Kansas Lottery Congratulations

From: "Kansas Lottery" <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 14:38:40 +0700
Subject: Congratulations!!!,

Kansas Lottery Headquarters
128 N Kansas Avenue Topeka,KS 66603
Reference Winning Number:
AJMTH-KL: 604168CIH2017


We deeply congratulate you for winning the 2020 SKL Email Lottery Draw of ($1 Million) All participants Email address in this lottery program were selected randomly through a computer ballot system, drawn from 12,000.000 individual Email from all registered networks around the world. Your Email Address was picked by the automated computer ballot system, which was
programmed for this random selection.This random selection has eventually qualified YOU for this year Annual SKL Email Lotto Winning Draw.

This promotional pro-gramme takes place annually, and is being promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities like, Warren Edward Buffet, Carlos Slim Hel?, and Bill Gates of Microsoft Inc. With the support of other corporate companies and organizations to encourage the use of Email and computers systems worldwide.

Contact your agent for payment with your Ref No (Ref:AJMTH-KL:604168CIH2017) Email
Dr.Anthony Powell ([email protected])

Best Regard
Dr Alex Youg
Claim Office Universal SKL Lottery Center

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