Mrs. Christy Walton Re:

From: " Mrs. Christy Walton"<homepage>
Reply: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 14:16:23 +0200
Subject: Re:

Dear beloved,

Greetings to you! I am Mrs. Christy Walton, a citizen of the United States
of America. I bring to you a proposal worth the sum ($14,900,000.00 USD)
which I intend to use for a humanitarian project. I am happy to know you,
I have never doubted my instinct as it has never failed me, even as it has
directed me to you at this point in time so do not be afraid. I saw your
e-mail contact at the department of commerce and foreign trade. I am
writing this mail to you with heavy sorrow in my heart, it's painful to
let you know that I have been suffering for esophageal cancer and a rare
heart disease for the past 6 years and just few weeks ago my Doctor told
me that I won't survive the illness. I am contacting you because I don't
have any other option but to open up to you about my project at hand.

Please get back to me as soon as you receive this e-mail for further
details. Please endeavor to keep this confidential. I await your response.

Remain Blessed
Mrs. Christy Walton

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