WARNING: These are scams. They are Emails sent to a honeytrap address only ever used for this purpose. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing.

CAVEAT: Please note that some of these Emails may be impersonating a genuine company or person. We wish to make it clear that any such name mentioned within these Emails has no connection to the scam. For the sake of searching, we leave these messages untouched, but we will respond to any concerns left in our comments.

From: "1/2 size my belly" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2023 18:52:18 -0500
Subject: 5oz water + THIS = Smaller Belly by Morning
My friend Sharon just lost 34 pounds, SEVENTEEN of those in the first
few weeks… right after she started this simple morning routine…

Prior to this, nothing worked for her… at best she’d lose weight one
week, just to gain it back the next.

But when she started doing THIS every morning, things rapidly

>> Half-glass of water + This = Smaller Belly Every Morning
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Hope this helps you as much as it has Sharon 🙂

I’m confident it will!



 <Suspicious hyperlink>  | Report
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
1/2 size my belly – 0471 S Plaza Trail #3075, Virginia Beach,
Virginia 23409, United States














He had married Placidia, the younger daughter of Valentinian, after
she was restored by Genseric; who still detained her sister Eudoxia,
as the wife, or rather as the captive, of his son. She was now
involved in almost total darkness; but far—far overhead the dim
luster of the lamp was seen; and the four walls of the gulf now
appeared to touch the ceiling of the room above, and to inclose that
faint but still distinct orb within the narrow space thus shut in. He
could not well be a prophet and a camel-driver at the same time.
According to their respective situations, they maintained the
simplicity of the pastoral life, or assumed the luxury of the cities
of Asia; but the princes and their hordes were alike disposed for the
reception of a foreign worship. And here it was that Titus ordered a
camp to be fortified for two legions that were to be together; but
ordered another camp to be fortified, at three furlongs farther
distance behind them, for the fifth legion; for he thought that, by
marching in the night, they might be tired, and might deserve to be
covered from the enemy, and with less fear might fortify themselves;
and as these were now beginning to build, the tenth legion, who came
through Jericho, was already come to the place, where a certain party
of armed men had formerly lain, to guard that pass into the city, and
had been taken before by Vespasian. Both her parents were dead; she
was dependent upon herself. The king of the Goths was informed by
trembling messengers, that John the Sanguinary spread the devastations
of war from the Apennine to the Hadriatic; that the rich spoils and
innumerable captives of Picenum were lodged in the fortifications of
Rimini; and that this formidable chief had defeated his uncle,
insulted his capital, and seduced, by secret correspondence, the
fidelity of his wife, the imperious daughter of Amalasontha. A feeble,
diminutive body concealed the soul of a statesman and a warrior. Nor
I. A matron who commanded the respect and pity of mankind, the
daughter, wife, and mother of emperors, was tortured like the vilest
malefactor, to force a confession of her designs and associates; and
the empress Constantina, with her three innocent daughters, was
beheaded at Chalcedon, on the same ground which had been stained with
the blood of her husband and five sons. The jealousy of the Nestorians
and Monophysites has guarded the purity of their text. From his
science, says the old scholiast, he was called, not a man, but a book.
No hope for the future. The same courage which obtains the esteem of a
civilized enemy provokes the fury of a savage, and the impatient
besieger had bound himself by a tremendous oath, that age, and sex,
and dignity, should be confounded in a general massacre. 1, 2, 3, 4;
iv. I tried to reason with him about it, but he had the best of all
arguments, that from experience, at hand, and was not to be moved. The
bees were asleep. But the regular distribution of the thirty-five
tribes, the nice balance of the wealth and numbers of the centuries,
the debates of the adverse orators, and the slow operations of votes
and ballots, could not easily be adapted by a blind multitude,
ignorant of the arts, and insensible of the benefits, of legal
government. No, he answered. Ain t it bully, hey?