From: "Bar. Jerry Lawrence (Esq)"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2019 18:03:49 +0100

I am Barrister Jerry Lawrence from the IMF/FBI department. This is to
inform you about your fund, If you don't claim it now it will be
cancelled. We have mandated the affiliate payment center to release
your fund. The only thing you have to do now is for them to authorize
the transfer of your fund into your account and the only fee you have
to make is 150Euro just for the cost of transfer because every other
expenses has been taken care of.

Note that the cost of transfer cannot be deducted from the fund
because of lack of "power of attorney".
You need to contact the affiliate payment officer Mr. John Wuda with
the below information.

Email: ( Whatsapp: +1(984)664-2644 and send them the
fee so they can get your fund transferred to you without delay.



Bar. Jerry Lawrence
Whatsapp: +1(718)593-4389

6 thoughts on “Bar. Jerry Lawrence Esq LAST NOTICE ABOUT YOUR FUND”

  1. Ma numesc Mery Meru sunt.din Romania si primesc astfel de ms . zilnic de 12 ani . Sunt saraca si cred ca asta m- a salvat de nu am trimis bani. Mi se spune ca am castigat un fond de 10.500.000,00 $ si in fiecare ms mi se cere sa platesc o taxa variind de la 150 Euro la 950 Euro . Nu am trimis niciodată evident si acea persoana s-a enervat la un moment dat si m-a amenințat cu moartea pe mine si familia mea. După câteva zile a revenit sub alt nume cum de fapt făcea mereu si aici mi-am pus eu întrebarea si i-am raspuns ca o sa cer ajutor la Ambasada daca poate sa ma ajute cu sumă solicitata de el sau ea si mi-a blocat ca sa nu pot retransmite ms. Atunci iar mi am pus un semn de intrebare si am trimis ms. la Consulatul României si am primit nr. de înregistrare dar persoanei care tot imi trimitea ms ca l-am trimis la Ambasada si astept raspuns . I saptamana nu a mai trimis nimic apoi iar a revenit si ieri mi a dat un ultimatum ca daca nu trimit 150 Euro imi anulează fondul. A facut prea multe greșeli ca sa pot crede dar m am speriat foarte tare cand m a amenințat cu moartea ………..

    1. Mai ales della Nigeria unde sunt celle mai mari hotie, înșelători , azi acum puțin timp miau trimis un email cu numele de dl Damion Nnaoche can dice că vine de la United Bank of Africa PLC, cu adresa Plot 136, Balagun street Lagos Island,.
      Mi ha cerut toate detaliile mele că să-mi trimeață un carta Visa ATM cu suma de $7.000.500.000, prin FedEx cu agentul de curier, dar știu că o să ceară bani, că așa fac truffatori , scammer, doar nu o dată de mai multe ori , si la urma ramai in perdere, nu trimit nimic.
      Am primit destule mail in spam dar eu le șterg ..

    2. I get this email from Lawrence at least 3 times a month , maybe more . He’s a bloody pain in the proverbial . Get his IP address and get him and his associates shut down !!!
      Another one I get is from a “MRS LINDA PEARCE “ , she’s another scammer . You can have $2.5m in return for a $50 Gift Card , bull***t , blooming laughable 😂😂😂. IP Address needed to get her and her associates shut down and prosecuted

      1. i ask them for a foto of cheque then i tell them ive taken it to bank and cashed it i tell them the bank accepted it by photo then i send them a picture of a yacht and lots of plush cars thes scammers think us brits are daft well its them whos daft lol

  2. Bonjour.
    J’ai écrit ce matin à ****** pour dire que j’avais reçu un colis qui d’après moi ne devait pas arrivé.
    J’ai pris des photos comme quoi il était intact et non abîmé, ET J’AI RENVOYE CE COLIS PAR LA POSTE (en Allemagne)je crois.
    J’ai prévenu ma banque et la société *********** pour faire une enquête et dire que je souhaitais être remboursé de votre facture de 183.88 EUROS car j’ai dit depuis longtemps que je n’étais pas d’accord, et je n’ai rien en contre partie; J’attends qu’ils aient reçu le retour pour connaître la décision.
    J’espère avoir été clair.
    Je vous remercie

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