FBI NOTIFICATION Last Notification

From: FBI NOTIFICATION <cooperativebankinlondon@googlemail.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2018 16:50:29 +0100
Subject: Last Notification


Dear Beneficiary,

Open Attachment
Attn Applicant:Mickey Take

Interest Rates/Monthly Loan Repayment/Cumulative Payments:

This is to certify that the management of the above named loan company has decided to grant you your loan request of 69,000 after a brief discussion with our loan officers and board of directors. We can grant you that amount of loan on one condition; we need your trust and co-operation. Rebuilding Society, itself a mutual not-for-private-profit social enterprise was established with the commercial objective of becoming a permanent and sustainable institution supporting the growing social enterprise sector. In order to achieve this we set our fees, interest rates and terms and conditions to cover our costs and protect our funds against losses.

The interest rate, arrangement fee, terms and conditions are set separately for each loan. These notes are intended only as a guide for enquirers and form no part of any contract, agreement or offer.

The management therefore has set up a couple of terms and conditions with regards to the amount you requested for, the terms and conditions are clearly stated below:

Loan Balance: 69,000
Loan Interest Rate: 3%
Loan Term: 6 year
Monthly Loan Payment: 10,200.08
Number of Payments: 6
Cumulative Payments: 71,048.97
Total Interest Paid: $2,48.97

Loan Period:
The term of the loan will depend upon the needs of the business, but will not normally be less than six months or more than fifty years.

Note: A scan copy of your international/national identity card or a driver license will be send along with this mail for documentation of your loan process. For the expedite and a step forward in this transaction you are expected to get to me ASAP.

Loan refund:
The loan must refunded back to the lender at the end of the tenure the loan seeker is seeking the loan for without any delay. For this reason, we are giving a maximum duration of (6) month to the loan seeker so that he /she will be able to repay the loan within that period. You are to note that repayment starts (3) months after receiving the loan. And you are required to make a Monthly repayment this is done because we do not want a situation whereby you are not able to meet up with the Yearly payment. We will provide you our account which you will be making the monthly installment after (3months of receiving the loan.


We will not normally ask for personal guarantees on loans from the Social Enterprise Funds, but may require them for the ABLE Funds. We will like to secure our loan against any assets of the organization where possible. Lack of sufficient security will not necessarily prevent the approval of a loan.

It is a condition of all loans that borrowers co-operate in our regular monitoring, have proper financial systems, and provide quarterly management accounts which the bank will be transferring the loan into. If you are in agreement to the company terms and condition you are then advice to get back to me as soon as possible so that we can move to the next step.

Note: Your cell phone number must be reachable at all time because without that we can not grant you this loan. You are to send us an email as soon as possible stating if you are in agreement with the terms okay.

Thanks for your Consideration/Patronage.

Kind regards/Respect.

Mrs. Mom Looy

jet92455 MARCH

From: jet92455@uga.edu
Reply: BillGate301@outlook.com
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2018 13:42:02 +0530
Subject: MARCH

Greetings you have been gifted $5 MILLION USD From Mr. Bill Gates.

I hope this information meet you well as I know you will be curious to know why/how I selected you to receive a sum of $5,000,000,00 USD, our information below is 100% legitimate, please see the link below: 

I BILL GATES and my wife decided to donate the sum of $5,000,000,00 USD to you as part of our charity project to improve the 10 lucky individuals all over the world from our $65 Billion Usd I and My Wife Mapped out to help people. We prayed and searched over the internet for assistance and i saw your profile on Microsoft email owners list and picked you. Melinda my wife and i have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see. as you could see from the webpage above, am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live. although am a Billionaire investor and we have helped some charity organizations from our Fund.

You see after taken care of the needs of our immediate family members, Before we die we decided to donate the remaining of our Billions to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti, hospitals in truro where Melinda underwent her cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimers and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with our payout bank of this charity donation. We have kept just 30% of the entire sum to our self for the remaining days because i am no longer strong am sick and am writing you from hospital computer. And me and my wife will be traveling to Germany for Treatment.

To facilitate the payment process of the funds ($5,000,000.00 USD) which have been donated solely to you, you are to send me

your full names……………..
your contact address…………….
your personal telephone number……………

So that i can forward your payment information to you immediately. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your City. please you have to do your part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.

Thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful You Can Google my name for more information: Mr Bill Gates or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Remain Blessed

Mr Bill Gates

Ezenkwu Amaechi ORGENT RESPOND

From: Ezenkwu Amaechi <ezenkwuamaechi@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:17:27 +0100

Dear mrs/sir
My Name Is; Dr Willie Obiano.
Please i Need Your orgent Respond As Soon As You Received This Email;

An Oil Was Descoverd In Nigerian Under My State And I Am The State Govervor
And I Have Final Desilded To Get A Business patyner That We Be
Suesponseling Me In The Devolopien Of The Oil. And I Am Here In My Office
With The Capital Oil Of My Country Nigerian And He Told Me That There Is So
Much Money In Oil Business That He Have Being Into The Business For A Long
Time Now That He Got Changese For Life Now. And He Promies To Be
Suseponseling Me. And He Said That He A Back UP Person That We Be Backing
Him Up. So He Ask Me To Get Him A Back Up Person Now As Soon As posseble So
That We Well Start Work This Mounth And Your Email Was Giveing To Me By

So Kindly Forward Ur Information To My Lawyer Inchage Of The Business As
Soon As You Get The Email;

Your Full Name;
Your Country Name;
Your Occpention;
Your Private Phone Number;
Your Private Email Address;

To [michaelnice1999@gmail.com]

I We Be Verry Happy If I Here From My Lawyer That He Have Got Your Full
Infomation; Because I Knew That After This Business Borth Of US We Rejoyce.
We Never Knew How Much It We Cause To Start The Work Now.But mr Ifeayi Ubah
The Capital Oil Of Nigerian Says I Should Not warri That I Should Just Get
Him A Back Up Person That He We Be Paying 60% Of Any Amaunt Of Money They
Needed To Start The Work And He We Continue Paying 60% Till The Work Is
Thanks For Your Respond

swh49619 MARCH

From: swh49619@uga.edu
Reply: BillGate1001@outlook.com
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:31:59 +0530
Subject: MARCH

Greetings you have been gifted $5 MILLION USD From Mr. Bill Gates.

I hope this information meet you well as I know you will be curious to know why/how I selected you to receive a sum of $5,000,000,00 USD, our information below is 100% legitimate, please see the link below: 

I BILL GATES and my wife decided to donate the sum of $5,000,000,00 USD to you as part of our charity project to improve the 10 lucky individuals all over the world from our $65 Billion Usd I and My Wife Mapped out to help people. We prayed and searched over the internet for assistance and i saw your profile on Microsoft email owners list and picked you. Melinda my wife and i have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see. as you could see from the webpage above, am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live. although am a Billionaire investor and we have helped some charity organizations from our Fund.

You see after taken care of the needs of our immediate family members, Before we die we decided to donate the remaining of our Billions to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti, hospitals in truro where Melinda underwent her cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimers and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with our payout bank of this charity donation. We have kept just 30% of the entire sum to our self for the remaining days because i am no longer strong am sick and am writing you from hospital computer. And me and my wife will be traveling to Germany for Treatment.

To facilitate the payment process of the funds ($5,000,000.00 USD) which have been donated solely to you, you are to send me

your full names……………..
your contact address…………….
your personal telephone number……………

So that i can forward your payment information to you immediately. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your City. please you have to do your part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.

Thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful You Can Google my name for more information: Mr Bill Gates or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Remain Blessed

Mr Bill Gates

Google Award Foundation Notification about your grand won

From: "Google Award Foundation"<webmaster@pldtglobal.com>
Reply: <allen.gogglefoundclaim@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 15:41:13 -0400
Subject: Notification about your grand won

The Google Foundation central London.
1-13 St Giles High St London
WC2H 8LG United Kingdom
Qualification numbers (V-9920-1007, K-9770)

We write to congratulate you for being one of our grand prize winner
of this year’s Google Foundation award, we also notify you that you
have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final
recipients of a cash Grant.

The Google Foundation, would like to notify you that you have been
chosen you by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of
a cash Grant for your own personal, educational, and business
development. The Google Foundation, established in the year 2005, it’s
one of the biggest Foundation, Grants for Global Development in the
World. In the year 2005, they started offering collection for the sole
aim of human growth, educational and
Community development. In conjunction with the UN, and EU, We are
giving out a yearly Grant to 10 lucky recipients each year. These
specific Grant will be awarded to 20 lucky international recipients
worldwide; in different categories for their personal business

The objective is to make a notable change in the standard of living
of people all around the Universe From America to Europe, Asia to
Africa and all around). Kindly note that you will only be chosen to
receive the Grant once

Based on the random selection exercise of internet websites, you were
selected among the lucky recipients to receive the grant award sum as
charity Grants from the Google Foundation, EU and the UN in accordance
with the enabling act of Parliament. (Note that all beneficiaries
email addresses were selected randomly from over 500,000 Internet
websites in which you might have purchased something or sign up from).

You are required to contact the Google Foundation Executive Secretary
below as stated to bellow:
Executive Secretary: Mr. Allen Jones
Email:< allen.gogglefoundclaim@gmail.com >

Please endeavor to quote your Qualification numbers (V-9920-1007,
K-9770) in all

Please note that the EU, UN, strictly administers these grant. You
are by all means hereby advised to keep this whole information
confidential until you have been able to collect your unclaimed grant.

On behalf of Google Foundation, UN and the EU, accept our warmest

May God Bless you with this Grant.

Ms.Stella Morgan.
The Google Foundation Publicity Secretary.

I am Geoffrey Cooper.


My dear friend,

I am Geoffrey Cooper. I work with a commercial bank here in UK and I have the opportunity of my late client(Late Mr. Jason Thomas

Pricer)deposit(5,967,055.00 Euros) in the bank here. He died along with his entire family in USA, including his next of kin

whose name was used for the account opening. The only way we can claim the fund for our mutual benefit is to re-profile you as

the next of kin and tendered procured bank required documents. Be informed I can procure the documents on your name without


Should you be interested for this mutual benefit transaction, reply me with your personal information and telephone line through,

glcooper600@gmail.com ,for more details. If you receive this message in your spam or junk ,its due to your network provider.f
Feel free to google his full name:  Jason Thomas Price, for confirmation of my claim.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Geoffrey Cooper

Mr. Rodrigo de Rato ATTENTION

From: "Mr. Rodrigo de Rato" <mrspartzenm@googlemail.com>
Reply: imfdre@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 22:52:35 +0100

IMF Organization
Information Section.
760 United Nations Plaza,
New York, NY 10017, USA.




We wish to inform you that your Inheritance/winning payment of USD$4.5
Million has been approved and ready to be paid to you via ATM VISA
CARD which you will use to withdraw the US$4.5 Million from any ATM
Machine in any part of the world.

We have mandated the United Bank for Africa Plc to issue an ATM VISA
CARD and PIN which you will use to withdraw the fund from any ATM
machine in any part of the world but the maximum amount you can withdraw per
day is US$50,000.00. You are strongly advice immediately to contact Mr
Kennedy Uzoka the deputy governor oepration United Bank for Africa via
his email address: deputymgd@gmail.com ; Telephone + 2348108844267 and
ensure you send him your details information such as;

1) Your Full Name.
2) Your Contact Address
3) Your Occupation:
4) Your Age
5) Your Sex
6) Your Home Phone, Mobile/Cell Phone and fax Number.
7) Any proof of Identification …

The ATM VISA CARD approval in your name has been sent to Mr Kennedy
Uzoka the Deputy governor UBA-Bank and he is waiting for your above
details information to enable him process and send you the CARD and
PIN number without any delay. So make sure you contact him right now
with your information and tell him that you received a message from
the UNITED NATION, Instructing you to contact him for immediate
release of your fund via ATM VISA CARD.

Please we are very sorry for the plight you have gone through in the
past. Thanks for adhering to this instruction and once again accept
out congratulations!

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Rodrigo de Rato

Harold Michael

From: "Harold Michael" <Zhloba@mail.spbnit.ru>
Reply: haroldfinancialservice@googlemail.com
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2018 09:33:42 +0100 (WAT)

Guten Tag,

Wir finanzieren die folgenden Sektoren zu 3%: Erneuerbare Energien
Projekt, Immobilien, l und Gas, Biotechnologie Projekte, Hotels und
Resorts, Gesundheitswesen, Luftfahrt, Bergbau und Explorationsprojekt,
Telekommunikationsprojekt, Landwirtschaftsprojekt, wir bieten auch ein
dringendes Darlehen an bei 3%, interessierte Person kontaktieren Sie uns
fr weitere Informationen ber

Freundliche Gre

Euro Lottery Commission Congratulations

From: Euro Lottery Commission <mramirezf@hnn.sa.cr>
Reply: Euro Lottery Commission <reed34560@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 17:46:02 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Congratulations!!!

Subscribers Overseas Agent
EURO Millions Lottery promoting regional office.
101 Old Gloucester Street, City of London.

Our Ref:…….

We wish to congratulate you in your emergence as one of the lucky winners of the Million Euro/Google Lottery Draw that was held On the 10th of January 2018 in London. Please note that random selections of individuals/organizations where drawn automatically from millions of Internet and Credit card users worldwide and your email was drawn among the lucky recipients.

The below information is required to enable our paying bank commence the release of your Winning Prize to you in your home country.

1. Full name
2. Address
3. Sex
4. Age
5. Occupation
6. Telephone

Upon receipt of your details, you will be contacted by our Bank for the release of your winning prize.

Congratulations once again.

Anne Andy.
Online Co-ordinator.

Mr. Bill Gates Hello

From: "Mr. Bill Gates" <info@bill.net>
Reply: bilgte@outlook.com
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2018 18:41:13 -0500
Subject: Hello

I hope this information meet you well as I know you will be curious to know why/how I selected you to receive a sum of $5,000,000.00 USD. Our information below is 100% legitimate, please see the link below: 

I, BILL GATES and my wife decided to donate the sum of $5,000,000.00 USD to you as part of our charity project to improve the 10 lucky individuals all over the world from our $65 Billion USD. I and My Wife mapped out to help people, we prayed and searched over the internet for assistance and I saw your profile on Microsoft email owners list and I picked you. My wife and I have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see, as you could see from the web page above. I am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live, although am a Billionaire investor and have helped some charity organizations from our Fund.
You see after taken care of the needs of our immediate family members, before we die we decided to donate the remaining of our Billions to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti, hospitals in Truro where Melinda underwent her cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimer 19s and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with our pay-out bank of this charity donation. We have kept just 30% of the entire sum to our self for the remaining days because I am no longer strong, I am sick and am writing you from hospital computer. And me and my wife will be traveling to Germany for Treatment.
To facilitate the payment process of the funds ($5,000,000.00 USD) which have been donated solely to you, you are to send me.
Your Full Names……………..
Your Contact Address…………….
Your Cell Phone Number……………

Send the details above to my email so that I can forward your payment information to you immediately. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your City. please you have to do your part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many as you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.
Thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful. You can google my name for more information: Mr. Bill Gates or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Remain Blessed.
Mr. Bill Gates

Anthony Moore GOOD DAY

From: Anthony Moore <anthony.moore911@googlemail.com>
Reply: anthonymore96@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2018 03:12:21 -0800
Subject: GOOD DAY

Dear Friend,

How are you? I hope you are well. Please accept my sincere apologies
for writing to you privately without your own consent. My name is Amb
Anthony Moore Garang, Son of a prominent politician from Sudan Late
Dr. John Garang, the Late Sudanese Vice President who died in a plane
crash on 22nd July 2005 under suspicious circumstance.

I want to solicit your cooperation on a business investment project on
behalf of my family. Presently, there is a substantial amount of money
($5.5m)Five million,Five Hundred thousand Dollars that my family needs
to move out of a country in Africa for profitable investment purposes,
and we would really appreciate your help and cooperation. Hence, there
is a lot to discuss and plan on the way forward, and I shall provide
you with further details when I receive your positive response.

Kind regards,

Amb Anthony Moore
For the Family

Mr. Bill Gates Hello

From: "Mr. Bill Gates" <manoel.alencar@mp.pb.gov.br>
Reply: billgat111@outlook.com
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2018 08:14:09 -0500
Subject: Hello

I hope this information meet you well as I know you will be curious to know why/how I selected you to receive a sum of $5,000,000.00 USD. Our information below is 100% legitimate, please see the link below: 

I, BILL GATES and my wife decided to donate the sum of $5,000,000.00 USD to you as part of our charity project to improve the 10 lucky individuals all over the world from our $65 Billion USD. I and My Wife mapped out to help people, we prayed and searched over the internet for assistance and I saw your profile on Microsoft email owners list and I picked you. My wife and I have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see, as you could see from the web page above. I am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live, although am a Billionaire investor and have helped some charity organizations from our Fund.
You see after taken care of the needs of our immediate family members, before we die we decided to donate the remaining of our Billions to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti, hospitals in Truro where Melinda underwent her cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimer 19s and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with our pay-out bank of this charity donation. We have kept just 30% of the entire sum to our self for the remaining days because I am no longer strong, I am sick and am writing you from hospital computer. And me and my wife will be traveling to Germany for Treatment.
To facilitate the payment process of the funds ($5,000,000.00 USD) which have been donated solely to you, you are to send me.
Your Full Names……………..
Your Contact Address…………….
Your Personal Telephone Number……………

Send the details above to my email so that I can forward your payment information to you immediately. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your City. please you have to do your part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many as you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.
Thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful. You can google my name for more information: Mr. Bill Gates or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Remain Blessed.
Mr. Bill Gates

karen.mangi2 Choice Greetings From Karen Ruth. Uelly. Mangi.

From: karen.mangi2@gmail.com
Reply: karen.mangi2@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2018 12:15:05 +0000
Subject: Choice Greetings From Karen Ruth. Uelly. Mangi.

Je vous ai invit remplir le formulaire suivant:
Formulaire sans titre

Pour remplir ce formulaire, consultez:

Choice Greetings From Karen Ruth. Uelly. Mangi.
2 Sunning Hill, Sandton.
Johannesburg-South Africa.


With due respect, trust and humility, I am writing you this mail believing
that God will minister the truth to you so that you will understand the
genuineness of my message to you so that you can come to my aid at this
time that I need your assistance most.

My Name Is Miss Karen Mangi, a Zimbabwean female studying Medicine in the
University of Johannesburg, here in South Africa.

Few years ago, the Rebels in my country struck our town and killed my
parents in one of their attacks. My late Father, Jonathan Mangi, being a
highly reputable doctor and politician in my country was a prime target.
Fortunately for me, I wasn’t in the country when the attack took place
rather I was in school here in South Africa.

However, my life is still in danger! Before his death, he had deposited the
sum of $9million in one of the banks here in South Africa which he had
earlier confided in me was for the establishment of a medical establishment

And that is to establish a medical institute in a foreign country, with
your kind. He wanted me to practice out of my country because of the
unpredictable and serious political crises.

Accordingly, I intend to invest in your country in the direction that my
father had indicated before his death. This is my reason for writing to
you. If you are willing to assist me please indicate your interest.

Please if you have any question, I will be too willing to answer it. Please
treat as urgent and let it be confidential.

Thanks and best regards.
Karen Ruth Uelly Mangi.

GoogleForms vous permet de crer des enqutes et d’en analyser les

Lottery Commission Congratulations

From: Lottery Commission <mramirezf@hnn.sa.cr>
Reply: Lottery Commission <dwarner@mail2world.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 17:19:48 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Congratulations!!!

Congratulations you have won 650,000.00 in the Euro Millions/Google Promo monthly draws held On January 1st 2018. Contact our claims agent Email: infolottocommission@gmail.com
1. Full name 2. Address 3. Sex 4. Age 5. Occupation 6. Telephone

Anne Andy
Online Co-ordinator.


From: ROYAL BANK <carolbenson49@googlemail.com>
Reply: carolbensons@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 23:11:58 +0100
Subject: Urgent

Urgent Attention,

I have been directed to find out why you neglected all previous emails from
our bank. One of our clients presented you as his next of kin for his
deposit of $3,990,000.00 with our bank. He stopped running the account
since October 2009 and his employers just notified our inquiry team that he
accidentally died on duty on 4th October 2009.

I am his account officer, hence have been ordered by our bank to notify you
and transfer the deposit to you as your inheritance before our next board

Send the name with which the deposit transfer should be processed to me
immediately. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.


karol Benson.
Domiciliary Accounts Manager,
Royal Bank International.offshore Service Branch


From: "GOOGLE INC." <erceismith@google.org>
Reply: igoogle200@live.com
Date: 18 Feb 2018 15:58:27 -0500

Google 13th Anniversary Awards Centre,

e House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London, United Kingdom

Hello Google User
Dear Award winner
Award Reference code: GOOGLE568A2013
File number: G8744

This is to inform you that you have won yourself an Award of One
Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds (GBP1,500,000) in the
Google 13th Years Anniversary Awards as organized by the
Anniversary Centre of Google Inc., held on 2nd December 2017 in
London, United Kingdom.

The Anniversary Centre of Google Inc as a part of their for-
profit philanthropic wing selected your email id as of one its 20
chosen fortunate winner to receive this award.
Awards MUST be claimed by the email owner ONLY, not later than 30
days from the day of notification.
Send your complete personal information like your names, age and
complete contact address with your Award Ref. and File no. to us
to enable us process your Prize; Please provide your: Full names,
Address, Passport or ID Card and Direct phone number to claim
your winning prize.
NOTE: Do Not Reply If You Are Not The Owner Of This Email

Googles Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Eric E. Schmidt
igglleinc2013@gmail.com, iggleinc2013@gmail.com
Mobile: +44 741 833 2263, Fax: +44 845 874 1763

Indeed Job Update

From: Indeed <noreply@indeed.com>
Reply: karenjenkinsonline@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 17:38:41 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Job Update!!!


Your Resume has been selected for one of the job positions available. For
update on job interview, job briefing & salary scale kindly contact Karen
Jenkins via google hangout on karenjenkinsonline@gmail.com

Toney Murray
HR manager
Job Board


From: cumulus18@web.de
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 15:27:12 +0100


Dear Lucky winner:

We happily announce to you the draw of the GOOGLE LOTTERY WINNINGS
PROGRAMS held on the 15th of Jan, 2018 in London. Therefore you do
not need to buy ticket to enter for it your e-mail address attached to
Reference number: RHLP/2006-26954564- 5600-188 with Serial number
76091/02 drew the lucky numbers: 19-6-26-13-2-7, which subsequently
won you the lottery prize in the 3rd category. You have therefore been
approved to claim a total sum of GBP500,000.00 POUNDS (Five hundred
thousand Great Britain in cash credited to file W2045/1108309/06. This
is from a total cash prize of 27,500,000.00 POUNDS, shared among
the five (15) international winners in this category of this year
Lottery Program Jackpot as the 2nd largest ever for the European


It is our standard practice to allocate our operation manager for the
processing claims application. It is even more imperative for oversea
winners. To begin your claims therefore, you are advised as a matter
of urgency, you are to contact the under listed officer by email for
processing and remittance of your prize money to you. Your assigned
claims operation manager contact informational is:

Claims Agent: Rev. Fred Cole
Email: rev.fredcole@gmail.com

You are officially required to provide your claims operation manager
the below requirements to enable him facilitate your payment;
(a) Full name:
(b) Nationality:
(c) Contact Address:
(d)Telephone Number:
(e) Occupation:
(f) Age:

Yours, Truly
Brauner, Kevin C.

Rawls Deja Donation

From: "Rawls, Deja" <rawlsd1568@DUPAGE.EDU>
Reply: "charleskoch799@gmail.com" <charleskoch799@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 13:51:56 +0000
Subject: Donation

My name is Charles Koch, A philanthropist the CEO and Chairman of the Charles Koch Foundation Charitable Foundation, one of the largest private foundations in the world. I believe strongly in’giving while living’ I had one idea that never changed in my mind – that you should use your wealth to help people and i have decided to secretly give {$1,500,000.00} to randomly selected individuals worldwide. On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as the lucky individual. Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience, so I know your email address is valid.( charleskoch799@gmail.com ) Email me Visit the web page to know more about me: or you can google me ( Charles Koch ).

Charles Koch.

Compensation Payment Happy New Year

From: Compensation Payment <globaltradedept@googlemail.com>
Reply: centralofficedept20012@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2018 09:27:43 +0100
Subject: Happy New Year!!

Attention: Beneficiary,

This is to officially inform you that we have verified your
inheritance file and found out why you have not received your payment
since the past regime is because you have not fulfilled the
obligations given to you in respect of your inheritance payment.

Secondly we have been informed that you are still dealing with none
officials in the bank and all your attempt to secure the release of
the fund to you has been abortive. We wish to advise you that such an
illegal act like this have to stop if you wish to receive your payment
since we have decided to step into your problem. Right now we have
arranged your payment through our swift ATM card payment center that
is the latest instruction from the newly appointed President,
Muhammadu Buhari (gcfr) president federal republic of Nigeria and
federal ministry of finance.

This card center will send you an atm card which you will use to
withdraw your money in any atm machine in any part of the world, but
the maximum is three thousand dollars per day, so if you wish to
receive your fund this way please let us know by contacting the card
payment center and also send the following information to enable him
proceed immediately:

First name :.
Last Name :.
Age: …
Gender: ..
Your address: ..
E-mail address:
Phone: ..
Mobile phone.
Fax :.

However, kindly find below the contact person:
Dr.Chukwubueze Egobia
Director Foreign Affairs
Email: centbanknig2014@gmail.com

The ATM card payment center has been mandated to issue out
$10,000,000.00 as part payment for this first fiscal year 2018. Also
for your information, you have to stop any further communication with
any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving
your ATM payment.

Note that because of impostors, we hereby issue you our code of
conduct, which is (atm-222) so you have to indicate this code when
contacting the card center by using it as your subject and more-so be
aware that we are not asking you to send a cent to us before receiving
your card provided you are enable to meet up with the requirement and
instructions given to you.

Best regards,
Honorable Minister
Jerry Eke

Bill Gates Foundation You Have Been Gifted 5 MILLION USD

From: "Bill Gates Foundation " <215037507@stu.ukzn.ac.za>
Reply: billgdonationfile@outlook.com
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 00:55:24 +0530
Subject: You Have Been Gifted $5 MILLION USD

Greetings you have been gifted $5 MILLION USD From Mr. Bill Gates. Contact me at this email for your claim: billgfile099@outlook.com

I hope this information meet you well as I know you will be curious to know why/how I selected you to receive a sum of $5,000,000,00 USD, our information below is 100% legitimate, please see the link below: 

I BILL GATES and my wife decided to donate the sum of $5,000,000,00 USD to you as part of our charity project to improve the 10 lucky individuals all over the world from our $65 Billion Usd I and My Wife Mapped out to help people. We prayed and searched over the internet for assistance and i saw your profile on Microsoft email owners list and picked you. Melinda my wife and i have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see. as you could see from the webpage above, am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live. although am a Billionaire investor and we have helped some charity organizations from our Fund.

You see after taken care of the needs of our immediate family members, Before we die we decided to donate the remaining of our Billions to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti, hospitals in truro where Melinda underwent her cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimers and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with our payout bank of this charity donation. We have kept just 30% of the entire sum to our self for the remaining days because i am no longer strong am sick and am writing you from hospital computer. And me and my wife will be traveling to Germany for Treatment.

To facilitate the payment process of the funds ($5,000,000.00 USD) which have been donated solely to you, you are to send me

your full names……………..
your contact address…………….
your personal telephone number……………
SEND YOUR ABOVE DETAILS TO my Email: billgfile099@outlook.com

So that i can forward your payment information to you immediately. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your City. please you have to do your part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.

Thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful You Can Google my name for more information: Mr Bill Gates or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Remain Blessed

Mr Bill Gates

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