WARNING: These are scams. They are Emails sent to a honeytrap address only ever used for this purpose. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing.

CAVEAT: Please note that some of these Emails may be impersonating a genuine company or person. We wish to make it clear that any such name mentioned within these Emails has no connection to the scam. For the sake of searching, we leave these messages untouched, but we will respond to any concerns left in our comments.

From: "Ann Shamper"<[email protected]>
Reply: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 01:50:17 -0800
Subject: My life, My pain, My worries...

Dear friend,

I fervently pray that the peace of the Lord shall always be with you. My name is Rev. Mother Ann Shamper; I am 79 years old now. I have been suffering in the sick bed for the past 5 years. I believe that I can no longer carry on with the Charity work which I have been doing for a longer time now because of my ailment.

I got your email address from the Internet, as the spirit of Almighty God directed me to contact you for this charitable work. I have $8,000,000.00 deposited in a safe location which I want you to claim on my behalf for an important charitable project in your City. I have chosen to hand over this money to you for this charitable work which l faithfully believe that you have desire for people in need.

I hope you will honestly do this for me, if yes please forward to me your particulars and your contact information like private phone and fax numbers so that i will send it to the Finance firm immediately.

Finally, I will like to know what you do for a living so that I can be able to know if

Thank and Remain blessed in the Lord.

Rev. Mother Ann Shamper