belinda nana very urgent to you Peter McDoodle with trust and love

From: belinda nana <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 14:12:47 +0000
Subject: very urgent to you Peter McDoodle with trust and love

Greetings to You

Assist Request From You

Please let this not be a surprised message to you because I decided to
contact you on this magnitude and lucrative transaction for our
present and future survival in life. Moreover, I have laid all the
solemn trust in you before i decided to disclose this successful and
confidential transaction to you.

I am miss belinda nana my father is from America and my mother is from
Ghana now am in
Ghana since about six months now for this trip,

I hope all is well with you? I
am female the only single daughter in my family,

I have in my possession the sum of $2.5 Million USD,

including with 50
bars of AU Gold, Which my late father made there in 2013,he
deposited this values with a security company as FAMILY VALUABLE
belonging to his Brazilian foreign associate which he didn't mentioned any
to them.

And according to him before his death, he did it like that so that
none of his family member will have power to drag the inheritance from
the security company ,

Please I want you to stand as my late father business associate and
receive the values and keep it safe for me so that as soon as am
through with my mission here in Accra Ghana then i will join
you there for sharing and investment,

You will assist me to invest it in a good profitable Venture or you
keep it for me until I arrive your country,

I will give You 25% of the
total money for your assistance after you have receive The values.
Please reply back to me if you are willing to work with me so that I
can send you the information where the money is been deposited.

Your urgent reply is needed only through this
my private email box
[ [email protected] }
phone number 00550452945

Thank Yours,
belinda nana .

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