From: PLEASE CONTACT FOR YOUR FUND <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2020 12:31:57 -0800
Subject: Dear Beneficiary,
Cmo ests hoy? Para tu respuesta rpida, hemos tomado nota de tu
correo electrnico hoy, nosotros
necesitar la siguiente informacin de usted para permitir que su Fondo sea
regstrese en el banco de liberacin, le notificaremos ms sobre
el grupo equivocado que haba planeado reclamar su Fondo tan pronto
como escuchemos
de ti lo antes posible.
Este departamento finaliza la transferencia de la liberacin del fondo a su
Cuenta bancaria extranjera nominada. Este departamento necesita lo siguiente
informacin de usted con urgencia.
1, nombres completos______________________
2, telfono_____________________ ____
3, direccin de contacto___________________
4, edad___________________________ ____
5, ocupacin ____________________ ____
6, Sexo___________________________ ____
7, Nmero de fax________________________
Una vez ms, te pido disculpas en nombre de International
El nombre del banco; Idaho Central Credit Union USA.Bank 324173626 enrutamiento
[email protected] THE
Nombre Antonio Chavez Nmero de telfono … + 12085702135
Agencia de fondos monetarios para este contacto y adecuada
confirmacin requerida
urgentemente de usted si est vivo.
Tuyo sinceramente
Dr. Roy Martins
[translate language=”Spanish”]
How are you today? For your quick reply, we have noted your
email today, we
need the following information from you to enable your Fund to be
register with the release bank, we will notify you more about
the wrong group who had planned to claim their Fund so soon
how we listen
from you asap.
This department finalizes the transfer of the fund release to its
Nominated foreign bank account. This department needs the following
information from you urgently.
1, full names______________________
2, phone_____________________ __
3, contact address___________________
4, age___________________________ __
5, occupation ________ __
6, Sex___________________________ __
7, Fax number________________________
Once again, I apologize on behalf of International
The name of the bank; Idaho Central Credit Union USA.Bank 324173626 routing
Number 704760777 account EMAIL ADDRESS
[email protected] THE
Name Antonio Chavez Telephone number… + 12085702135
TAX NUMBER; 2083389748
Monetary Fund Agency for this contact and suitable
confirmation required
urgently from you if you are alive.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Dr. Roy Martins