Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler RE:

From: "Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler" <>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2018 21:02:20 -0700
Subject: RE:

I am Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler, a German citizen, wife of late Georg W. Schaeffler, 75 years old. You can see here: I intend to give to you a portion of my Wealth as a free-will financial donation to you. Respond now to partake.
Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler

One thought on “Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler RE:”

  1. The problem with emails like this is that a person can’t tell if the email is a scam or if it’s a legidamit source and some people tend to buy into it at first by sending info to the person but if you have to pay to receive a gift the red flag should come out although this type of emails are ment to get the elderly and the medically I’ll into paying for fees by writing text that has words of encouragement and prayers to with usaly a attourney or a public offical name that most of the time will give the person confidence about paying for a fee of tax or of notary are scales now in a foreign transaction of funds their are some fees to pay but in any country or state all fees will be paid out of the fund at the time of receipt from the beneficiary of the fund no fees should be charged without a proper court filing of documents required for this to be legidamit so before going to far in paying any out of pocket money do research to prove that it is a legal activity truth be told 99% of the emails are scames and only 1% will be legidamit and legal be safe don’t trust anybody all due respect to the person who will give and not take words of the wise Eric d brown in Albuquerque n.m United States of America.

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