King Johnson Good Day

From: King Johnson <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2020 23:59:13 -1200
Subject: Good Day

Good Day

It came to our honourble notice,your winning allocation of a direct
prize of $850,000.00 dollars has been approved by the Arcus
Foundation,The approval of the funds was made in collaboration with
the European Commission and the American society for public
administration. Your money is now charged to a bank debit card that
you can use to withdraw cash from any ATM anywhere in your country.

I refer to the letter I posted to your address but I did not hear from
you and decided to send you an email one more time,This decision was
taken based on the abnormalities whereby it was discovered that some
Directors in different organization diverting pended beneficiaries
payment to another account of their choice. In view of this, during
our investigation we found out that an fund was submitted to
divert,thank God MR BENHARD RORHER has been stop and declared false acclaimed.

Prior to your funds pursuits, and its important to inform you that
after due process and confirmations, then, we deemed it very necessary
to reflects your funds pursuit through our affiliated bank in Bnp
Paribas Bank Belgium, and you are advised to follow suit towards
reaching out with the bank immediately for an immediate action towards
releasing your funds after you might have reached the procedures and
the ethics of the financial process in the Bnp Paribas Bank Belgium
enable you receive your fund through Bank to Bank wire transfer
Directs into your accunt as we are no longer paying you by ATM MASTER
CARD, Once we hear from you.

The above named Authorities of Arcus Foundation who awaits a counter
directives from the consituted authorities to effect the transfer of
your funds. contact our regional consultant through the following
email address:( [email protected] ) Regional Consultant: Mr.Mark

David Elias(Committee on Payments – European Commission)

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