ROBERT WOLFGANG Good Morning 30 03 2020

From: ROBERT WOLFGANG <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 09:47:29 +0100
Subject: Good Morning 30/03/2020

This is to officially make clear to you that we have confirmed your
indenture lotery /heritage compensation file and fund out that your
inability to receive your payment is because you have not fulfilled
the obligations given to you regarding your contract / inheritance
payment. Secondly, it has been brought to our notice that some
unauthorized con men still contacts you sequel to this fund;
consequently, you are warned to resist intending to transact with them
for the safety of this dealings if you wish to receive your payment
because we have determined to bring a solution to your financial
problem (if

At this spot in time, we have approved your payment of( $10.5m us
dollars )through our swift card payment center as that is the most
recent instruction bythe Federal Ministry of Finance, with
incorporate of united nation, this card center will send you an inter
switch powered ATM visa card for withdrawal of funds from any ATM
station in any part of the world with daily maximum withdrawal limit
of only Five Thousand Dollars per day, if you like to be given your
fund in this manner, gently present us with the following information

We Wish To Bring To You The Solution To This Problem. Right Now We
Have Arranged Your Payment Through Our Swift Card Payment Centers,
That Is The Latest Instruction From Economic Community Of West African
States (ECOWAS) I wish to advise you that such an illegal act have to
stop if you wish to receive your
payment since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem.

Reconfirm the following Information to me if you are still willing to
receive your funds:

A) Full Name:…
B) Email address………..
2. Phone number…….
4. Occupation……
5. Country……./ HOME ADRESS…..
6. A copy of your valid ID


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