WARNING: These are scams. They are Emails sent to a honeytrap address only ever used for this purpose. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing.

CAVEAT: Please note that some of these Emails may be impersonating a genuine company or person. We wish to make it clear that any such name mentioned within these Emails has no connection to the scam. For the sake of searching, we leave these messages untouched, but we will respond to any concerns left in our comments.

From: Conrad <[email protected]>
Reply: Conrad <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2020 06:25:51 +0700 (WIB)
Subject: Time Is Ticking


I think you will not be happy, because I have a very bad news for you. Just a few months ago I hacked your operating system and I have full control of your device.I implanted a small application into your device which sends me your current IP address and allows me to connect to your device just like remote desktop. Even if you change your password, it wont help.

How I infected you?

The router that you used to connect to Internet had a security hole.You can read about this problem by searching for CVE-2019-10562.I hacked your router and I put my code into it, and when you tried to connect to Internet, my program infected your device.Later I made a full copy of your hard drive (I have all your email contact lists, list of websites you visited, phone numbers, your passwords etc.)A little while later, when I was searching your web browsing history I was shocked by what I saw!! The sites for adults you are visiting… you know what I mean…I just want to say – your fantasies are shifted far away from the normal course!…

For months now, I have been spying on you through your device camera.especially when you visited those sites to have fun … Those videos show clearly you having fun and the content for adults you were watching .. this is pretty nasty and I would be very worried if I were you.

I have secured 2 videos:
[[-Email -]] _ 1447084044.mp4 (119.1 MB)
[[-Email -]] _ 1444285697.mp4 (64.5 MB)

You can verify that the timestamps correspond to the moments you were enjoying yourself …

Now, because I do not like at all what I saw (that you know is pretty crazy and ugly) I have been wondering how we can keep this matter under the wraps.Is 5000 US dollars in Bitcoin a fair price to ask? (considering your perversions) .Is up to you to decide so, i will give that chance to conclude if you want me to forget about the whole case, remove the files and disable the nasty app that is spying on you.I am waiting to hear your opinion within 72 hours. Yes, I give you 72 hours only to respond by Contacting me on this email address: [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ]

If you fail to respond within 72 hours, I promise you – I will send those files with you enjoying yourself to all your contact lists, associates and social network friends.With access to your device, I will know when you read this message. you open it the time will start ticking. You have 72 hours only!

I am from Russia and nobody will help you if you report this email .. Before they find me your life will be ruined! If you do not cooperate with me – I will release this ugly material immediately.

This is why I advise you to write so that we can deliberate and forget about the whole situation between us. 5000 USD in bitcoin is not big to ask and i know you can afford it. Do not be angry with me. This is just my job, and you are not the only person I caught. Be angry at your fantasies – if you didn't visit those sites for adults you would have no problem ..

Remember, time is ticking