Restore your Memory 4 Warnings Signs Of Dementia 3 Is Scary

From: "Restore your Memory" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 03:52:26 -0500
Subject: 4 Warnings_Signs_Of_Dementia (#3 Is Scary)

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Her daily goal was to improve on yesterday.
I’ve never seen a more beautiful brandy glass filled with wine. He had
concluded that pigs must be able to fly in Hog Heaven. The manager of
the fruit stand always sat and only sold vegetables. She finally
understood that grief was her love with no place for it to go. She
wanted a pet platypus but ended up getting a duck and a ferret
instead. Hit me with your pet shark! A suit of armor provides
excellent sun protection on hot days. Two more days and all his
problems would be solved. The lake is a long way from here. She
finally understood that grief was her love with no place for it to go.
She lived on Monkey Jungle Road and that seemed to explain all of her
strangeness. You’ll see the rainbow bridge after it rains cats and
dogs. This is the last random sentence I will be writing and I am
going to stop mid-sent One small action would change her life, but
whether it would be for better or for worse was yet to be determined.
The fog was so dense even a laser decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
Choosing to do nothing is still a choice, after all. It would have
been a better night if the guys next to us weren’t in the splash zone.
She tilted her head back and let whip cream stream into her mouth
while taking a bath. The thunderous roar of the jet overhead confirmed
her worst fears. Car safety systems have come a long way, but he was
out to prove they could be outsmarted. Combines are no longer just for
farms. The reservoir water level continued to lower while we enjoyed
our long shower. The miniature pet elephant became the envy of the
neighborhood. I’ve never seen a more beautiful brandy glass filled
with wine. The urgent care center was flooded with patients after the
news of a new deadly virus was made public. I checked to make sure
that he was still alive. As he entered the church he could hear the
soft voice of someone whispering into a cell phone. Jenny made the
announcement that her baby was an alien. The opportunity of a lifetime
passed before him as he tried to decide between a cone or a cup.
Purple is the best city in the forest. He wondered if she would
appreciate his toenail collection. The memory we used to share is no
longer coherent. He was surprised that his immense laziness was
inspirational to others. The white water rafting trip was suddenly
halted by the unexpected brick wall. Three generations with six
decades of life experience. He never understood why what, when, and
where left out who. It was the first time he had ever seen someone
cook dinner on an elephant. Love is not like pizza. He uses
onomatopoeia as a weapon of mental destruction.




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