Mr.Peter Okute Attention: Dear Beneficiary

From: "Mr.Peter Okute" <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 00:59:45 +0100
Subject: Attention: Dear Beneficiary,

Attention: Dear Beneficiary,

This is Foreign Payment Commission, Today 010/04/2021 we received
instruction from united nation HEAD OFFICE Benin Republic.

The letter stated that you lost money while trying to receive your
funds since last year 2017.According to your payment file here, you
would have received $7.3MILLION long time ago but all your efforts was
abortive due to wrongful contacts that you followed up in the past.

Thank God that today foreign payment commission has made a way for you
to follow and receive / recover every dam time and money that you
might have spent in the past as $7.3MILLION is now lodged with foreign
payment commission. Honestly, It will take foreign payment commission
only 4 working days to pay you therefore make your choice now on how
you want to receive your $7.3MILLION either by ATM Card , Cash
delivery,bank draft or Wire transfer therefore be specific about this.
As soon as you reply according to informations above you encounter
receiving of your $7.3MILLION that is waiting for you here in this

Finally, Make sure that you send your contact address and private
phone number to enable foreign payment commission to supply you with
every details that you might need to move forward in receiving your
funds $7.3MILLION.
Thanks and remain blessed.
Mr.Peter Okute
Chief Exective officer
Foreign payment commission.
E-mail: [email protected]

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