johnniegarand300 From NORMONZ PHARMACEUTICAL

Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 12:52:01 +0100
Hello, Good day to you, I’m Johnnie M Garand, Senior Analyst working at NORMONZ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY UK. I am

also developing couple of projects, our company need a supplier of Agromatozine seed oil in India and the are

purchasing in large Quantity, it’s a product our company use to produce medicine, can you stand as the dealer and

receive our company inspection team on arrival, please be rest assured that all modalities are in place, if

traveling to India is not possible, the company delegate can come over to meet you in country. If you are

interested I will guide you on how to follow up with my company and stand as a dealer of the product, after

supplying the product we will share the profit. That is why I am offering to stand as a local dealer and receive

our company, if you can handle it, please let me know via email. Regards, Johnnie M Garand Sender name: Johnnie M



Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 13:42:34 +0100

I have a contract opportunity from a pharmaceutical company that pays
its suppliers to deliver raw material and production equipment for
their production needs.

Can you be able to handle such? Or bring a capable hand to handle such
a contract and earn 10% of the profit share?

Or you handle the contract directly and we share the net profit at 60
/40 % ratio.

Before we discuss your product sales, we need to execute the above
mentioned contract to earn legitimate profit that will be channeled
into your product export.

Your boss may not be interested, if you need to earn money to become
your own CEO, look for a trustworthy competent and capable person to
handle such a contract and you will also benefit from the profit

Revert to me for a more comprehensive offer with further details and

What is your whatsApp number to inform you to check your email?

David P.


Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 14:43:36 +0100
Hello, Good day to you, I’m Johnnie M Garand, Senior Analyst working at NORMONZ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY UK. I am

also developing couple of projects, our company need a supplier of Agromatozine seed oil in India and the are

purchasing in large Quantity, it’s a product our company use to produce medicine, can you stand as the dealer and

receive our company inspection team on arrival, please be rest assured that all modalities are in place, if

traveling to India is not possible, the company delegate can come over to meet you in country. If you are

interested I will guide you on how to follow up with my company and stand as a dealer of the product, after

supplying the product we will share the profit. That is why I am offering to stand as a local dealer and receive

our company, if you can handle it, please let me know via email. Regards, Johnnie M Garand Sender name: Johnnie M


milpitasmilpitas4 From Johnnie M Garand

Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 23:02:14 +0100
Subject: From Johnnie M Garand
Hello, Good day to you,
I’m Johnnie M Garand, Senior Analyst working at NORMONZ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY UK. I am also developing couple of projects, our company need a supplier of Agromatozine seed oil in India and the are purchasing in large Quantity, it’s a product our company use to produce medicine, can you stand as the dealer and receive our company inspection team on arrival, please be rest assured that all modalities are in place, if traveling to India is not possible, the company delegate can come over to meet you in country. If you are interested I will guide you on how to follow up with my company and stand as a dealer of the product, after supplying the product we will share the profit. That is why I am offering to stand as a local dealer and receive our company, if you can handle it, please let me know via email. Regards, Johnnie M Garand Sender name:
Johnnie M Garand

Mr Macaulay Business Proposal.

From: Mr Macaulay <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 18:57:52 +0100
Subject: Business Proposal.

Greetings of the day.

I hope this email finds you well.
It’s my pleasure to let you know about the lucrative business contract

opportunity from my company, for partnership consideration towards
earning a continuous legitimate profit margin.

We use a certain raw material in our pharmaceutical firm for the
manufacture of animal vaccines and many more but my company can no
longer import the material from Ukraine due to the conflict over

Due to some reasons, which I will explain in my next email, I cannot
procure this material and supply it to my company myself due to the
that I am a staff in the company.

Please get back to me as soon as possible for
full detail if you are

Thanks and regards
Mr Macaulay.

Lorraine Contact Re: Business Collaboration Opportunity

From: Lorraine Contact <>
Reply: Lorraine Contact <>
Date: 02 Aug 2024 12:12:12 +0200
Subject: Re: Business Collaboration Opportunity!!

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for taking your time to read this Proposal.

I am a Research Assistant in a leading pharmaceutical company. I am
contacting you
to explore a potential business opportunity. This genuine business
could be
mutually beneficial to you. I need your assistance in the supplying of
Material to our company. We will be making a profit of $750,000 or
more every
two months from our company.

This may not be your area of specialization, but it will be another
income generating
business out of your specialty.

I can provide further details once I receive your response.

Best regards,
Ms. Lorraine
Research Assistant

Brain Function Discovery Brain Secret Thats Been Kept from Everybody

From: "Brain Function Discovery" <>
Reply: "Brain Function Discovery" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 06:24:02 -0700
Subject: Brain Secret Thats Been Kept from Everybody

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Warning: This Is Disturbing! 

Health industry, as you know it, won’t be the same…

Even top doctors are STUNNED…

This amazing 5 second hack can change any person at astonishing

rates in a matter of days.

The Pharmaceutical industry panicked when this video got leaked and

they’ve already gathered their army of lawyers to take this down!

Find out more here so you can start using it right now!
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

[5 seconds hack to repair your brain function…]
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

They’ve tried to keep this a secret but everybody who’s struggled

with brain problem has the right to see this. Now the truth is coming
out to light.

There’s never been a better time for such a method to rise.

Click to See the Best Way to Repair Your Brain Function 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Once you read the full story you’ll be amazed…

And I guarantee you’ll be sharing this incredible tale.

With your friends, family and loved ones…

It’s That Unbelievable!

To your health,


4726 Fairmont Avenue Moberly, MO 65270
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

John Zhu glen Anderson CONTRACT SUPPLY OFFER

From: John Zhu glen Anderson <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 13:37:38 +0100

I have a contract opportunity from a pharmaceutical company that pays
its suppliers to deliver raw material and production equipment for
their production needs.

Can you be able to handle such? Or bring a capable hand to handle such
a contract and earn 10% of the profit share?

Or you handle the contract directly and we share the net profit at 60
/40 % ratio.

Before we discuss your product sales, we need to execute the above
mentioned contract to earn legitimate profit that will be channeled
into your product export.

Your boss may not be interested, if you need to earn money to become
your own CEO, look for a trustworthy competent and capable person to
handle such a contract and you will also benefit from the profit

Revert to me for a more comprehensive offer with further details and

What is your whatsApp number to inform you to check your email?

 John .

Noel Dosi Promising business.

From: "Noel Dosi" <>
Date: 20 Jun 2024 02:58:58 -0700
Subject: Promising business.

Hello Nigel,

I am Noel, I work with a bio-pharmaceutical company here in the United
Kingdom. I have a business proposal for you. I want us to partner in a
supply business to my employer, where you will represent the seller.

The profits are worth the efforts and you do not require experience
nor expertise to participate in this. If you are interested, kindly
respond back to me so I can explain further.

Kind regards
Noel Dosi

Re: Collaboration opportunity

From: <Philip>
Date: 13 Jun 2024 07:00:46 +0300
Subject: Re: Collaboration opportunity

I’m glad we can connect here, I’m Philip Roger, a research
assistant of a Research and development department working with
med-pharmaceutical laboratories UK, One of the leading Bio-
pharmaceutical companies here in England.
I am looking for a reliable businessman/Company in your region to
become a major supplier to my company in sourcing some of our
basic raw material used in the manufacturing of high quality
Anti-Viral Vaccines,Cancer treatment vaccines and other life
saving Pharmaceutical Products. Hence i will give you more
specific profiting details when I receive feedback from you if
you are interested.

Philip Roger
Executive Administrator.

Reversed Diabetes What Big Pharma Doesnt Tell Diabetics

From: "Reversed Diabetes" <>
Reply: "Reversed Diabetes" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2024 02:03:13 -0700
Subject: What Big Pharma Doesnt Tell Diabetics
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
They’ve been lying to you.

The big pharmaceutical conglomerates already know how to fix your
type 2 diabetes
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  
and this simple man from Parkland, Florida has finally exposed them
and their shameless lies.

It’s all in here, but for a very short time, so watch it at your own

Now, this is very important so if you or someone you love suffers from
type 2 diabetes,
listen carefully.

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Apparently these fat cats have been knowing how to fix it for over a
decade, but they are not doing anything against it, because this
business is just too profitable for them.

And all it took was one ordinary man, to break an empire.

He exposed them and he gave the solution which was already used by
tens of thousands.

Now, he is not sure how much longer he can keep it online, so take a
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  while
you still can.

I really hope you do it, because it could save your life or the life
of someone you hold dear.

Go ahead, and do it, it’s right here
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

4726 Fairmont Avenue Moberly, MO 65270
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Re: Investment proposal

From: <Howard>
Date: 13 May 2024 16:57:34 +0300
Subject: Re: Investment proposal
GOOD DAY: I’m glad we can connect here, I’m Philip Roger, a research
assistant of a Research and development department working with
med-pharmaceutical laboratories UK, One of the leading
Bio-pharmaceutical companies here in England. I am looking for a
reliable businessman/Company in your region to become a major supplier
to my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the
manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatment
vaccines and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products. Hence i will
give you more specific profiting details when I receive feedback from
you if you are interested. Regards, Philip Roger Executive

Ms. Lan Nguyen Re: Interesting Offer.. ..

From: "Ms. Lan Nguyen" <>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 03:50:06 -0700
Subject: Re: Interesting Offer.. ..

A reputable pharmaceutical company from Vietnam is in need of a reliable individual or corporate entity in your state to act as their Liaison; this will not affect your current job or business operations in any way. It will be an avenue to earn extra income, reply for more information.

Ms. Lan Nguyen

ControlGroup-Info CoronaVirus – your April Update Reminder and Newsletter

From: ControlGroup-Info <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 17:43:10 +0000
Subject: CoronaVirus - your April Update Reminder and Newsletter



Regain your 100% completion score to help support vital research.

Does your record look like this?
LOGIN: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

If you need any help, check out how to quickly and easily complete
your Monthly Update
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

FORGOTTEN YOUR PASSWORD? Request a Magic Login Link
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


There are reports in both alternative and legacy media in the UK that
state we are experiencing an unprecedented increase in cancer
diagnoses amongst younger people (those under 50 years of age). This
has been highlighted by the fact that several members of the British
monarchy have been recently diagnosed, and of particular focus, Kate
Middleton (Princess Catherine), who, at 42-years-old, falls into that
category of younger people.

Of course, cancer has been on the rise for many years, perhaps due to
our life-style choices, or the increasingly toxic environment, and
possibly this rise is simply an escalation of that? However, the
marked rate of increase since the COVID era has many people
questioning the cause – particularly of those cancers diagnosed at a
late stage, often with little to no symptoms of illness; being
described as ‘turbo cancers’.

Alternative media points to the COVID-19 vaccinations as a possible
cause, whereas legacy media blame the after-effects of the COVID-19
disease, and attribute the rise in late stage cancer to the disruption
of access to medical service.

Perhaps it is one, or other of the above, or maybe a combination of
both — or neither!

The point is, the Control Group data will show the rate of cancers
amongst those of us who did not take any COVID-19 vaccinations – and
if this rate is significantly different from the background rate of
the population, it could prove or disprove one, or both of the
suspected causes.

This also applies to many of the other diseases with reported
unexpected increases (now and in the future) — which is why we ask
you this month to please enter any illnesses you suffer from in the
‘Health Condition’ or ‘Allergies’ section of your profile, or, if you
are well, ensure you complete the three-step monthly update.
Confirming you have nothing to report tells us you are alive and well!

Our data: our results are what you enter, so if you really want to
know what differences there are in the health outcomes between those
who took COVID-19 vaccinations, and those who did not, you need to
login each month and confirm your profile is up to date for your
information to be included in the study.

We know that, wherever you are in the world, everyone is busy, doing
their best to hold things together and make the world a better place
— but, if you care about the future, keeping your profile up to date
is a small thing you can do that could potentially have an enormous


If you haven’t been into your account for a while, it isn’t too
late to get it back up-to-date! There is help online and our support
team are happy to help you in any way they can. We also have weekly
Zoom tutorials and online guides.



The next Control Group Steering Meeting for Associate members will be
on: FRIDAY 26 APRIL 2024

The meeting will be repeated at two different times to accommodate as
many time zones as possible.

MEETING 1 – 8:00 AM (BST) – most suitable for Europe, Malaysia,
Oceania, and Hawaii.
MEETING 2 – 8:00 PM (BST) – most suitable for Europe, North and
South America, and Hawaii.

The bi-annual Steering Meeting enable Control Group participants to
hear directly from the directors about what advances have been made in
the project over the last six months. The directors will also sketch
out where they intend to take the Control Group in the next six months
and attendees will have the opportunity to give their feedback on the
suggestions, as well as give suggestions about what they would like to

If you have an active subscription, you will have received an email
with Zoom links for these two meetings. If you have not received an
email but believe you should have done, please email:

If you would like to come to the meeting but are not yet a subscriber,
you can learn more about being an Associate member here:
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

How do I become an Associate?

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
to your Control Group account and click ‘Become an Associate’ at
the top of your dashboard!



If you have a subscription with the Control Group, but wish to either
cancel your subscription, or dispute a charge made to your account (by
‘CG COOP’), please contact and we
will aim to resolve any issues within 3 working days.



Reminder of our payee name on your bank statements — CG Coop

In the last couple of months, we have had an influx of subscribers
disputing their subscriptions in Stripe — our online banking

The main reason for these disputes has been that subscribers did not
recognise the payee name — CG COOP — as belonging to the Control

The amount charged to your card will NOT have changed, unless you have
amended your subscription tier.

If you have any queries or issues, please contact and we will aim to resolve any issues
within 3 working days.



If you have an annual subscription with the Control Group, your
subscription will no longer renew automatically – and you need to
take action to renew it if you wish to remain an Associate member of
the Control Group and continue support our important research.


* Login: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .
* Click the cog-shaped icon in the top right corner of the menu bar
to go to Account Settings
* In the “Subscription details” section, click the View Subscription
/ Billing link to go to your subscription and billing information page
* In the Your Subscription screen, you will see the option to
continue your subscription at your current rate, but on a new
Quarterly plan, or change to our new Monthly plan

If you wish to cancel your annual subscription, you do not need to
take any action as the subscription will expire automatically.

If you cannot remember your password you can request a magic link
@&nbsp <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
which will enable you to login and update your password.

If you do not receive the link or continue to struggle to get into
your account, contact us at, or fill out a
support form: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 



Have you seen the Resources page on the Control Group website?

It is full of links to information and external resources that may be
of interest and use to our participants — including safe blood and
detox protocols!

They are collated by our participants for the benefit of their fellow

VISIT RESOURCES PAGE: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


This is a list of groups and organisations who are looking at the
supply of blood, blood banking and blood products from people who have
not had any COVID vaccinations. Some are also looking at alternatives
to blood products for transfusions.

READ MORE: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


To understand and report upon potential vaccine harms, we need to know
what vaccines we may have been given over the course of our lives.
Most of us were never told or only have a vague idea of what we were
injected with as children – and when…

This resource contains vaccine schedules listed by country to help you
track down and report upon the vaccines you may have received!

READ NOW: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


Returned to our website after participants’ request – links to
popular protocols created by medical professionals and medical
professional groups for COVID and COVID related issues…

Please ensure you seek medical advice before using any protocol,
supplement or pharmaceutical referred to in these links.

READ NOW: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

If you know of other organisations or resources not listed here,
please contact us at or fill out a support
form on our website: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

We hope you find these resources useful!



Do you need help with your Control Group account? Our tutorial
sessions will take you on a tour of the Control Group 2.0 system, how
to use it and the reason behind the questions in the survey.

These sessions are available for different time zones on different
weeks to accommodate as many participants as possible. Sessions are
conducted in English.


* Tuesday 9th April at 9AM (BST)
* Tuesday 16th April at 4PM (BST)
* Tuesday 23rd April at 9AM (BST)

SIGN UP:&nbsp <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

If you cannot attend a session but still need help with your account
– we have a full walk-through and individual pre-recorded tutorials
on our YouTube playlist.

Using YouTube will enable participants who are not confident with
English to use the ‘Closed Captions’ or ‘CC’ function to
generate a translation.

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

You can also contact our support team at:



Do take advantage of the free meditation sessions offered by Stefanie
 <Suspicious hyperlink> ,
if you have not already.

We also recommend you check out the free health and wellbeing podcasts
with our friends over at Fear-free Speakeasy
 <Suspicious hyperlink>  (see below for a summary of their upcoming


We love to recommend great resources related to health and wellbeing,
so take a look at the incredible people who are giving their time to
share sessions and tell you about the health modalities they practice:


PRESENTER: Norman Cristina
DATE: 9 April 2024, 10:00 am (BST), and 23 April 2024, 6:00 pm (BST)

The purpose of the Power of Intention session is to come together as a
group to create a unified intention to heal (physically, mentally, or
both) for a session volunteer who is in need.

9 APRIL:&nbsp <Suspicious hyperlink> 
23 APRIL: <Suspicious hyperlink> 


PRESENTER: Dr Brenda Bernhardt (DVM ret)
DATE: 11th April 2024 at 5pm (BST)

What if there was an inexpensive disinfectant you could make at home
that had no known resistance by any pathogen on the planet and helped
speed healing of wounds dramatically?

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


PRESENTER: David Charalambous
DATE: 16th April 2024 at 2pm (BST)

The hidden persuaders, how they do what they do and how this knowledge
can allow us to start to protect ourselves, show others and then
package information in a way that others can see it.

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


PRESENTER15:09 04/04/2024: Dr Sebastian Liew
DATE: Wednesday 15 May 8:30am (BST)

Back in 2017, a sporty young man was told that he would have to take
potent pain medications for his autoimmune condition for life. After
three months of phytotherapy, he was in complete remission. What is
the secret?

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 



The next Quarterly Report will be out in the next couple of weeks –
you will receive it to your email inbox and it will be published on
our website.

If you have not yet seen the report from January 2024 – the theme
was demographics and COVID – you can read it online:
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


Well that about wraps up another month, we all continue to wish each
and every one of you the very best!

Control Group

Keep up to date with Control Group news by following us on your
favourite social media platforms. You can find links to them all here
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .


WEBSITE: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

PARTICIPANT LOGIN: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


‘HOW TO’ GUIDES: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

TRAINING AND Q&A SESSIONS: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 


Connect to help us spread the word.

Website: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Participant Support: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Telegram Groups: <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Twitter: <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Instagram: <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Facebook: <Link to Facebook page> 

Gettr: <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Bitchute: <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Brighteon: <Suspicious hyperlink> 

YouTube: <Link to youtube video> 

Rumble: <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Heinrich Ludolf Business Proposal

From: "Heinrich Ludolf"<>
Reply: "Heinrich Ludolf"<>
Date: 04 Apr 2024 02:23:04 -0700
Subject: Business Proposal


I’m Heinrich Ludolf a Research Assistant of the Research and
Development Department working with Prestford Laboratories  Ltd. UK,
One of the leading Bio Pharmaceutical Companies here in England. I’m
looking for a reliable businessman/individual in your region to
represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used
in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer
treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products.
This may not be your are of specialization but it will be another
income generating business out of your specialty. This is because Our
company are yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have been
able to discover a local dealer who can supply us this product. He is
selling at a cheap rate , which is far more cheaper than our previous

My director is not yet aware that I have found a new seller. Now THIS
IS MY PROPOSAL TO YOU; I want you to stand in as a new local dealer
from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason
for this is because I don’t want my company to have direct contact
with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very cheap.
This will enable us work together as partners and make real cool
profits. You as the local seller will supply to our company at a good
rate which I will inform you later when we are in agreement and this
will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as
against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit .
I will give you more specific profit details when I receive a feedback
from you if you are interested,
Heinrich Ludolf,
Research & Dev Dept,
Prestford Laboratories Ltd. UK.
18 Ballyeaston Road,
Ballyclare, BT39 9BW. UK
Mobile phone: +44 7940 452016 Email :


usario006 Re: Collaboration Opportunity

Date: 6 Mar 2024 22:27:48 +0200
Subject: Re: Collaboration Opportunity
Good day,
I’m glad we can connect here, I’m Philip Roger, a research
assistant of the research and development department working with
med pharmaceutical laboratories UK, One of the leading bio
pharmaceutical companies here in England.I am looking for a
reliable businessman/individual in your region to represent my
company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the
manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer
treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products. This may
not be your area of specialization but it will be another income
generating business within your capacity.This is because our
company is yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have
been able to discover a local dealer/producer who can supply us
with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate, which is far
more cheaper than our previous purchases. Now THIS IS MY PROPOSAL
TO YO: I want you to stand in as a new local dealer from your
country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for
this is because I don’t want my company to have direct contact
with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very
cheap. This will enable us to work together as partners and make
real cool profits. You as the local seller will supply to our
company at a good rate which I will inform you later when we are
in agreement and this will attract the attention of our company
director who would love to purchase from you as against the
previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit. Hence i
will give you more specific profit details when I receive
feedback from you if you are interested.
Philip Roger
Executive Administrator.

Heinrich Ludolf Business Proposal

From: Heinrich Ludolf <>
Reply: Heinrich Ludolf <>
Date: 5 Mar 2024 01:46:54 -0800
Subject: Business Proposal
I’m Heinrich Ludolf a Research Assistant of the Research and
Development Department working with Prestford Laboratories  Ltd. UK,
One of the leading Bio Pharmaceutical Companies here in England. I’m
looking for a reliable businessman/individual in your region to
represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used
in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer
treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products.
This may not be your are of specialization but it will be another
income generating business out of your specialty. This is because Our
company are yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have been
able to discover a local dealer who can supply us this product. He is
selling at a cheap rate , which is far more cheaper than our previous
My director is not yet aware that I have found a new seller. Now THIS
IS MY PROPOSAL TO YOU; I want you to stand in as a new local dealer
from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason
for this is because I don’t want my company to have direct contact
with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very cheap.
This will enable us work together as partners and make real cool
profits. You as the local seller will supply to our company at a good
rate which I will inform you later when we are in agreement and this
will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as
against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit .
I will give you more specific profit details when I receive a feedback
from you if you are interested,
Heinrich Ludolf,
Research & Dev Dept,
Prestford Laboratories Ltd. UK.

Heinrich Ludolf Business Offer

From: "Heinrich Ludolf "<>
Reply: "Heinrich Ludolf"<>
Date: 27 Feb 2024 19:36:34 -0800
Subject: Business Offer



I’m Heinrich Ludolf a Research Assistant of the Research and
Development Department working with Prestford Laboratories  Ltd. UK,
One of the leading Bio Pharmaceutical Companies here in England. I’m
looking for a reliable businessman/individual in your region to
represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used
in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer
treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products.
This may not be your are of specialization but it will be another
income generating business out of your specialty. This is because Our
company are yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have been
able to discover a local dealer who can supply us this product. He is
selling at a cheap rate , which is far more cheaper than our previous
My director is not yet aware that I have found a new seller. Now THIS
IS MY PROPOSAL TO YOU; I want you to stand in as a new local dealer
from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason
for this is because I don’t want my company to have direct contact
with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very cheap.
This will enable us work together as partners and make real cool
profits. You as the local seller will supply to our company at a good
rate which I will inform you later when we are in agreement and this
will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as
against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit .
I will give you more specific profit details when I receive a feedback
from you if you are interested,
Heinrich Ludolf,
Research & Dev Dept,
Prestford Laboratories Ltd. UK.

Hamza El Mustafa Silent Partnership ADP

From: "Hamza El Mustafa"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:00:53 -0800
Subject: Silent Partnership (ADP)
Dear Sir/Ma,

Let me use the liberty of this medium to inform you that my principal is interested in investing as a silent business partner in your company. My principal is + the former president of Sierra Leone {Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma}. He is presently in political Asylum.
We would like to invest in private sector projects with an established company in any Lucrative project(s) which are already in the market and have market value or new company requiring the injection of huge funds, provided there are lots of opportunities available, taking into proper consideration the Return on Investment (ROI) based on a ten (10) year strategic plan. Area of Investment Interest are REAL ESTATE, AGRICULTURE, OIL SECTOR & CONSTRUCTION, MINES AND ENERGY, ENTERTAINMENT, PHARMACEUTICAL, TOURISM ETC
As stated above, my principal mandated me to seek a reputable and well established individual to help channel some funds into profitable investments abroad. The proposed funds is an estimated $200m+ United State of America Dollars (Two Hundred Million USD) which is presently held in a bank/vault overseas. And he is specific in investing these funds as early as possible for some special reason.
I hope you will treat my request with expediency as time is of great importance to my client.
Upon receipt of your reply message I shall direct you to communicate with him directly

Sincerely Yours,
Hamza El Mustafa


usario006 Re: Collaboration Opportunity

Date: 17 Feb 2024 06:41:15 +0200
Subject: Re: Collaboration Opportunity
Good day,
I’m glad we can connect here, I’m Philip Roger, a research
assistant of the research and development department working with
med pharmaceutical laboratories UK, One of the leading bio
pharmaceutical companies here in England.I am looking for a
reliable businessman/individual in your region to represent my
company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the
manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer
treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products. This may
not be your area of specialization but it will be another income
generating business within your capacity.This is because our
company is yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have
been able to discover a local dealer/producer who can supply us
with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate, which is far
more cheaper than our previous purchases. Now THIS IS MY PROPOSAL
TO YO: I want you to stand in as a new local dealer from your
country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for
this is because I don’t want my company to have direct contact
with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very
cheap. This will enable us to work together as partners and make
real cool profits. You as the local seller will supply to our
company at a good rate which I will inform you later when we are
in agreement and this will attract the attention of our company
director who would love to purchase from you as against the
previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit. Hence i
will give you more specific profit details when I receive
feedback from you if you are interested.
Philip Roger
Executive Administrator.

Ms. Carmona Vera This may not be your area of specialization business

From: "Ms. Carmona Vera" <>
Reply: "Ms. Carmona Vera" <>,
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 09:40:29 +0100
Subject: This may not be your area of specialization/business
Good Day.

How are you today? I am the head of the Research and Sales Department at Zera Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd, UK. My company is sourcing for a raw material for production.

I’m looking for a reliable businessman/individual to represent my company in sourcing of our basic raw material (Gedoroxin Herbal Extract GF 55) use in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatment and other life-saving Pharmaceutical Products.

This may not be your area of specialization/business but it will be another income generating business out of your business area.
Contact me back for more details at this email address: ONLY .

Ms. Carmona Vera

Mr. Hamza El Mustafa Silent Business Partnership

From: "Mr. Hamza El Mustafa"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2024 04:24:11 -0800
Subject: Silent Business Partnership
Dear Sir,

Let me use the liberty of this medium to inform you that I am interested in investing as a silent business partner in your company. I am SA to the former president of Sierra Leone {Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma}. He is presently in political Asylum in Nigeria.
We would like to invest in private sector projects with an established company in any Lucrative project(s) which are already in the market and have market value or new company requiring the injection of huge funds, provided there are lots of opportunities available, taking into proper consideration the Return on Investment (ROI) based on a ten (10) year strategic plan. Area of Investment Interest are REAL ESTATE, AGRICULTURE, OIL SECTOR & CONSTRUCTION, MINES AND ENERGY, ENTERTAINMENT, PHARMACEUTICAL, TOURISM ETC
As stated above, my principal mandated me to seek a reputable and well established individual to help channel some funds into profitable investments abroad. The proposed funds is an estimated $200m United State of America Dollars (Two Hundred Million USD) which is presently held in a bank/vault overseas. And he is specific in investing these funds as early as possible for some special reason.
I hope you will treat my request with expediency as time is of great importance to my client.
Upon receipt of your reply message I shall direct you to communicate with him directly

Sincerely Yours;

Mr. Hamza El Mustafa

Mr.Hamza El Mustafa Silent Business Partnership

From: "Mr.Hamza El Mustafa"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 09:51:45 -0800
Subject: Silent Business Partnership
Art Sir/Ma,

Let me use the liberty of this medium to inform you that I am interested in investing as a silent business partner in your company. I am SA to the former president of Sierra Leone {Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma}. He is presently in political Asylum in Nigeria.
We would like to invest in private sector projects with an established company in any Lucrative project(s) which are already in the market and have market value or new company requiring the injection of huge funds, provided there are lots of opportunities available, taking into proper consideration the Return on Investment (ROI) based on a ten (10) year strategic plan. Area of Investment Interest are REAL ESTATE, AGRICULTURE, OIL SECTOR & CONSTRUCTION, MINES AND ENERGY, ENTERTAINMENT, PHARMACEUTICAL, TOURISM ETC
As stated above, my principal mandated me to seek a reputable and well established individual to help channel some funds into profitable investments abroad. The proposed funds is an estimated $200m United State of America Dollars (Two Hundred Million USD) which is presently held in a bank/vault overseas. And he is specific in investing these funds as early as possible for some special reason.
I hope you will treat my request with expediency as time is of great importance to my client.
Upon receipt of your reply message I shall direct you to communicate with him directly

Sincerely Yours,

Thank You,

Mr.Hamza El Mustafa

Mr.Hamza El Mustafa Silent Business Partnership

From: "Mr.Hamza El Mustafa"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 09:25:31 -0800
Subject: Silent Business Partnership
Art Sir/Ma,

Let me use the liberty of this medium to inform you that I am interested in investing as a silent business partner in your company. I am SA to the former president of Sierra Leone {Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma}. He is presently in political Asylum in Nigeria.
We would like to invest in private sector projects with an established company in any Lucrative project(s) which are already in the market and have market value or new company requiring the injection of huge funds, provided there are lots of opportunities available, taking into proper consideration the Return on Investment (ROI) based on a ten (10) year strategic plan. Area of Investment Interest are REAL ESTATE, AGRICULTURE, OIL SECTOR & CONSTRUCTION, MINES AND ENERGY, ENTERTAINMENT, PHARMACEUTICAL, TOURISM ETC
As stated above, my principal mandated me to seek a reputable and well established individual to help channel some funds into profitable investments abroad. The proposed funds is an estimated $200m United State of America Dollars (Two Hundred Million USD) which is presently held in a bank/vault overseas. And he is specific in investing these funds as early as possible for some special reason.
I hope you will treat my request with expediency as time is of great importance to my client.
Upon receipt of your reply message I shall direct you to communicate with him directly

Sincerely Yours,

Thank You,

Mr.Hamza El Mustafa


From: "Supervisor" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2023 20:53:09 -0800

I have a contract opportunity from a pharmaceutical company that pays its suppliers to deliver raw material for their production needs. Can you be able handle such? or bring a capable hand to handle such a contract and earn 10% of the profit share? or you handle the contract and we share profit 60 /40% ratio.

Revert to me for a more comprehensive offer.

What is your whatsapp number to inform you to check your email?


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