WARNING: These are scams. They are Emails sent to a honeytrap address only ever used for this purpose. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing.

CAVEAT: Please note that some of these Emails may be impersonating a genuine company or person. We wish to make it clear that any such name mentioned within these Emails has no connection to the scam. For the sake of searching, we leave these messages untouched, but we will respond to any concerns left in our comments.

From: Matteo Scalcione <[email protected]>
Date: 5 Sep 2021 21:38:29 -0700
Subject: Quotation request


  • FN351H-50-33_pdf.gz    VIRUS DETECTED 


I hereby request the best quotation and delivery time of the following
items in attachment:

Welook forward to your response.

Yours sincerely.

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Matteo Scalcione

[email protected]

+39 393 9236483 [tel:+39%20393%20923%206483]

+39 (0) 577 982050 [tel:+39%200577%20982050]

+39 (0) 577 982540

S.S. 2 Cassia Ing. 10
Loc. Pian dei Peschi
53036 Poggibonsi (SI)

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www.metaf.com/  <Suspicious hyperlink> 

_ Informativa Privacy – Ai sensi del GDPR 2016/679 i dati
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errore, La preghiamo di eliminarlo senza copiarlo e di non inoltrarlo
a terzi, dandocene gentilmente comunicazione, rispondendo alla
presente mail. Grazie.  _


_ Privacy information – According to the GDPR 2016/679 the content
of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified
in message only and in compliance with the principles applicable to
the processing of personal data ext art. 5 GDPR 2016/679. It is
strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third
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message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its
deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur again in
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