WARNING: These are scams. They are Emails sent to a honeytrap address only ever used for this purpose. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing.

CAVEAT: Please note that some of these Emails may be impersonating a genuine company or person. We wish to make it clear that any such name mentioned within these Emails has no connection to the scam. For the sake of searching, we leave these messages untouched, but we will respond to any concerns left in our comments.

From: RUPAM ALEX <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:35:03 +0000
Subject: SEO Complete Digital Marketing Services !


We are a leading Digital Marketing company with a proven track record
in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Online Marketing. Our
streamlined project management and collaboration process takes the
sweat out of bulk SEO outsourcing. Here is how:

Here is what I am offering:

(1)Search Engine Optimization (First Page rankings in Google, Yahoo &
(2)E-commerce Website Development
(3)Word Press Website Development
(4)SMO, PPC, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Marketing,
(5)SEO Content Writing
(6)Social Media Marketing
(7) We offer GMB verification and optimization services and even
remove fake competitor GMB listings

I am happy to have a call with you to understand your requirements in
much depth. Please could you share a suitable date and time for our
call at your convenience along with your time zone..

Best Regards,
Manager – SEO Expert