From: "Barrister John A. Dav" <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 17:49:19 +0100
Dear Beneficiary:
In line with my resolve, desire and Determination to ensure
that your / our pending Transaction is Completed without
Recourse to any Hitch, Hindrance as well as Bureaucracy from any
Government Agencies , I have sourced , gotten and engaged the
Services of Financial Institution of Great Repute known for
their *Excellence and Superior Professionalism in their Financial
Service Delivery* in the United Kingdom. They have be
Contracted to help in finally getting the Pending fund
Transferred to you without further hitch.
In order to achieve this , the Company through their New
Management has Introduced a *NEW* and very *EFFICIENT and
EFFECTIVE* Financial Service Provision that is Devoid of any
Hassles, Hitch or Hindrance. This Service is Termed *Cash
withdrawals from An ATM Machine without the Use of ATM /DEBIT Cards
With this Services , you will no longer need An *ATM Card or a
Debit Card* to withdraw funds from an ATM Machine in any part of the
Globe. This Services is entails the Provision of a *new Mobile
App* called *FPFS* *SuperMobil App * that *allows users to access
their bank accounts without the hassle of inserting a debit card into a
cash machine*, joining the ranks of Other Notable Financial
Institutions like * Barclays Bank, HSBC, Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS)*
which introduced a similar feature in 2019 and other banks around the
More Importantly, with the push of a few buttons on a *Smart Phone
Screen*, You will receive a *Reference Number and Password*, which
you will then be able to type in to an *ATM to access your bank account,
adding a measure of personalized security*.
The service can be used at any Bank ATM In any Part of the Globe ,
which have been updated to include a special button to access the feature,
in conjunction with the *FPFS SuperMvil App*, granting *customers the
ability to make as many transactions as desired up to a daily limit of
$24,000.00 (Twenty Four Thousand Dollars) which is Exactly
$1,000.00(One thousand Dollars) per HOUR.*
Lastly Sir , if you are interested in having this *CORDLESS FEATURES
/ SERVICES* Provided to you, please kindly revert back to us
for the Immediate commencement of the Process .
We await Your Urgently Needed Positive response.
Barrister John A. DAV