Men Only fruit mixture triggers hard wood in 93 of men

From: "Men Only" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 21:56:41 -0500
Subject: fruit mixture triggers hard wood in 93% of men
Research shows that nearly 60% of men between 40 and 70 experience
“hardness” issues at some stage…

Yet according to new research fresh out of Harvard, it doesn’t have
to be that way…

They recently found a specific combination of nutrients which, when
blended together, will trigger thick, hard wood in as little as 2

And even better, you can find these exact nutrients in your local
grocery store…

Discover them here:

>> Harvard’s natural “stiffening tonic” quickly hardens up men
of all ages
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I was too when this information landed on my desk this morning…

Yet when I saw the science behind this powerful “stiffening tonic”
I had to admit it was worth giving it a try (plus it only costs
pennies to make)…

It works by removing the root cause of a man’s failure to perform in

Which is NOT blood circulation, low T or anything else you might hear

Instead, it’s a sinister “blockage” in your smooth muscle which
can be removed in minutes by simply drinking the powerful nutrients in
this tonic…

And the good news is, you can try it yourself as soon as tonight:

>> Fruit tonic triggers sudden hard wood for 93% of men
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


To your good health,





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Men Only – 9740 S Plaza Trail #80569, Virginia Beach, Virginia 2345,
United States








There was the arch-enemy; the man of all men whom he most hated; the
man who had ruined him, who had exasperated him and driven him to
crime, and who had instigated tireless pursuit through all those past
terrible weeks. Seizing her hand, I said,— “‘Look at me—behold
to what I am reduced—mark these pale and sunken cheeks, and have
pity on me!’ “‘And I, too,’ she murmured, ‘have been very
miserable since we last met.’ “‘Then you have thought of me?’
I exclaimed, retaining her hand still in mine, and reading love in the
depths of her large dark eyes. But he prevented their attempt, and
fled away to Gischala, his native city, while the Galileans came
running out of their several cities to Josephus; and as they were now
become many ten thousands of armed men, they cried out, that they were
come against John the common plotter against their interest, and would
at the same time burn him, and that city which had received him. Civil
l. iv. He had only been moved to his heart s foundations,–thoroughly
in earnest, seeing clearly,–and had addressed himself to the poem s
composition in a happy moment when words came easily to him, and the
elaboration of fine sentences was not difficult. Better go to bed,
sir. The others committed suicide. In a strain of artful adulation,
which assumed the language of freedom, they presumed to censure the
excess of his gratitude and friendship for the Greeks; a nation with
whom it was dangerous to conclude either peace or alliance; whose
superstition was devoid of truth and justice, and who must be
incapable of any virtue, since they could perpetrate the most
atrocious of crimes, the impious murder of their sovereign. They
eagerly desired an alliance against the Mahometan powers. His youth
had been employed in the management of the loom and distaff, in the
cares of the household, and the service of female luxury; but while
his hands were busy, he secretly exercised the faculties of a vigorous
and discerning mind. “I know not. Then, when the vizier touched upon
lighter matters, Ibrahim showed how well he was already acquainted
with the works of the most eminent Turkish poets and historians; and
the art of music being mentioned, he gave the minister a specimen of
his proficiency on the violin. of Tillemont, tom. They were so far off
as to be of a deep blue color, and in a few hours we sank them in the
north-east. There was also a second and third mate, a carpenter,
sailmaker, steward, cook, etc., and twelve, including boys, before the
mast. What do you think it can be? Then she would give way to all the
anguish of her soul—an anguish that amounted to the deepest,
blackest despair, when her glances wildly swept the cloudless horizon,
and beheld not a sail—no! Under a prince whose weakness is disguised
by the external signs of manhood and discretion, the most worthless
favorites may secretly dispute the empire of the palace; and dictate
to submissive provinces the commands of a master, whom they direct and
despise. The emperor promises to entertain with due reverence their
legates and nuncios; to assign a palace for their residence, and a
temple for their worship; and to deliver his second son Manuel as the
hostage of his faith. The report proved to be but the first of many
false alarms, but it had stimulated the League to unusual activity,
and some three or four hundred men were furnished with arms and from
time to time were drilled in secret.

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