incroyable série de 24 résultats
consécutifs sans concéder une défaite. Cette série est marquée
par une victoire à l’extérieur contre la Juventus
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (1-2),
arrachée par John Arne Riise
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  dans les dernières
minutes, et une victoire à domicile contre le leader, l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-1), grâce notamment
à un but de Luca Toni  <Suspicious hyperlink> .
Quelques jours plus tard, à l’occasion d’une nouvelle victoire contre
l’Atalanta  <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-1), les hommes
de Claudio Ranieri
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  s’emparent de la
tête de la Série A
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
s’ensuit un derby remporté contre la SS Lazio
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (2-1). Hélas, deux
défaites, en championnat à domicile contre la Sampdoria
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (1-2) à trois journées de
la fin de la saison et contre l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  en finale de la Coupe
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (0-1),
les privent de titre. En championnat, le club termine une nouvelle
fois dauphin de l’Inter Milan
 <Suspicious hyperlink> , un classement cependant
inespéré lors du début de saison.


You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <reply-b8ikakpiawiroxa8wrqh@in2.getdrip.com>
Date: 6 Nov 2023 18:02:57 +0200
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (Nigel@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1390 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 19U1xBf2UZeLfPkVh1Gu3WGHheYCzjsVxs

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <junkoflannagan@mailcatch.com>
Date: 5 Nov 2023 21:12:53 +0100
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (lesley34d@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1390 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 19U1xBf2UZeLfPkVh1Gu3WGHheYCzjsVxs

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <clvnkleins@mail2freedom.com>
Date: 4 Nov 2023 15:22:37 -0500
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (Nigel@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1390 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 19U1xBf2UZeLfPkVh1Gu3WGHheYCzjsVxs

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <yana5221@thesullivanfirmltd.com>
Date: 4 Nov 2023 15:35:08 +0000
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (administrator@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1390 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 19U1xBf2UZeLfPkVh1Gu3WGHheYCzjsVxs

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <mevin@goonmeter.com>
Date: 4 Nov 2023 07:29:16 -0400
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (admin@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1390 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 19U1xBf2UZeLfPkVh1Gu3WGHheYCzjsVxs

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

Don t forget to pay the tax within 2 days

From: <licadoli1977@mega.zik.dj>
Date: 13 Oct 2023 04:46:05 +0600
Subject: Don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days!
Are you ok?

I know, it’s unpleasant to start the conversation with bad news, but I have no choice.
Few months ago, I have gained access to your devices that used by you for internet browsing.
Afterwards, I could track down all your internet activities.

Here is the history of how it could become possible:
At first, I purchased from hackers the access to multiple email accounts (nowadays, it is a really simple thing to do online).
As result, I could easily log in to your email account (Nigel@brendinghat.com).

One week later, I installed Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all devices of yours, which you use to open email.
Frankly speaking, it was rather straightforward (since you were opening the links from your inbox emails).
Everything ingenious is quite simple. )^^(

My software enables me with access to all controllers inside devices of yours, like microphone, keyboard and video camera.
I could easily download to my servers all your private info, including the history of web browsing and photos.
I can effortlessly gain access to all your messengers, social networks accounts, emails, contact list as well as chat history.
Virus of mine constantly keeps refreshing its signatures (because it is driver-based), and as result remains unnoticed by your antivirus.

Hence, you can already guess why I stayed undetected all this while.

As I was gathering information about you, I couldn’t help but notice that you are also a true fan of adult-content websites.
You actually love visiting porn sites and browsing through kinky videos, while pleasuring yourself.
I could make a few dirty records with you in the main focus and montaged several videos showing the way you reach orgasm while masturbating with joy.

If you are still uncertain regarding the seriousness of my intentions,
it only requires several mouse clicks for me to forward your videos to all your relatives, as well as friends and colleagues.
I can also make those vids become accessible by public.
I honestly think that you do not really want that to happen, considering the peculiarity of videos you like to watch,
(you obviously know what I mean) all that kinky content can become a reason of serious troubles for you.

However, we can still resolve this situation in the following manner:
Everything you are required to do is a single transfer of $1300 USD to my account (or amount equivalent to bitcoin depending on exchange rate at the moment of transfer),
and once the transaction is complete, I will straight away remove all the dirty content exposing you.
After that, you can even forget that you have come across me. Moreover, I swear that all the harmful software will be removed from all devices of yours as well.
Make no doubt that I will fulfill my part.

This is really a great deal that comes at a reasonable price, given that I have used quite a lot of energy to check your profile as well as traffic over an extended period of time.
If you have no idea about bitcoin purchase process – it can be straightforwardly done by getting all the necessary information online.

Here is my bitcoin wallet provided below: 1FRoqN2qUEqNKM7e2xwNd9yoGxx5LSaeao

You should complete the abovementioned transfer within 48 hours (2 days) after opening this email.

The following list contains actions you should avoid attempting:
::Do not try replying my email (email in your inbox was generated by me alongside with return email address).
::Do not try calling police as well as other security forces. In addition, abstain from sharing this story with your friends.
After I find out (be sure, I can easily do that, given that I keep complete control of all your devices) – your kinky video will end up being available to public right away.
::Do not try searching for me – there is absolutely no reason to do that. Moreover, all transactions in cryptocurrency are always anonymous.
::Do not try reinstalling the OS on your devices or throwing them away. It is pointless as well, since all your videos have already been uploaded to remote servers.

The following list contains things you should not be worried about:
::That your money won’t reach my account.
– Rest assured, the transactions can be tracked, hence once the transaction is complete,
I will know about it, because I continuously observe all your activities (my trojan virus allows me to control remotely your devices, same as TeamViewer).
::That I still will share your kinky videos to public after you complete money transfer.
– Trust me, it’s pointless for me to continue troubling your life. If I really wanted, I would make it happen already!

Let’s make this deal in a fair manner!

Owh, one more thing…in future it is best that you don’t involve yourself in similar situations any longer!
One last advice from me – recurrently change all your passwords from all accounts.

Don t forget to pay the tax within 2 days

From: <member-13268399@shtyle.fm>
Date: 13 Oct 2023 00:56:47 +0400
Subject: Don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days!
Are you ok?

I know, it’s unpleasant to start the conversation with bad news, but I have no choice.
Few months ago, I have gained access to your devices that used by you for internet browsing.
Afterwards, I could track down all your internet activities.

Here is the history of how it could become possible:
At first, I purchased from hackers the access to multiple email accounts (nowadays, it is a really simple thing to do online).
As result, I could easily log in to your email account (admin@brendinghat.com).

One week later, I installed Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all devices of yours, which you use to open email.
Frankly speaking, it was rather straightforward (since you were opening the links from your inbox emails).
Everything ingenious is quite simple. )^^(

My software enables me with access to all controllers inside devices of yours, like microphone, keyboard and video camera.
I could easily download to my servers all your private info, including the history of web browsing and photos.
I can effortlessly gain access to all your messengers, social networks accounts, emails, contact list as well as chat history.
Virus of mine constantly keeps refreshing its signatures (because it is driver-based), and as result remains unnoticed by your antivirus.

Hence, you can already guess why I stayed undetected all this while.

As I was gathering information about you, I couldn’t help but notice that you are also a true fan of adult-content websites.
You actually love visiting porn sites and browsing through kinky videos, while pleasuring yourself.
I could make a few dirty records with you in the main focus and montaged several videos showing the way you reach orgasm while masturbating with joy.

If you are still uncertain regarding the seriousness of my intentions,
it only requires several mouse clicks for me to forward your videos to all your relatives, as well as friends and colleagues.
I can also make those vids become accessible by public.
I honestly think that you do not really want that to happen, considering the peculiarity of videos you like to watch,
(you obviously know what I mean) all that kinky content can become a reason of serious troubles for you.

However, we can still resolve this situation in the following manner:
Everything you are required to do is a single transfer of $1300 USD to my account (or amount equivalent to bitcoin depending on exchange rate at the moment of transfer),
and once the transaction is complete, I will straight away remove all the dirty content exposing you.
After that, you can even forget that you have come across me. Moreover, I swear that all the harmful software will be removed from all devices of yours as well.
Make no doubt that I will fulfill my part.

This is really a great deal that comes at a reasonable price, given that I have used quite a lot of energy to check your profile as well as traffic over an extended period of time.
If you have no idea about bitcoin purchase process – it can be straightforwardly done by getting all the necessary information online.

Here is my bitcoin wallet provided below: 1FRoqN2qUEqNKM7e2xwNd9yoGxx5LSaeao

You should complete the abovementioned transfer within 48 hours (2 days) after opening this email.

The following list contains actions you should avoid attempting:
::Do not try replying my email (email in your inbox was generated by me alongside with return email address).
::Do not try calling police as well as other security forces. In addition, abstain from sharing this story with your friends.
After I find out (be sure, I can easily do that, given that I keep complete control of all your devices) – your kinky video will end up being available to public right away.
::Do not try searching for me – there is absolutely no reason to do that. Moreover, all transactions in cryptocurrency are always anonymous.
::Do not try reinstalling the OS on your devices or throwing them away. It is pointless as well, since all your videos have already been uploaded to remote servers.

The following list contains things you should not be worried about:
::That your money won’t reach my account.
– Rest assured, the transactions can be tracked, hence once the transaction is complete,
I will know about it, because I continuously observe all your activities (my trojan virus allows me to control remotely your devices, same as TeamViewer).
::That I still will share your kinky videos to public after you complete money transfer.
– Trust me, it’s pointless for me to continue troubling your life. If I really wanted, I would make it happen already!

Let’s make this deal in a fair manner!

Owh, one more thing…in future it is best that you don’t involve yourself in similar situations any longer!
One last advice from me – recurrently change all your passwords from all accounts.

Don t forget to pay the tax within 2 days

From: <xanthippe@chugi.net>
Date: 12 Oct 2023 21:13:43 +0200
Subject: Don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days!
Are you ok?

I know, it’s unpleasant to start the conversation with bad news, but I have no choice.
Few months ago, I have gained access to your devices that used by you for internet browsing.
Afterwards, I could track down all your internet activities.

Here is the history of how it could become possible:
At first, I purchased from hackers the access to multiple email accounts (nowadays, it is a really simple thing to do online).
As result, I could easily log in to your email account (Nigel@brendinghat.com).

One week later, I installed Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all devices of yours, which you use to open email.
Frankly speaking, it was rather straightforward (since you were opening the links from your inbox emails).
Everything ingenious is quite simple. )^^(

My software enables me with access to all controllers inside devices of yours, like microphone, keyboard and video camera.
I could easily download to my servers all your private info, including the history of web browsing and photos.
I can effortlessly gain access to all your messengers, social networks accounts, emails, contact list as well as chat history.
Virus of mine constantly keeps refreshing its signatures (because it is driver-based), and as result remains unnoticed by your antivirus.

Hence, you can already guess why I stayed undetected all this while.

As I was gathering information about you, I couldn’t help but notice that you are also a true fan of adult-content websites.
You actually love visiting porn sites and browsing through kinky videos, while pleasuring yourself.
I could make a few dirty records with you in the main focus and montaged several videos showing the way you reach orgasm while masturbating with joy.

If you are still uncertain regarding the seriousness of my intentions,
it only requires several mouse clicks for me to forward your videos to all your relatives, as well as friends and colleagues.
I can also make those vids become accessible by public.
I honestly think that you do not really want that to happen, considering the peculiarity of videos you like to watch,
(you obviously know what I mean) all that kinky content can become a reason of serious troubles for you.

However, we can still resolve this situation in the following manner:
Everything you are required to do is a single transfer of $1300 USD to my account (or amount equivalent to bitcoin depending on exchange rate at the moment of transfer),
and once the transaction is complete, I will straight away remove all the dirty content exposing you.
After that, you can even forget that you have come across me. Moreover, I swear that all the harmful software will be removed from all devices of yours as well.
Make no doubt that I will fulfill my part.

This is really a great deal that comes at a reasonable price, given that I have used quite a lot of energy to check your profile as well as traffic over an extended period of time.
If you have no idea about bitcoin purchase process – it can be straightforwardly done by getting all the necessary information online.

Here is my bitcoin wallet provided below: 1FRoqN2qUEqNKM7e2xwNd9yoGxx5LSaeao

You should complete the abovementioned transfer within 48 hours (2 days) after opening this email.

The following list contains actions you should avoid attempting:
::Do not try replying my email (email in your inbox was generated by me alongside with return email address).
::Do not try calling police as well as other security forces. In addition, abstain from sharing this story with your friends.
After I find out (be sure, I can easily do that, given that I keep complete control of all your devices) – your kinky video will end up being available to public right away.
::Do not try searching for me – there is absolutely no reason to do that. Moreover, all transactions in cryptocurrency are always anonymous.
::Do not try reinstalling the OS on your devices or throwing them away. It is pointless as well, since all your videos have already been uploaded to remote servers.

The following list contains things you should not be worried about:
::That your money won’t reach my account.
– Rest assured, the transactions can be tracked, hence once the transaction is complete,
I will know about it, because I continuously observe all your activities (my trojan virus allows me to control remotely your devices, same as TeamViewer).
::That I still will share your kinky videos to public after you complete money transfer.
– Trust me, it’s pointless for me to continue troubling your life. If I really wanted, I would make it happen already!

Let’s make this deal in a fair manner!

Owh, one more thing…in future it is best that you don’t involve yourself in similar situations any longer!
One last advice from me – recurrently change all your passwords from all accounts.

Don t forget to pay the tax within 2 days

From: <terikelleher9826@mailcatch.com>
Date: 11 Oct 2023 04:00:38 +0200
Subject: Don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days!
Are you ok?

I know, it’s unpleasant to start the conversation with bad news, but I have no choice.
Few months ago, I have gained access to your devices that used by you for internet browsing.
Afterwards, I could track down all your internet activities.

Here is the history of how it could become possible:
At first, I purchased from hackers the access to multiple email accounts (nowadays, it is a really simple thing to do online).
As result, I could easily log in to your email account (lesley34d@brendinghat.com).

One week later, I installed Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all devices of yours, which you use to open email.
Frankly speaking, it was rather straightforward (since you were opening the links from your inbox emails).
Everything ingenious is quite simple. )^^(

My software enables me with access to all controllers inside devices of yours, like microphone, keyboard and video camera.
I could easily download to my servers all your private info, including the history of web browsing and photos.
I can effortlessly gain access to all your messengers, social networks accounts, emails, contact list as well as chat history.
Virus of mine constantly keeps refreshing its signatures (because it is driver-based), and as result remains unnoticed by your antivirus.

Hence, you can already guess why I stayed undetected all this while.

As I was gathering information about you, I couldn’t help but notice that you are also a true fan of adult-content websites.
You actually love visiting porn sites and browsing through kinky videos, while pleasuring yourself.
I could make a few dirty records with you in the main focus and montaged several videos showing the way you reach orgasm while masturbating with joy.

If you are still uncertain regarding the seriousness of my intentions,
it only requires several mouse clicks for me to forward your videos to all your relatives, as well as friends and colleagues.
I can also make those vids become accessible by public.
I honestly think that you do not really want that to happen, considering the peculiarity of videos you like to watch,
(you obviously know what I mean) all that kinky content can become a reason of serious troubles for you.

However, we can still resolve this situation in the following manner:
Everything you are required to do is a single transfer of $1300 USD to my account (or amount equivalent to bitcoin depending on exchange rate at the moment of transfer),
and once the transaction is complete, I will straight away remove all the dirty content exposing you.
After that, you can even forget that you have come across me. Moreover, I swear that all the harmful software will be removed from all devices of yours as well.
Make no doubt that I will fulfill my part.

This is really a great deal that comes at a reasonable price, given that I have used quite a lot of energy to check your profile as well as traffic over an extended period of time.
If you have no idea about bitcoin purchase process – it can be straightforwardly done by getting all the necessary information online.

Here is my bitcoin wallet provided below: 1FRoqN2qUEqNKM7e2xwNd9yoGxx5LSaeao

You should complete the abovementioned transfer within 48 hours (2 days) after opening this email.

The following list contains actions you should avoid attempting:
::Do not try replying my email (email in your inbox was generated by me alongside with return email address).
::Do not try calling police as well as other security forces. In addition, abstain from sharing this story with your friends.
After I find out (be sure, I can easily do that, given that I keep complete control of all your devices) – your kinky video will end up being available to public right away.
::Do not try searching for me – there is absolutely no reason to do that. Moreover, all transactions in cryptocurrency are always anonymous.
::Do not try reinstalling the OS on your devices or throwing them away. It is pointless as well, since all your videos have already been uploaded to remote servers.

The following list contains things you should not be worried about:
::That your money won’t reach my account.
– Rest assured, the transactions can be tracked, hence once the transaction is complete,
I will know about it, because I continuously observe all your activities (my trojan virus allows me to control remotely your devices, same as TeamViewer).
::That I still will share your kinky videos to public after you complete money transfer.
– Trust me, it’s pointless for me to continue troubling your life. If I really wanted, I would make it happen already!

Let’s make this deal in a fair manner!

Owh, one more thing…in future it is best that you don’t involve yourself in similar situations any longer!
One last advice from me – recurrently change all your passwords from all accounts.

Don t forget to pay the tax within 2 days

From: <cs@shenzhou-sh.com.cn>
Date: 10 Oct 2023 15:51:08 -0400
Subject: Don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days!
Are you ok?

I know, it’s unpleasant to start the conversation with bad news, but I have no choice.
Few months ago, I have gained access to your devices that used by you for internet browsing.
Afterwards, I could track down all your internet activities.

Here is the history of how it could become possible:
At first, I purchased from hackers the access to multiple email accounts (nowadays, it is a really simple thing to do online).
As result, I could easily log in to your email account (Nigel@brendinghat.com).

One week later, I installed Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all devices of yours, which you use to open email.
Frankly speaking, it was rather straightforward (since you were opening the links from your inbox emails).
Everything ingenious is quite simple. )^^(

My software enables me with access to all controllers inside devices of yours, like microphone, keyboard and video camera.
I could easily download to my servers all your private info, including the history of web browsing and photos.
I can effortlessly gain access to all your messengers, social networks accounts, emails, contact list as well as chat history.
Virus of mine constantly keeps refreshing its signatures (because it is driver-based), and as result remains unnoticed by your antivirus.

Hence, you can already guess why I stayed undetected all this while.

As I was gathering information about you, I couldn’t help but notice that you are also a true fan of adult-content websites.
You actually love visiting porn sites and browsing through kinky videos, while pleasuring yourself.
I could make a few dirty records with you in the main focus and montaged several videos showing the way you reach orgasm while masturbating with joy.

If you are still uncertain regarding the seriousness of my intentions,
it only requires several mouse clicks for me to forward your videos to all your relatives, as well as friends and colleagues.
I can also make those vids become accessible by public.
I honestly think that you do not really want that to happen, considering the peculiarity of videos you like to watch,
(you obviously know what I mean) all that kinky content can become a reason of serious troubles for you.

However, we can still resolve this situation in the following manner:
Everything you are required to do is a single transfer of $1300 USD to my account (or amount equivalent to bitcoin depending on exchange rate at the moment of transfer),
and once the transaction is complete, I will straight away remove all the dirty content exposing you.
After that, you can even forget that you have come across me. Moreover, I swear that all the harmful software will be removed from all devices of yours as well.
Make no doubt that I will fulfill my part.

This is really a great deal that comes at a reasonable price, given that I have used quite a lot of energy to check your profile as well as traffic over an extended period of time.
If you have no idea about bitcoin purchase process – it can be straightforwardly done by getting all the necessary information online.

Here is my bitcoin wallet provided below: 1FRoqN2qUEqNKM7e2xwNd9yoGxx5LSaeao

You should complete the abovementioned transfer within 48 hours (2 days) after opening this email.

The following list contains actions you should avoid attempting:
::Do not try replying my email (email in your inbox was generated by me alongside with return email address).
::Do not try calling police as well as other security forces. In addition, abstain from sharing this story with your friends.
After I find out (be sure, I can easily do that, given that I keep complete control of all your devices) – your kinky video will end up being available to public right away.
::Do not try searching for me – there is absolutely no reason to do that. Moreover, all transactions in cryptocurrency are always anonymous.
::Do not try reinstalling the OS on your devices or throwing them away. It is pointless as well, since all your videos have already been uploaded to remote servers.

The following list contains things you should not be worried about:
::That your money won’t reach my account.
– Rest assured, the transactions can be tracked, hence once the transaction is complete,
I will know about it, because I continuously observe all your activities (my trojan virus allows me to control remotely your devices, same as TeamViewer).
::That I still will share your kinky videos to public after you complete money transfer.
– Trust me, it’s pointless for me to continue troubling your life. If I really wanted, I would make it happen already!

Let’s make this deal in a fair manner!

Owh, one more thing…in future it is best that you don’t involve yourself in similar situations any longer!
One last advice from me – recurrently change all your passwords from all accounts.

Don t forget to pay the tax within 2 days

From: <lynda.521@superior.com.hk>
Date: 10 Oct 2023 11:28:40 -0600
Subject: Don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days!
Are you ok?

I know, it’s unpleasant to start the conversation with bad news, but I have no choice.
Few months ago, I have gained access to your devices that used by you for internet browsing.
Afterwards, I could track down all your internet activities.

Here is the history of how it could become possible:
At first, I purchased from hackers the access to multiple email accounts (nowadays, it is a really simple thing to do online).
As result, I could easily log in to your email account (administrator@brendinghat.com).

One week later, I installed Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all devices of yours, which you use to open email.
Frankly speaking, it was rather straightforward (since you were opening the links from your inbox emails).
Everything ingenious is quite simple. )^^(

My software enables me with access to all controllers inside devices of yours, like microphone, keyboard and video camera.
I could easily download to my servers all your private info, including the history of web browsing and photos.
I can effortlessly gain access to all your messengers, social networks accounts, emails, contact list as well as chat history.
Virus of mine constantly keeps refreshing its signatures (because it is driver-based), and as result remains unnoticed by your antivirus.

Hence, you can already guess why I stayed undetected all this while.

As I was gathering information about you, I couldn’t help but notice that you are also a true fan of adult-content websites.
You actually love visiting porn sites and browsing through kinky videos, while pleasuring yourself.
I could make a few dirty records with you in the main focus and montaged several videos showing the way you reach orgasm while masturbating with joy.

If you are still uncertain regarding the seriousness of my intentions,
it only requires several mouse clicks for me to forward your videos to all your relatives, as well as friends and colleagues.
I can also make those vids become accessible by public.
I honestly think that you do not really want that to happen, considering the peculiarity of videos you like to watch,
(you obviously know what I mean) all that kinky content can become a reason of serious troubles for you.

However, we can still resolve this situation in the following manner:
Everything you are required to do is a single transfer of $1300 USD to my account (or amount equivalent to bitcoin depending on exchange rate at the moment of transfer),
and once the transaction is complete, I will straight away remove all the dirty content exposing you.
After that, you can even forget that you have come across me. Moreover, I swear that all the harmful software will be removed from all devices of yours as well.
Make no doubt that I will fulfill my part.

This is really a great deal that comes at a reasonable price, given that I have used quite a lot of energy to check your profile as well as traffic over an extended period of time.
If you have no idea about bitcoin purchase process – it can be straightforwardly done by getting all the necessary information online.

Here is my bitcoin wallet provided below: 1FRoqN2qUEqNKM7e2xwNd9yoGxx5LSaeao

You should complete the abovementioned transfer within 48 hours (2 days) after opening this email.

The following list contains actions you should avoid attempting:
::Do not try replying my email (email in your inbox was generated by me alongside with return email address).
::Do not try calling police as well as other security forces. In addition, abstain from sharing this story with your friends.
After I find out (be sure, I can easily do that, given that I keep complete control of all your devices) – your kinky video will end up being available to public right away.
::Do not try searching for me – there is absolutely no reason to do that. Moreover, all transactions in cryptocurrency are always anonymous.
::Do not try reinstalling the OS on your devices or throwing them away. It is pointless as well, since all your videos have already been uploaded to remote servers.

The following list contains things you should not be worried about:
::That your money won’t reach my account.
– Rest assured, the transactions can be tracked, hence once the transaction is complete,
I will know about it, because I continuously observe all your activities (my trojan virus allows me to control remotely your devices, same as TeamViewer).
::That I still will share your kinky videos to public after you complete money transfer.
– Trust me, it’s pointless for me to continue troubling your life. If I really wanted, I would make it happen already!

Let’s make this deal in a fair manner!

Owh, one more thing…in future it is best that you don’t involve yourself in similar situations any longer!
One last advice from me – recurrently change all your passwords from all accounts.

Payment associated to your account.

From: <123456@brendinghat.com>
Date: 17 Sep 2023 20:20:33 +0000
Subject: Payment associated to your account.
Hello, .

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (123456@brendinghat.com).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter…
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don’t believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $1350 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins –
don’t hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 1LzggssAAtthNh2bvUkbe6ADN5EJk8i1sd

An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don’t even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) –
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don’t even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don’t forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won’t lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won’t reach my wallet.
– Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
– My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly… make sure you don’t get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice – ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.

Payment associated to your account.

From: <brendinghat.com@brendinghat.com>
Date: 17 Sep 2023 11:24:18 +0800
Subject: Payment associated to your account.
Hello, .

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (brendinghat.com@brendinghat.com).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter…
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don’t believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $1350 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins –
don’t hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 1LzggssAAtthNh2bvUkbe6ADN5EJk8i1sd

An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don’t even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) –
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don’t even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don’t forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won’t lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won’t reach my wallet.
– Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
– My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly… make sure you don’t get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice – ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.

Payment associated to your account.

From: <ftp@brendinghat.com>
Date: 16 Sep 2023 15:57:37 +0600
Subject: Payment associated to your account.
Hello, .

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (ftp@brendinghat.com).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter…
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don’t believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $1350 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins –
don’t hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 1LzggssAAtthNh2bvUkbe6ADN5EJk8i1sd

An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don’t even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) –
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don’t even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don’t forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won’t lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won’t reach my wallet.
– Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
– My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly… make sure you don’t get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice – ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.

Payment associated to your account.

From: <lesley34d@brendinghat.com>
Date: 5 Sep 2023 09:26:54 +0000
Subject: Payment associated to your account.
Hi there!

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (lesley34d@brendinghat.com).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter…
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don’t believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $950 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins –
don’t hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 1G8U8mNRBkBPmMrHZ3MMZnM1dH5bLKhLhp
An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don’t even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) –
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don’t even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don’t forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won’t lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won’t reach my wallet.
– Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
– My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly… make sure you don’t get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice – ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.

Payment associated to your account.

From: <administrator@brendinghat.com>
Date: 4 Sep 2023 17:05:40 +0800
Subject: Payment associated to your account.
Hi there!

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (administrator@brendinghat.com).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter…
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don’t believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $950 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins –
don’t hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 1G8U8mNRBkBPmMrHZ3MMZnM1dH5bLKhLhp
An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don’t even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) –
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don’t even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don’t forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won’t lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won’t reach my wallet.
– Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
– My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly… make sure you don’t get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice – ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.

Payment associated to your account.

From: <admin@brendinghat.com>
Date: 4 Sep 2023 03:06:37 +0100
Subject: Payment associated to your account.
Hi there!

Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of yours,
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.
Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts (today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account (admin@brendinghat.com).

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in your use,
and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. (=

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks, messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus software.

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter…
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids, while playing your dirty solo games.
Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main focus and montaged some dirty videos,
which demonstrate your passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don’t believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your friends,
colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening, taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $950 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my honest word,
that all the harmful software will also be deactivated and deleted from all your devices currently in use. Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced cost,
mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring bitcoins –
don’t hesitate to use any search engine for your assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 1G8U8mNRBkBPmMrHZ3MMZnM1dH5bLKhLhp
An important notice: I have specified my Bitcoin wallet with spaces,
hence once you carry out a transfer, please make sure that you key-in my bitcoin address without spaces to be sure that your funds successfully reach my wallet.
I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don’t even think of doing anything of the following:
! Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me inside your inbox page and the return address was generated accordingly).
! Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing this to you friends.
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me, taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems you use) –
kinky video will straight away be made public.
! Don’t even think of attempting to find me – that is completely useless. Don’t forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain completely anonymous.
! Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid of them. That won’t lead you to success either,
because I have already saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
! That your funds transfer won’t reach my wallet.
– Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions similarly to TeamViewer).
! That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds transfer.
– My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly… make sure you don’t get caught afterwards in such type of incidents anymore!
My fair advice – ensure you change all your passwords on a regular basis.


From: us custom <usc60692@gmail.com>
Reply: uscustom63@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 14:03:55 -0700

We have been instructed to release your Consignment Box containing the
sum of $3.5million, that this Unit of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
seized, which has been in our custody for a long time due to your
inability to provide the Clearance certificates, which you were asked to
obtain from Africa were the fund was transferred from.

You are fortunate after our investigation last month the US Department
of States instructed that we should release all the fund that U.S. Customs
and Border Protection seized to their owners in this second quarter of the
year, so you are therefore advised to come or send your representative
to this office to claim your fund immediately.

You are advised to comply immediately, Below is the office address.

U.S.Customs and Border Protection.
Office of Investigations SAC Offices
SAC Washington, DC
2675 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031

reply to this email uscustom63@gmail.com
Urgent get back to us.

here is my cell number +1{360}207_3189

Faithfully Yours

Mr.John Wagner
The Executive Director of Admissibility and Passenger Programs with U.S.
Customs and Border Protection


From: US Custom <davidcarlee200@gmail.com>
Reply: uscustom63@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2023 00:01:31 -0700
We have been instructed to release your Consignment Box containing the
sum of $3.5million, that this Unit of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
seized, which has been in our custody for a long time due to your
inability to provide the Clearance certificates, which you were asked to
obtain from Africa were the fund was transferred from.

You are fortunate after our investigation last month the US Department
of States instructed that we should release all the fund that U.S. Customs
and Border Protection seized to their owners in this second quarter of the
year, so you are therefore advised to come or send your representative
to this office to claim your fund immediately.

You are advised to comply immediately, Below is the office address.

U.S.Customs and Border Protection.
Office of Investigations SAC Offices
SAC Washington, DC
2675 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031

reply to this email uscustom63@gmail.com
Urgent get back to us.

Faithfully Yours

Mr.John Wagner
The Executive Director of Admissibility and Passenger Programs with U.S.
Customs and Border Protection

Payment associated to your account.

From: <administrator@brendinghat.com>
Date: 2 Feb 2023 03:31:46 +0800
Subject: Payment associated to your account.

Hi there!
Unfortunately, I need to start our conversation with bad news for you.
Around few months back I managed to get full access to all devices of
which are used by you on a daily basis to browse internet.

Afterwards, I could initiate monitoring and tracking of all your
activities on the internet.

I am proud to share the sequence of how it happened:
In the past I bought from hackers the access to various email accounts
(today, that is rather a simple thing to do online).
Clearly, it was not hard at all for me to log in to your email account

A week after that, I had already managed to effortlessly install
Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all devices that are currently in
your use, and as result gained access to your email.
To be honest, that was not really difficult at all (because you were
eagerly opening the links from your inbox emails).
I know, I am a genius. ^^

With help of that software, I can gain access to all controllers in
your devices (such as video camera, keyboard and microphone).
As result, I downloaded to my remote cloud servers all your personal
data, photos and other information including web browsing history.
Likewise, I have complete access to all your social networks,
messengers, chat history, emails, as well as contacts list.
My intelligent virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (due to its
driver-based nature), and hereby stays unnoticed by your antivirus

Herbey, I believe that now you finally start realizing how I could
easily remain unnoticed all this while until this very letter…
While collecting information related to you, I had also unveiled that
you are a true fan of porn sites.
You truly enjoy browsing through adult sites and watching horny vids,
while playing your dirty solo games.

Bingo! I also recorded several filthy scenes with you in the main
focus and montaged some dirty videos, which demonstrate your
passionate masturbation and cum sessions.

In case you still don’t believe me, all I need is just one-two mouse
clicks to make all your unmasking videos become available to your
friends, colleagues, and even relatives.
Well, if you still doubt me, I can easily make recorded videos of your
orgasms become a public.
I truly believe that you surely would avoid that from happening,
taking in consideration the type of the XXX videos you love watching,
(you are clearly aware of what I mean) it will result in a huge
disaster for you.

Well, there is still a way to settle this tricky situation in a
peaceful manner:
You will need to transfer $960 USD to my account (refer to Bitcoin
equivalent based on the exchange rate at the moment transfer),
so once funds transfer is complete, I will straight away proceed with
deleting all that dirty content from servers once and for all.

Afterwards, you can consider that we never met before. You have my
honest word, that all the harmful software will also be deactivated
and deleted from all your devices currently in use.
Worry not, I keep my promises.
That is truly a win-win solution that comes at a relatively reduced
cost, mostly knowing how much effort I spent on monitoring your
profile and traffic for a considerably long time.
In event that you have no idea about means of buying and transferring
bitcoins – don’t hesitate to use any search engine for your
assistance (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 19yaJM8qhsyXnwoQP7zQbMkqJStoMYxPmE

I have allocated 48 hours for you to do that, and the timer started
right after you opened this very email (2 days to be exact).

Don’t even think of doing anything of the following:
*Abstain from attempting to reply me (this email was created by me
inside your inbox page and the return address was generated
*Abstain from attempting to get in touch with police or any other
security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing this to you
Once I discover this (apparently, that is absolutely easy for me,
taking in consideration that I have complete control over all systems
you use) – your kinky video will straight away be made public.
*Don’t even think of attempting to find me – that is completely
useless. Don’t forget that all cryptocurrency transactions remain
completely anonymous.
*Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS on all your devices or getting rid
of them. That won’t lead you to success either, because I have already
saved all videos at my remote servers as a backup.

Things you should not be concerned about:
*That your funds transfer won’t reach my wallet.
– Worry not, I can see everything, hence after you finish the
transfer, I will get a notification right away
(trojan virus of mine uses a remote-control feature, which functions
similarly to TeamViewer).
*That I will still distribute your videos although you make the funds
– My word, I have no intention or interest in continuing making your
life troublesome.
Anyway, If I truly wanted that, it would happen long time ago without
me notifying you!

Everything can be settled in a peaceful and just way!
And lastly… make sure you don’t get caught afterwards in such type
of incidents anymore!
My fair advice – ensure you change all your passwords on a regular

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <oqdl@karmelaberg.com>
Date: 19 Oct 2022 22:01:05 +0500
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (Nigel@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1590 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 13jKLyAFhjVRiWyg1TTPVjweFBAyUyBiy8

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <marcelo@contadorpicos.com>
Date: 19 Oct 2022 13:56:29 +0400
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (Nigel@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1590 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 13jKLyAFhjVRiWyg1TTPVjweFBAyUyBiy8

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

From: <kontakt@tranbjerggaardensvand.dk>
Date: 18 Oct 2022 22:37:30 +0100
Subject: You have an outstanding payment. Debt settlement required.

Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news for you.
Roughly several months ago I have managed to get a complete access to all devices that you use to browse internet.
Afterwards, I have proceeded with monitoring all internet activities of yours.

You can check out the sequence of events summarize below:
Previously I have bought from hackers a special access to various email accounts (currently, it is rather a straightforward thing that can be done online).
Clearly, I could effortlessly log in to your email account as well (lesley@brendinghat.com).

One week after that, I proceeded with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all your devices, which are used by you to login to your email.
Actually, that was rather a simple thing to do (because you have opened a few links from your inbox emails previously).
Genius is in simplicity. ( ~_~)

Thanks to that software I can get access to all controllers inside your devices (such as your video camera, microphone, keyboard etc.).
I could easily download all your data, photos, web browsing history and other information to my servers.
I can access all your social networks accounts, messengers, emails, including chat history as well as contacts list.
This virus of mine unceasingly keeps refreshing its signatures (since it is controlled by a driver), and as result stays unnoticed by antivirus software.

Hereby, I believe by this time it is already clear for you why I was never detected until I sent this letter…

While compiling all the information related to you, I have also found out that you are a true fan and frequent visitor of adult websites.
You truly enjoy browsing through porn websites, while watching arousing videos and experiencing an unimaginable satisfaction.
To be honest, I could not resist but to record some of your kinky solo sessions and compiled them in several videos, which demonstrate you masturbating and cumming in the end.

If you still don’t trust me, all it takes me is several mouse clicks to distribute all those videos with your colleagues, friends and even relatives.
In addition, I can upload them online for entire public to access.
I truly believe, you absolutely don’t want such things to occur, bearing in mind the kinky stuff exposed in those videos that you usually watch, (you definitely understand what I am trying to say) it will result in a complete disaster for you.

We can still resolve it in the following manner:
You perform a transfer of $1590 USD to me (a bitcoin equivalent based on the exchange rate during the funds transfer), so after I receive the transfer, I will straight away remove all those lecherous videos without hesitation.
Then we can pretend like it has never happened before. In addition, I assure that all the harmful software will be deactivated and removed from all devices of yours. Don’t worry, I am a man of my word.

It is really a good deal with a considerably low the price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as well as traffic over an extended period.
If you still unaware about the purchase and transfer process of bitcoins – all you can do is find the necessary information online.

My bitcoin wallet is as follows: 13jKLyAFhjVRiWyg1TTPVjweFBAyUyBiy8

You are left with 48 hours and the countdown starts right after you open this email (2 days to be specific).

Don’t forget to keep in mind and abstain from doing the following:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (this email was generated in your inbox together with the return address).
> Do not attempt to call police as well as other security services. Moreover, don’t even think of sharing it with your friends. If I get to know about it (based on my skills, that would be very easy, since that I have all your systems under my control and constant monitoring) – your dirty video will become public without delay.
> Don’t attempt searching for me – it is completely useless. Cryptocurrency transactions always remain anonymous.
> Don’t attempt reinstalling the OS of your devices or even getting rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your private videos are already been available on remote servers.

Things you should be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the funds transfer you make.
Relax, I will be able to track it immediately, after you complete the funds transfer, because I unceasingly monitor all activities that you do (trojan virus of mine can control remotely all processes, same as TeamViewer).
> That I will still distribute your videos after you have sent the money to me.
Believe me, it is pointless for me to proceed with troubling you after that. Besides that, if that really was my intention, it would happen long time ago!

It all will be settled on fair conditions and terms!

One last advice from me… Moving forward make sure you don’t get involved in such type of incidents again!
My suggestion – make sure you change all your passwords as often as possible.

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