Reply: <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 17:30:57 -0700
Subject: HELLO

_Greetings my dear, _
_ _
_I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears in my eyes and great
sorrow in my heart.  As I informed you earlier, I am  the Personal
assistant/Lawyer to Late(Mrs.)Sandra Sharon Bricks  from American  and
 a widow to the late Mr.Bricks, she was 63 years old, suffered from
long term Cancer of the breast. From all indications her condition
 really deteriorated and it was quite obvious that she finally died of
covid 19  complications 2 months  ago according to the doctors._
_ _
_I have some documents related to the funds she inherited from her
late loving husband Mr.Bricks  a huge sum of only $7M ,  deposited  in
a Finance Company . I need a very honest,reliable and God fearing
person that can use these funds for Charity work as she instructed me
through her will, helping the Less Privileges, and 30 Percent of this
money will be given to you for your time and expenses, while 70
percent goes to charities as the will indicated._
_ _
_Please let me know if I can TRUST YOU ON THIS to carry out this
favor for this late woman.  I look forward to your prompt reply for
more details ._
_ _
_ _
_ _
_Yours sincerely_
_ _
_ _
_ _

The Atlantic Finance LOAN

From: The Atlantic Finance <>
Reply: The Atlantic Finance <>
Date: 6 Apr 2021 11:26:06 +0000
Subject: LOAN


The Atlantic Finance Company USA are happy to offer affordable
instalment loans with low interest rates that can be paid off
according to the Loan Joint Agreement (We offer corporate loans to the
tune of $10,000,000.00 to $1,000,000,000.00).

It’s a 3% low interest loan within a 10 year Period which will be
managed by the management and board of Directors of Atlantic Finance
Company USA.Kindly get back to me if you or your company are
interested with our corporate loan from our company.

Call /Whatsapp me (+1 612 284 1470)

Best regards

Johnson Larry
Head The Atlantic Finance Company, USA

salim zaid can you handle this

From: "salim zaid"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 04:39:55 -0700
Subject: can you handle this?


I am Mr. Salim Zaid, Syria / English citizen and Principal assurance
manager in one of reputable banks in Europe. Mr. Mohammed Raji a
staff of Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company got in touch with me on an
investment which was placed under our banks management some years ago.I
would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail
confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a
result of this mail. I contact you independently of our investigation and
no one is informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you
with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you. In 2010,
the subject matter;

Mr. Mohammed Raji came to our bank to engage in business discussions with
our private banking division. He informed us that he had a financial
portfolio of $75, 000, 000, 00 (Seventy-Five Million United States dollars),
which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I was the
officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my
duties as the de-facto chief operations officer, especially given the
volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.We met on numerous
occasions prior to any investments being placed.

He later asks the business to be close because he wants to move the funds to
another country for investment. The funds was moved to a private finance
company who are specialist banks that accept deposits from high net worth
individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or
undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash. Mr. Mohammed
Raji told me he wanted the money there as soon as he got into the country.
This was the last communication we had; this transpired last 2010, we
later got a call from the finance Company informing us about the
inactivity of that particular portfolio.

This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact
that I managed the International private banking sector I was the only one
who knew about the deposit, and I could not understand why Mr. Mohammed
Raji had not come forward to claim his deposit.

The disappearance of Mr. Mohammed Raji which was later confirmed that he
was killed in one of the bomb attacks in Iraq. This bank has spent
great amounts of money trying to track this man’s family; they have
investigated for months and have found no family. The investigation has
come to an end. My proposal is I want to introduce you to the bank as the
next of kin in a position to instruct the Finance company to release the
deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.

Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you.
That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them
release the deposit to you.25% of the total fund will be given to you for
your position as the next of kin. while I will keep the 75% for my retirement.

I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me but that would
have drawn a straight line in my involvement in claiming the deposit. I
assure you that I could have the deposit released to you within a few
days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file
relating to Mr. Mohammed Raji. I will then officially communicate with the
Finance company and instruct them to release the deposit to you which they
will gladly do.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. So I ask
that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this
mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is
of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you.
Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You
may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of
comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a
criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be
hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that
I make this move.

Such opportunities only come one’s way once in a lifetime.
I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total
control of my destiny. These chances won’t pass me by. I ask that you do
not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me
move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is
an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward
for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated
the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with
me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation,
good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the
center of relevance in my life. Let’s share the blessing.

If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a
conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official
channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do
not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want
you are contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only
through the numbers I will provide for you and also through this email
address. I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official
lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess
our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management

Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a
family man, I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a
measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that
nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come
easy or on a platter of gold. I will send you a copy of my identity
after I have your full consent. This is the one truth I have learned from
my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of
one accord, I await your response.

Best Regards
Salim Zaid.

salim zaid can you handle this

From: "salim zaid"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 08:12:15 -0700
Subject: can you handle this?


I am Mr. Salim Zaid, Syria / English citizen and Principal assurance
manager in one of reputable banks in Europe. Mr. Mohammed Raji a
staff of Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company got in touch with me on an
investment which was placed under our banks management some years ago.I
would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail
confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a
result of this mail. I contact you independently of our investigation and
no one is informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you
with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you. In 2010,
the subject matter;

Mr. Mohammed Raji came to our bank to engage in business discussions with
our private banking division. He informed us that he had a financial
portfolio of $75, 000, 000, 00 (Seventy-Five Million United States dollars),
which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I was the
officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my
duties as the de-facto chief operations officer, especially given the
volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.We met on numerous
occasions prior to any investments being placed.

He later asks the business to be close because he wants to move the funds to
another country for investment. The funds was moved to a private finance
company who are specialist banks that accept deposits from high net worth
individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or
undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash. Mr. Mohammed
Raji told me he wanted the money there as soon as he got into the country.
This was the last communication we had; this transpired last 2010, we
later got a call from the finance Company informing us about the
inactivity of that particular portfolio.

This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact
that I managed the International private banking sector I was the only one
who knew about the deposit, and I could not understand why Mr. Mohammed
Raji had not come forward to claim his deposit.

The disappearance of Mr. Mohammed Raji which was later confirmed that he
was killed in one of the bomb attacks in Iraq. This bank has spent
great amounts of money trying to track this man’s family; they have
investigated for months and have found no family. The investigation has
come to an end. My proposal is I want to introduce you to the bank as the
next of kin in a position to instruct the Finance company to release the
deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.

Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you.
That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them
release the deposit to you.25% of the total fund will be given to you for
your position as the next of kin. while I will keep the 75% for my retirement.

I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me but that would
have drawn a straight line in my involvement in claiming the deposit. I
assure you that I could have the deposit released to you within a few
days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file
relating to Mr. Mohammed Raji. I will then officially communicate with the
Finance company and instruct them to release the deposit to you which they
will gladly do.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. So I ask
that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this
mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is
of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you.
Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You
may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of
comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a
criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be
hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that
I make this move.

Such opportunities only come one’s way once in a lifetime.
I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total
control of my destiny. These chances won’t pass me by. I ask that you do
not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me
move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is
an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward
for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated
the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with
me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation,
good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the
center of relevance in my life. Let’s share the blessing.

If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a
conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official
channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do
not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want
you are contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only
through the numbers I will provide for you and also through this email
address. I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official
lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess
our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management

Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a
family man, I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a
measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that
nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come
easy or on a platter of gold. I will send you a copy of my identity
after I have your full consent. This is the one truth I have learned from
my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of
one accord, I await your response.

Best Regards
Salim Zaid.

*** Spam *** Finance

From: <>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2021 14:35:24 -0500
Subject: !!! *** [Spam] *** !!!Finance

If this email is not spam, click here to submit the signatures to
FortiGuard – AntiSpam Service.
 <Link to antispamming website> 
Hello, It pleases us (Bridge Financial Management Ltd) to inform you
that our finance company is offering financial services to companies,
Individuals, corporate and government bodies in need of financing. We
offer services such as; Investment Loans, Business Loans, Commercial
Loans, Real Estate, Mortgage. When It Comes to Financing, We Are The
Best. We offer finance with 1.2% interest rate annually. Our company
is registered by the FCA and we have been operating since 2002
financially. For more information on our services, you are advised to
contact us today to enable us send you full company details and
services offered. If you are a financial consultant with clients in
need of loans / funding for various contracts / projects, you are to
contact us / refer such clients to get in contact with us and we will
pay you a commission calculated on the total interest / profits of
loan or on the investment made by the client. If you are interested in
our offer, contact us today. Get In Touch Address: Essex, United
Kingdom Contact emails: Contact Numbers: +44
745-128-0499 Whatsapp Number: +44 752-0647-991

Salim Zaid from Salim Zaid

From: "Salim Zaid"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 02:45:34 -0800
Subject: from Salim Zaid


I am Mr. Salim Zaid, Syria / English citizen and Principal assurance
manager in one of reputable banks in Europe. Mr. Mohammed Raji a
staff of Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company got in touch with me on an
investment which was placed under our banks management some years ago.I
would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail
confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a
result of this mail. I contact you independently of our investigation and
no one is informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you
with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you. In 2010,
the subject matter;

Mr. Mohammed Raji came to our bank to engage in business discussions with
our private banking division. He informed us that he had a financial
portfolio of $75, 000, 000, 00 (Seventy-Five Million United States dollars),
which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I was the
officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my
duties as the de-facto chief operations officer, especially given the
volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.We met on numerous
occasions prior to any investments being placed.

He later asks the business to be close because he wants to move the funds to
another country for investment. The funds was moved to a private finance
company who are specialist banks that accept deposits from high net worth
individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or
undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash. Mr. Mohammed
Raji told me he wanted the money there as soon as he got into the country.
This was the last communication we had; this transpired last 2010, we
later got a call from the finance Company informing us about the
inactivity of that particular portfolio.

This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact
that I managed the International private banking sector I was the only one
who knew about the deposit, and I could not understand why Mr. Mohammed
Raji had not come forward to claim his deposit.

The disappearance of Mr. Mohammed Raji which was later confirmed that he
was killed in one of the bomb attacks in Iraq. This bank has spent
great amounts of money trying to track this man’s family; they have
investigated for months and have found no family. The investigation has
come to an end. My proposal is I want to introduce you to the bank as the
next of kin in a position to instruct the Finance company to release the
deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.

Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you.
That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them
release the deposit to you.25% of the total fund will be given to you for
your position as the next of kin. while I will keep the 75% for my retirement.

I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me but that would
have drawn a straight line in my involvement in claiming the deposit. I
assure you that I could have the deposit released to you within a few
days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file
relating to Mr. Mohammed Raji. I will then officially communicate with the
Finance company and instruct them to release the deposit to you which they
will gladly do.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. So I ask
that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this
mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is
of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you.
Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You
may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of
comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a
criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be
hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that
I make this move.

Such opportunities only come one’s way once in a lifetime.
I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total
control of my destiny. These chances won’t pass me by. I ask that you do
not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me
move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is
an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward
for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated
the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with
me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation,
good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the
center of relevance in my life. Let’s share the blessing.

If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a
conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official
channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do
not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want
you are contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only
through the numbers I will provide for you and also through this email
address. I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official
lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess
our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management

Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a
family man, I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a
measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that
nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come
easy or on a platter of gold. I will send you a copy of my identity
after I have your full consent. This is the one truth I have learned from
my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of
one accord, I await your response.

Best Regards
Salim Zaid.

Salim Zaid Business investment from Salim Zaid

From: "Salim Zaid"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 14:58:27 -0800
Subject: Business investment from Salim Zaid


I am Mr. Salim Zaid, Syria / English citizen and Principal assurance
manager in one of reputable banks in Europe. Mr. Mohammed Raji a
staff of Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company got in touch with me on an
investment which was placed under our banks management some years ago.I
would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail
confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a
result of this mail. I contact you independently of our investigation and
no one is informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you
with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you. In 2010,
the subject matter;

Mr. Mohammed Raji came to our bank to engage in business discussions with
our private banking division. He informed us that he had a financial
portfolio of $75, 000, 000, 00 (Seventy-Five Million United States dollars),
which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I was the
officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my
duties as the de-facto chief operations officer, especially given the
volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.We met on numerous
occasions prior to any investments being placed.

He later asks the business to be close because he wants to move the funds to
another country for investment. The funds was moved to a private finance
company who are specialist banks that accept deposits from high net worth
individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or
undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash. Mr. Mohammed
Raji told me he wanted the money there as soon as he got into the country.
This was the last communication we had; this transpired last 2010, we
later got a call from the finance Company informing us about the
inactivity of that particular portfolio.

This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact
that I managed the International private banking sector I was the only one
who knew about the deposit, and I could not understand why Mr. Mohammed
Raji had not come forward to claim his deposit.

The disappearance of Mr. Mohammed Raji which was later confirmed that he
was killed in one of the bomb attacks in Iraq. This bank has spent
great amounts of money trying to track this man’s family; they have
investigated for months and have found no family. The investigation has
come to an end. My proposal is I want to introduce you to the bank as the
next of kin in a position to instruct the Finance company to release the
deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.

Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you.
That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them
release the deposit to you.25% of the total fund will be given to you for
your position as the next of kin. while I will keep the 75% for my retirement.

I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me but that would
have drawn a straight line in my involvement in claiming the deposit. I
assure you that I could have the deposit released to you within a few
days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file
relating to Mr. Mohammed Raji. I will then officially communicate with the
Finance company and instruct them to release the deposit to you which they
will gladly do.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. So I ask
that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this
mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is
of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you.
Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You
may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of
comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a
criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be
hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that
I make this move.

Such opportunities only come one’s way once in a lifetime.
I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total
control of my destiny. These chances won’t pass me by. I ask that you do
not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me
move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is
an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward
for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated
the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with
me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation,
good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the
center of relevance in my life. Let’s share the blessing.

If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a
conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official
channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do
not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want
you are contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only
through the numbers I will provide for you and also through this email
address. I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official
lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess
our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management

Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a
family man, I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a
measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that
nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come
easy or on a platter of gold. I will send you a copy of my identity
after I have your full consent. This is the one truth I have learned from
my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of
one accord, I await your response.

Best Regards
Salim Zaid.

info Charity

Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2021 21:05:50 +0100
Subject: Charity

Season Greetings,

My name is Mr.Ahmed Hassan a merchant
in Dubai, I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer.

It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have
Only about a few months to live, according to medical experts. I
have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared
for anyone(not even myself) but my business.

The last of my money which no one knows
of is the huge cash deposit of Twenty One million dollars
$21,000,000,00 that I have with a finance Company abroad. I will want
you to help me collect this deposit and dispatched it to any charity
organizations of your choice I have set aside 25% for you and for your time.

Yours Sincerely
Mr.Ahmed Hassan.

info Good day

Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2021 17:40:26 +0100
Subject: Good day

Season Greetings,

My name is Mr.Ahmed Hassan a merchant
in Dubai, I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer.

It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have
Only about a few months to live, according to medical experts. I
have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared
for anyone(not even myself) but my business.

The last of my money which no one knows
of is the huge cash deposit of Twenty One million dollars
$21,000,000,00 that I have with a finance Company abroad. I will want
you to help me collect this deposit and dispatched it to any charity
organizations of your choice I have set aside 25% for you and for your time.

Yours Sincerely
Mr.Ahmed Hassan.


From: <>
Reply: <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2021 14:35:20 +0100
Subject: Re

We Offer All Kinds Of Loans, Business Loan, Personal Loan And Much More, with a very low annual lnterest rate of 3% If Interested, Contact Us For More Information Via Email:

Larry Finance Company


Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2021 15:32:04 -0800
Subject: HELLO

_Beloved _
_ _
_Greetings my dear, _
_ _
_I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears in my eyes and great
sorrow in my heart.  As I informed you earlier, I am  the Personal
assistant/Lawyer to Late(Mrs.)Sandra Sharon Bricks  from American  and
 a widow to the late Mr.Bricks, she was 63 years old, suffered from
long term Cancer of the breast. From all indications her condition
 really deteriorated and it was quite obvious that she finally died of
covid 19  complications 2 months  ago according to the doctors._
_ _
_I have some documents related to the funds she inherited from her
late loving husband Mr.Bricks  a huge sum of only $7M ,  deposited  in
a Finance Company . I need a very honest,reliable and God fearing
person that can use these funds for Charity work as she instructed me
through her will, helping the Less Privileges, and 30 Percent of this
money will be given to you for your time and expenses, while 70
percent goes to charities as the will indicated._
_ _
_Please let me know if I can TRUST YOU ON THIS to carry out this
favor for this late woman.  I look forward to your prompt reply for
more details ._
_ _
_ _
_ _
_Yours sincerely_

EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm

From: "EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 18:04:45 -0800
Subject: EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm

Attn: Dear friend

We are credible, competent and reliable EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm, with magnificent
financial capacity to provide huge loan Funds to finance your projects.

Our Finance Company can approve project funding between USD $20 million up to USD $100 Billion (without collateral) depending on the nature and viability of the business, investment or project; Tenure / repayment of Loan between 15 years years with only 3% interest annually – Interest rate beings after 3years of receiving the Loan Funds in your account.

We Lend huge Millions of USD/GBP to business individuals and companies as loans (without collateral) to finance projects or expand their businesses.
We are ready to Finance and Expand your business, investment or project, once give us the business plan and executive summary for assessment and review.
Contact us urgently TODAY via Email address:

Send Reply to us for more details if you or your friends need Loan Funds.

Yours faithfully,

MR. Jermain CLARKE

info enquiry Compliments of the day my dear friend

From: info enquiry <>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 08:32:05 -0800
Subject: Compliments of the day my dear friend

Compliments of the day my dear friend 

I have contacted you several times regarding an approved cash transfer
arriving in your country in a few days’ time but have not heard from
you till now; Please let me know if your email is still valid. Please,
acknowledge the receipt of this message in reference to the subject
above as I intend to send to you the details of the project.
Sometimes, try to check your spam box as most of these correspondences
frequently fall out in SPAM folder.My name is Mr George Frank, Citizen
of Republic of Togo, I work as an administrative secretary to
Diplomatic Union Of West African States Ltd”

I would like to discuss some sort of business issue with you which is
definitely going to be of mutual benefit to both of us. I have put in
place all necessary requirements concerning the release of this funds
and it is my intention to introduce this opportunity to you as the

Can I give you this financial trust as a trustee/stake holder of
exceeding US$18.5m? that was deposited in a Finance Company here in
Togo by an English and a Businessman that died from Corona-virus
(COVID – 19) after being infected on the Diamond Princess Cruise
Ship. Whose relatives I cannot get in touch with. But both of you have
the same last name so it will be very easy to front you as his
official next of kin. I am compelled to do this because I would not
want the Finance company to push this funds (US$18.5m)into their
treasury as unclaimed inheritance Please confirm the receipt of this
message  for more details. I wait for your urgent response including
your direct cellphone number and delivery address to complete the
shipment, looking forward to hearing from you. 

Yours truly
Mr George Frank
Your partnership is urgently required; please confirm the receipt of
this message to my alternative e-mail:( ) for
more details. 

EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm

From: "EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2020 19:22:58 -0800
Subject: EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm

Attn: Dear friend

We are credible, competent and reliable EU based Investment Funding and Project-Finance firm, with magnificent
financial capacity to provide huge loan Funds to finance your projects.

Our Finance Company can approve project funding between USD $20 million up to USD $100 Billion (without collateral) depending on the nature and viability of the business, investment or project; Tenure / repayment of Loan between 15 years years with only 3% interest annually – Interest rate beings after 3years of receiving the Loan Funds in your account.

We Lend huge Millions of USD/GBP to business individuals and companies as loans (without collateral) to finance projects or expand their businesses.
We are ready to Finance and Expand your business, investment or project, once give us the business plan and executive summary for assessment and review.
Contact us urgently TODAY via Email address:

Send Reply to us for more details if you or your friends need Loan Funds.

Yours faithfully,

MR. Jermain CLARKE

pereirarommel53 Attention Beneficiary.

Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2020 23:19:54 +0000
Subject: Attention Beneficiary.

[Google Forms]

54 Doughty Street
London, WC1N 2LS
DX: 223 Chancery Lane.
Tel: +44-741-844-0827.
Fax: 44-87-1247-2209.

Attn. Please,

I am the personal attorney to Robert Fitzpatrick, an American who was
a consultant with Shell UK LTD here in London, who shall be referred
to as my client. Unfortunately my client lost his life on Boeing Egypt
Air Flight 990, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on October 31st,
1999 and left no clear beneficiary as Next of Kin except some vital
documents related to the deposit still with me.

All efforts by me to trace his Next of Kin proved abortive because he
did not make any will prior to his death. Since then I have made
several inquiries to locate any of my late clients extended relatives
and this has proved unsuccessful. After my several unsuccessful
attempts to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.

I am contacting you to assist in claiming the money left behind by my
client before they get confiscated or declared unclaimed by the
security company where this huge deposit was deposited. Particularly,
the finance company where the deceased had the said fund valued at USD
11 Million dollars has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin.

Consequent upon this, my idea is that we can have a deal/agreement and
I am going to do this legally with your name as the bonafide
beneficiary of the amount in question as I have all legal document to
back our claim, i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin
to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at $11
Million US dollars can be paid to your account abroad, note that 40%
of this money will be for you, in respect to the provision of a
foreign account and 50% for me, 10% will be used for the reimbursement
of any expenditure we may incur in the cause of the transaction.

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement
that will protect you from any breach of the law, all I need from you
is your utmost collaboration and sincerity for us to thrive in this
deal. Get back to me if you are ready to assist me.

I look forward to your reply my private email address: OR

Yours Sincerely,

Barr Kate Baron

Party Invite
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ramondkingsley From Mrs. Gina Pejo.

Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2020 11:56:57 +0000
Subject: From Mrs. Gina Pejo.

[Google Forms]

From Mrs. Gina Pejo.
Dearest Friend,

I am the above named person from Ukraine but now undergoing medical
treatment in India . I am married to Dr. Johnson Pejo, who worked with
Ukraine Embassy in Germany for nine years and I speak good English,
before he died in the year 2002 in an Iran plane crash. We were
for eleven years without children.

Before his death we were both good Christians. Since his death I
not to marry or get children outside my matrimonial home which the
is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of
$40.000, 000.00 Million America Dollars (Fourty Million U.S. Dollars)
with a Finance Company in Europe .

Presently, these Funds are still with the Finance Company. Recently my
Doctors told me that I would not be alive for four months due to my
cancer problem with COVID-19. Though what disturbs me most is my
and high blood pressure. Having known my health conditions I decided
donate this fund to churches or a Christian individual that will
this funds the way I am going to instruct you, I want a church or
individual that will use this fund to assist churches, orphanages and
the propagation the work of God and to ensure that the house of God is
maintained. The Bible made me to understand that blessed is the hand
that gives.

I took this decision because I do not have children that will inherit
this funds and I do not want my husband’s hard earned money to be
misused by unbelievers. I do not want a situation where this funds
be misused in an ungodly way or manner, hence the reason for taking
bold decisions. I am not afraid of death hence I know where going. I
not need any telephone communication in this regard because of my
and because of the presence of my husband’s relatives around me

I do not want them to know about this development. With God all things
are possible. As soon as I receive your urgent response I shall give
the directive on how to get claims with the authorization document on
behalf in Europe .

My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. I will not
contact another person or organization until I hear from you.

Remain blessed in the name of the Lord

Yours in Christ

Mrs. Gina Pejo.

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pereirarommel51 Attention to you.

Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2020 16:21:29 +0000
Subject: Attention to you.

[Google Forms]

54 Doughty Street
London, WC1N 2LS
DX: 223 Chancery Lane.
Tel: +44-741-844-0827.
Fax: 44-87-1247-2209.

Attn. Please,

I am the personal attorney to Robert Fitzpatrick, an American who was
a consultant with Shell UK LTD here in London, who shall be referred
to as my client. Unfortunately my client lost his life on Boeing Egypt
Air Flight 990, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on October 31st,
1999 and left no clear beneficiary as Next of Kin except some vital
documents related to the deposit still with me.

All efforts by me to trace his Next of Kin proved abortive because he
did not make any will prior to his death. Since then I have made
several inquiries to locate any of my late clients extended relatives
and this has proved unsuccessful. After my several unsuccessful
attempts to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.

I am contacting you to assist in claiming the money left behind by my
client before they get confiscated or declared unclaimed by the
security company where this huge deposit was deposited. Particularly,
the finance company where the deceased had the said fund valued at USD
11 Million dollars has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin.

Consequent upon this, my idea is that we can have a deal/agreement and
I am going to do this legally with your name as the bonafide
beneficiary of the amount in question as I have all legal document to
back our claim, i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin
to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at $11
Million US dollars can be paid to your account abroad, note that 40%
of this money will be for you, in respect to the provision of a
foreign account and 50% for me, 10% will be used for the reimbursement
of any expenditure we may incur in the cause of the transaction.

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement
that will protect you from any breach of the law, all I need from you
is your utmost collaboration and sincerity for us to thrive in this
deal. Get back to me if you are ready to assist me.

I look forward to your reply my private email address: OR

Yours Sincerely,

Barr Kate Baron,

Party Invite
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quis sem odio. Sed commodo vestibulum leo, sit amet tempus odio
consectetur in.

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inforeplyxdxxd Pls Read Carefully

Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2020 13:05:41 +0000
Subject: Pls Read Carefully!!!

[Google Forms]


I am Mr. Salim Zaid, Syria / English citizen and Principal assurance
manager in one of reputable banks in Europe. Mr. Mohammed Raji a staff
of Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company got in touch with me on an
investment which was placed under our banks management some years
ago.I respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail
confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by
as a result of this mail. I contact you independently of our
investigation and no one is informed of this communication. I would
like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of
interest to you. In 2010, the subject matter;

Mr. Mohammed Raji came to our bank to engage in business discussions
with our private banking division. He informed us that he had a
financial portfolio of $75, 000, 000, 00 (Seventy-Five Million United
States dollars), which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his
behalf. I was the officer assigned to his case; I made numerous
suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto chief operations
officer, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into
our bank.We met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being

He later asks the business to be close because he wants to move the
funds to another country for investment. The funds were moved to a
private finance company who were a specialist bank that accepts
deposits from high net worth individuals and blue chip corporations
that handle valuable products or undertake transactions that need
immediate access to cash. Mr. Mohammed Raji told me he wanted the
money there as soon as he got into the country. This was the last
communication we had; this transpired last 2010, we later got a call
from the finance Company informing us about the inactivity of that
particular portfolio.

This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the
fact that I managed the International private banking sector I was the
only one who knew about the deposit, and I could not understand why
Mr. Mohammed Raji had not come forward to claim his deposit.

The disappearance of Mr. Mohammed Raji which was later confirmed that
he was killed in one of the bomb attacks in Iraq. This bank has spent
great amounts of money trying to track this man’s family; they have
investigated for months and have found no family. The investigation
has come to an end. My proposal is I want to introduce you to the bank
as the next of kin in a position to instruct the Finance company to
release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.

Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with
you. That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have
them release the deposit to you.25% of the total fund will be given to
you for your position as the next of kin. while I will keep the 75%
for my retirement.

I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me but that
would have drawn a straight line in my involvement in claiming the
deposit. I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you
within a few days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing
of the file relating to Mr. Mohammed Raji. I will then officially
communicate with the Finance company and instruct them to release the
deposit to you which they will gladly do.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. So I ask that if you
find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail. I
ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is of
no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you.

Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal.
You may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out
of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am
not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience,
this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my
industry dictates that I make this move.

Such opportunities only come one’s way once in a lifetime. I cannot
let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total control of
my destiny. These chances won’t pass me by. I ask that you do not
destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me
move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this
is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a
reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I
have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you
refusing to work with me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who
knows of this situation, good fortune has blessed you with a name that
has planted you into the center of relevance in my life. Let’s share
the blessing.

If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards
a conclusion. I wish to inform you that you should contact me via
official channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I
repeat, I do not want you contacting me through my official phone
lines nor do I want you contacting me through my official email
account. Contact me only through the numbers I will provide for you
and also through this email address. I do not want any direct link
between you and me. My official lines are not secure lines as they are
periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line
with our Total Quality Management Policy.

Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am
a family man, I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not
without a measure of fear as to what the consequences are, but I know
within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and
riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. I will send you a copy
of my identity after I have your full consent. This is the one truth I
have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my
confidence. If we can be of one accord, I await your response.

Email Address:

Best Regards
Salim Zaid.

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Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2020 14:47:41 +0000

[Google Forms]

Dear friend,

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise. I am a
practitioner at law to a deceased Immigrant property Magnate. I hope
that you will not expose or betray this trust and confidence that I am
about to repose to you for the mutual benefit of our both families.

I have an important message for you concerning the death of your
relative, and the funds valued at $11.5 million he left behind in
Security and Finance Company here in my country Lome (Togo), Contact
me at my private mailbox [ ] for the full
details as soon as possible.
Best Regards,
Mr.Ubakam Umuahia.

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Mr.Alliswill Henry ok

From: "Mr.Alliswill Henry" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:39:17 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: ok

Dear friend,

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise. I am a practitioner at law to a deceased Immigrant property Magnate. I hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.

I have an important message for you concerning the death of your relative Enger.D.Bentley, and the funds valued at $11.5 million he left behind in Security and Finance Company here in my country Lome (Togo), Contact me at my private mailbox for the full details as soon as possible.
This is the information that I will need from you.

AGE AND SEX……………..
Reply via Email: at, ………..
Best Regards,
Mr.Alliswill Henry


From: Mr Muhammed Umar <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 12:54:36 -0800

Hello Sir,

Am Muhammed Umar by name, the Manager “US Global Investment Funds
Company” We are into finance and loan business. We also partner with
some legit register finance company, right now one of our partner is
giving out large amount of loan to registered company owners allover
the glob. Interested company owners should contact me with his or her
full contact details, valid passport ID and let know how much you

Thanks and looking forward to your swift respond.

Best Regard

Mr. Muhammed Umar

U.S. Global Investors Funds
P.O Box 588
Portland, ME 04112
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Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 06:27:24 -0800

Our Ref: DBN/IRD/CBX/021/20




(a)YOUR FULL NAME……………….




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