From: Mrs Grace Adams <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:04:48 +0100
My beloved One in Christ,
Endeavor to use the Fund
With Due Respect And Humility, I was compiled to write a humanitarian
ground. My name is Mrs Grace Adams, I am 68yrs old, From United
Kingdom, I was married to late Dr. Engr.Adams Brandon who until his
death was The Chairman / CEO of Arthur Global Industries and a
philanthropist based in Cote d’I even.
We were married for 38 years without a child. And Recently, I was
diagnosed with cancer problem (cancer of the liver). When my husband
was alive, he deposited the sum of (US $ 3.5) Three million five
hundred dollars in a Security firm here in Ivory Coast for safe
keeping. Presently this money is still in the vault of the firm.
Having known my condition as a member of the Church, or as a member of
the Church of God, Christianity, Hindus, Muslim or any other person
way I am going to instruct herein.
I do not know what you want to do in order to help me get away from it
all. The privileged, needles and orphanages, building churches,
maintaining the house of God, building orphanages, schools and
building care homes. I have made this decision because I do not like
it, and I think it’s a good idea, and I do not want it in this way.
This is why I am taking this decision. Do not know what you’re going
to do, but do not know what you’re going to be doing in your life.
Cancer Surgery.
Please ensure that you will act accordingly as I have Stated herein.
Expecting to receive your re-assuring reply.
Mrs Grace Adams
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నేను ఒక్క అనాథ ఆశ్రం ఏర్పాటు chesthunaanu ప్లీజ్ send me some amount church I okkati ఏర్పాటు చేసి క్రీస్తును గూ రిచిన సువార్తను బోధించాలి అన్న. తపన
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I set up an orphanage chesthunaanu Please send me some amount church I okkati set up and preach the gospel of Christ. Quest
You are adding comments to a forum that publishes examples of scam Emails. The Email above has come from someone who wants to steal your money.
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స్కామ్ ఇమెయిల్ల ఉదాహరణలను ప్రచురించే ఫోరమ్కి మీరు వ్యాఖ్యలను జోడిస్తున్నారు. పైన ఉన్న ఇమెయిల్ మీ డబ్బును దొంగిలించాలనుకునే వారి నుండి వచ్చింది.
No comments please ghealp me
No many for tfan dinar
No mony for tefn dinnr have help me