WARNING: These are scams. They are Emails sent to a honeytrap address only ever used for this purpose. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing.

CAVEAT: Please note that some of these Emails may be impersonating a genuine company or person. We wish to make it clear that any such name mentioned within these Emails has no connection to the scam. For the sake of searching, we leave these messages untouched, but we will respond to any concerns left in our comments.

From: Prefeito veriteľ <[email protected]>
Reply: veriteľ <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 09:06:10 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: získajte teraz investičné pôžičku.

poiiavacej prce
dobr de
AUTH FINANCIE je finann spolonos, ktor sa pecializuje na poskytovanie; Hypotky, osobn piky, investin piky, piky na konsolidciu dlhov, piky na aut, piky na dovolenku, kolsk piky, komern piky, piky na vybavenie, ndzov / neoakvan vdavky a projektov piky. Naa ponuka piiek sa pohybuje od 50 000,00 (Min) do 500 000 000,00 (Max) s nzkou rokovou sadzbou 2%. V prpade zujmu ns prosm kontaktujte niie: [email protected]
Suma piky:
Dka piky:
very el:
Vaka naim rchlym pikm poskytuje AUTH FINANCE piky, ktor s jednoduch, pohodln a lacn. Tto ponuka je oficilne a leglne

Google translate from Slovak

Subject: get an investment loan now.

poiiavacej prce
good de
AUTH FINANCE is a financial company that specializes in providing; Mortgages, personal spades, investment spades, debt consolidation spades, car spades, holiday spades, school spades, commercial spades, equipment spades, low / unexpected expenses and project spades. Our offer offers from 50,000.00 (Min) to 500,000,000.00 (Max) with a low annual rate of 2%. In case of interest, please contact us below: [email protected]
Sum of spades:
Thanks spades:
very el:
Your quick spike bag provides AUTH FINANCE spades that are simple, comfortable and inexpensive. This offer is official and legal