From: Mr Ricard Moseley <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 04:36:57 -0700
Subject: Director of International Payment,HSBC BANK
Does it means that you are no more interested of making the claim of
your outstanding fund US$15.5millIion of yours which have successful
channel to transfer and reflect into your bank account? up till this
moment, you only decided to remain silent even though I personally has
took an Affidavit Oath to secure this fund from the Ministry of
Justice West Africa Code of Conduct Court. With all due respect, if
you really know you are no more interested of making this claim of
your outstanding fund, kindly update me now to cancel this Transfer or
delivery since your negative thought does not allow you to believe on
the reality of what has just already concluded, please send me a
declaration letter stated that you are no more interested of making
the claim of your fund so I will cancel the transfer or delivery.
What makes you think that you will not secure your fund and have
Access of the fund as the real Beneficiary? You should know that I
have made everything possible arrangement and get the Ownership
Certificate available for you. So kindly go now and send the only sum
of the US$150usd to activate the Transfer procurement payment slip and
submit to your bank authority for confirmation of the fund into your
bank account. Are you internationally want to delay this matter? It
has been long that I made the announcement of releasing of your fund
which is ready for you to claim. with all due respect, I advice you to
go now and send this Fee immediately without any delay and update me
because I want you to secure this fund as we agreed and signed off the
payment file.
Do try and send the US$150usd only and update me with the Attached
Copies of payment Information for accountability as directed itunes
card or google play or steam wallet card of $100 and one of $50, also
get ready for the confirmation of the transfer as I am at your Service
and promised for noble and perfect service to you since your Funds
transfer is READY OR DELIVERY.You shall appreciate the effort of the
new Attorney General of Federation, UN HUMAN RIGHT and of ECOWAS
Government who has signed the Handover authorization of the fund
rightly at the Supreme and High Court.
please do not delay to send this fee today because this is a last
chance and final conclusion, the reflection and the authorization
alert shall be send direct your Bank and you shall start withdrawal
after 24hours of the alert. Kindly do your best now to send the Fee
and update this office immediately. ;- CONGRATS FROM THE OFFICE OF THE
for the inconvenience and delay you might have encountered while
trying to receive your Fund in the past meanwhile am in Africa now on
UN Mission to promote Equity and Justice. By virtue of law, you are
advised to go now and send the required fee as directed to activate
the Transfer procurement payment slip and submit to your bank
authority for confirmation of the fund into your bank account today.
Based on your past experienced against those criminal, an a strict
warning and signal has forward to the authorized Bank by Hon Attorney
Barrister Robert Morris the UNO Attorney General based in USA and has
directed the financial authority in Africa to transfer the total fund
into your Bank A/C within 24hours once you reconfirm your account and
is confirm,
Finally, a letter has drafted and forward to the Africa Union Pernell
of Justice, United Nation Legal Firm and Human Right Justice
Development Units over this issue, this is to make sure that the West
African Government will not escape from releasing your fund per the
instructions and for SURE, you shall receive your fund with out any
further protocol once the confirmation of the required payment is
made. We shall forward the payment details to you once we hears from are now advised to meet the required payment responsibility of
your ATM delivery charge for the courier which will cost you $150usd
to clear before the transfer shall commence.send ituns card or google
play worth $150
Mr Ricard Moseley
Director of International Payment,HSBC BANK
Contact Email [email protected]
We required your urgent response to this email as directed to avoid
further delay.
Yours faithfully,