nwewgo Reply

From: nwewgo@gmail.com
Reply: obyjonas@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2019 13:16:51 -0700
Subject: Reply

Hello my friend ,I tried to get through to you in December period to
let you know that I have been able to get the money out of my country
but I could not get your phone number again as it has been long and I
know you must have forgotten me too because it has been long but
Thanks for your assistance so far though I was able to finished the
deal with my friend here in China.But I did not forget your role as
you did your best but may be not your luck to have it done with me. I
have been here in China since 12th Dec as my friend who provided his
account and also financed the transaction is now my partner and we are
setting up factory both here in China and Japan. Well contact my
secretary as I left her \ DEBIT CARD of $650,000 in your favour.I will
write you back when we are back from Japan trip.
Here is the contact details for my secretary Mrs Victoria Lewis,email;
[oswaldlewis@hotmail.com] So contact her now to send you the ATM DEBIT CARD .
Mr George Jack

Mr. Kennedy Uzoka Urgent Payment Reminder Regarding your Fund…

From: "Mr. Kennedy Uzoka" <info@office.com>
Reply: kuzoka42@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2019 09:11:26 -0700
Subject: Urgent Payment Reminder Regarding your Fund...

Good Day

On behalf of the board and management of International Monetary Funds (IMF).In conjunction with
African Union (AU) has directed us to pay you One Million five hundred thousand united state dollars ($ 1,500, 000.00) in Cash through means of diplomatic courier service hand delivery.

We have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of African Union (AU) United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and FBI.

We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Ghana and Senegal with cote d'ivoire) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

Note: You have to stop communicating with the impostors right now and you have to stop sending money to them and stop responding to their emails, we are acting according to the Directive from UN, FBI, HLS, so any email you send to them will be monitored.

Take note: Three thousand united state dollars (usd $ 3,000) have been
Mapped out for all expenses in taxes and other documents that matters.

Kindly forward your home address and direct phone number to this email: mrkuzokanig@yahoo.com
/ kuzoka42@gmail.com

Kennedy Uzoka
Director cash processing unit
PHONE: +234 802 263 0701
FAX: 234 674 478 8273
Email: mrkuzokanig@yahoo.com
/ kuzoka42@gmail.com

Smadar Barber-Tsadik Proposal

From: "Smadar Barber-Tsadik"<agnieszka.choluj@wco.pl>
Reply: barbertsadiks504@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2019 18:34:01 -0700
Subject: Proposal

I apologize for intruding your privacy. Please let me start by introducing myself I am Miss Smadar Barber-Tsadik the Executive Vice President Banking Division FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF ISRAEL (FIBI). I am getting in touch with you regarding an extremely, important and confidential matter. If you would please oblige me the opportunity, I shall provide you with details upon your response.

Smadar Barber-Tsadik

Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii, z siedzib? w Poznaniu (61-866), ul. Garbary 15. We wszystkich sprawach zwi?zanych z przetwarzaniem i ochron? danych osobowych mo?e si? Pani/Pan kontaktowa? z Inspektorem Ochrony Danych dost?pnym pod adresem e-mail daneosobowe@wco.pl Dane osobowe s? przetwarzane na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. e) RODO w celu rozpatrzenia przes?anej korespondencji. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, jednak?e ich podanie jest warunkiem udzielenia odpowiedzi na korespondencj?. Dane b?d? przetwarzane przez okres niezb?dny do rozpatrzenia przes?anej korespondencji oraz przez okres ustalony zgodnie z przepisami dotycz?cymi narodowego zasobu archiwalnego. Z uwagi na konieczno?? wype?nienia celu przetwarzania, dane osobowe mog? by? przekazywane podmiotom przetwarzaj?cym dane osobowe na zlecenie Administratora tj. dostawcom us?ug IT, a tak?e innym podmiotom na podstawie przepisw prawa powszechnie obowi?zuj?cego. Dane nie podlegaj? zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji, w tym profilowaniu. Posiada Pan/Pani prawo dost?pu do tre?ci swoich danych, prawo ich sprostowania, prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu, usuni?cia po up?ywie wskazanych okresw lub ograniczenia przetwarzania. Ma Pani/Pan rwnie? prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urz?du Ochrony Danych Osobowych (PUODO), ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa.

CFC Loan Offer. Apply Now

From: "CFC"<info@megamyanmargroup.com>
Reply: <cfc.unitcentre@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2019 01:29:20 +0100
Subject: Loan Offer. Apply Now!!!

Dear Client,

Greetings to you from National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Firm. We are running a week unsecured easy loan offer to every individual and corporate bodies across the globe on 3% interest rate. Do You need a Personal/Business/Investment loan, Improve/ Purchase Home Renovation; Debt Consolidation Loan? then contact us now via email:=> cfc.unitcentre@gmail.com

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Peter Scott

Ismael Guinko Hi

From: Ismael Guinko <ismaelguinko04@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 18:10:53 +0200
Subject: Hi

Bonjour et bonsoir tout dpend de lheure laquelle vous lirez ce
courriel je viens avec de bonne intention nayez aucune crainte comme tout
Homme jai des rves et des ambitions je souhaite les ralis bien vrai que
je nai aucune ide de qui vous tes mais je me porte vers vous pour vous
solliciter de laide nul nest labri du besoin mais je sais que moi non
plus cest pour cette mme raisons que je passe par ces lignes pour
mexprimer jaurai bientt 20 ans cest lges de ce trouv un travail oui
cest vrai vous aurez parfaitement raison mais les ralits ne sont pas les
mmes dans les conditions dans lesquelles je me trouve en ce moment je suis
la recherche de soutien en ce moment je ne demande pas de largent non
tout sauf a je ne veux pas que vous me donnez du poisson je veux apprendre
pch le poisson bon jai remarqu que le prix de lessence a augment de
faon surprenante dans mon pays 1.08 le litre bon je souhaite me lancer
dans lentreprenariat construire une station-service vendre de lessence je
trouve a lucrative encore je vous le rpte je ne vous demande pas
dargent rien de tout cela mais je vous demande dinvestir dans mon pays on
peut dire que cest lun des pays du tiers monde mais je suis sure que a
va vous rapportez trs gros je ne veux pas tre la tte de quoi que ce
soit vous serrez le propritaire moi je veux juste figur, le nom, les
recettes, tout vous pouvez vous en charg je veux seulement reprsent un
salaire me conviendras si vous tes satisfait et vous envisagez daugment
je ny verrai aucun inconvnient comme on la dit dans le pass quon
choisit pas dtre pauvre mais mourir pauvre cest un choix moi je veux
faire le choix de ne pas mourir pauvre les Qataris ont eu des grands pre
qui ont possds des puits de ptrole moi je veux tre reprsentant des
stations qui sont les vtres pour obtenir mon quotidien dans lintention de
mettre de la nourriture sur ma table A vrai dire je nai aucun fond pour
cela je veux que vous me prenez comme associ plusieurs blanc ont investis
dans mon pays ya des mines, la compagnie de station Total, ya un
reprsentant de la maison FORD, ya aussi un reprsentant de Nestl cela
rapporte vraiment, chez nous cest diffrent vous pouvez avoir le monopole
de certains produits dont le pays a besoin cest ce qui fait la fortune de
certaines personnes sur mon continent Je veux vous invitez investir dans
mon pays qui vous permettra dtre influent et moi un reprsentant rput
peu importe sauf ce qui est illgale tout se vend et sachte cest
pourquoi je vois que cest trs lucratifs de choisir mon pays les pertes
sont minimes je lassure… les pistolets pompe dessence et lappareil
utilis pour stock afin de vendre peuvent venir par bateau et conteneur ou
par autre moyen cest vous qui voyez tous vos moyens marches… Si vous
avez dautre projets au sein de mon pays je suis lcoute je souhaite
faire vraiment les affaires comme je ne my connais pas assez je commence
comme a, une dernire fois je ne demande pas dargent je veux reprsenter


From: FEDERAL HIGH COURT NIGERIA <officebx78@gmail.com>
Reply: chiefjudgeandybills@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 18:03:16 +0100

Attn: Urgent Respond Needed

My dear, for a week now, the High Court Of Nigeria are taking a look
at your case concerning your funds because we got some reports that
you did not received your funds ever since you started this
transaction and that you have made all types of payments which you
have been asked to pay for the aim and objective that you will receive
your funds but yet no fund was received by you.

Now we are in the court again today looking at the case and trying to
get the truth because the person that is in charge of the transaction
said in the hearing of the entire court here that you have received
and confirmed to him that you received your funds and we are here to
hear the truth from you.

Please here bellow is what we want you to answer as quickly as you can
to enable us to handle this case normal.

(1)Do you receive any money from this names………….. Dr .Charles
Soludo, Douglas morrison,Dr Goodluck Anderson , Robert williams and
Mrs. Rita williams Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Mrs Farida Waziri, Mallam
Sanusi Lamido,Bukola Saraki or any other person

(2)If you do receive Fund from anyone, how much is it??

(3)From which bank or courier do you received the money from??

Please we advise you to directly answer this questions above because
we really get the truth from you and Kindly know that if you don't
receive your funds, you will receive it according to the instruction
of this High Court Of Nigeria, because we been receiving news from
your Government that our Government officials are scamming people of
your Country and that is what we are handling at once and we need your
reply so that we can get the truth.

Best Regard.
Hon. Justice A. A Kafarati

Diplomat Agent David Lee The Delivery OF Your Consignment Boxes J.F Kennedy…

From: Diplomat Agent David Lee <davidcarollee4@daum.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 02:45:51 +0900 (KST)
Subject: The Delivery OF Your Consignment Boxes J.F Kennedy...

The Delivery OF Your Consignment Boxes
J.F Kennedy International Airport New York


I am David C. Lee, Chief Inspection Agent- United Nations Inspection
Unit at John F. Kennedy International airport, New York- working hand
in hand with Department of Homeland Security and U.S Customs and
Border Protection. During our investigation, I discovered an abandoned
shipment from a Diplomat from London, UK and when scanned it revealed
an undisclosed sum of money in a metal trunk box weighing
approximately 25kg each. The consignment was abandoned because the
Content was not properly declared by the consignee as money rather it
was declared as personal effect to avoid diversion by the shipping
agent and also the Diplomat inability to pay for Non Inspection Fees.

On my assumption, each of the boxes will contain about $3Million to
$4Million each and the consignment is still left in the storage house
till today. The consignment are two metal boxes with weight of about
25kg each (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm). Effective
capacity: 110 LBS.). Approximately, the details of the consignment
including your name and address, the official document from United
Nation office in London are tagged on the Metal Trunk boxes.


You can send the required details to me by email for onward delivery.
All communication must be held extremely confidential. I can get
everything concluded within 5-6 hours upon your acceptance and proceed
to your address for delivery if you assure me of sharing the content
30% for me / 70% with you on my arrival to your house.

I want us to transact this business with you and share the money,
since the shipper has abandoned it and disappeared. I will pay for
the Non inspection fee and arrange for the boxes to be moved out of
this airport to your address by myself. But I will share it 30%/70%
with you. Make sure Respond to me via my (direct EMAIL:
davidcarollee4@gmail.com ) Below is my direct telephone number. Call
me as soon as you receive this mail and send me all the requested
information to my email.

David C. Lee
(347) 983 5633

The Email contained an excessively large subject. For aesthethic reasons we have truncated the message in the title and reproduce the full subject below.

The Delivery OF Your Consignment Boxes J.F Kennedy International Airport New York

Jefferson Goldmann

From: Jefferson Goldmann <goldmannjefferson@gmail.com>
Reply: dc0130129@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 08:50:03 +0100


I am Jefferson Goldmann and I am a UN military doctor (Soldier),
presently serving in Afghanistan. i came across your contact from the
UN procurement dairy and I trust that you can handle this transaction
on my behalf.

i got $3,000,000usd saved in a registered security company. I and my
team here invaded a terrorist camp here in afganistan and we came
across the sum of $12,000,000 usd spendable cash. we split it among
ourselves and i lodged mine with the security company and it was kept
in a safe security vault. i received a mail from them last week – that
there will be liquidating their asset – and if i can reach a
beneficiary that i trust. so my beneficiary can hold the transaction,
i should do that asap. we can invest this in Spendable cash in a
business at your country/location.

And beside – I will reward you with 20% of my $3,000,000 usd for your
financial support and effort.

Kindly get in touch with me.

This information should be kept confidential

In God we trust,


From: "MR CHRIS WEIR.C. COLIN" <mrchrisweir.c.colin01@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2019 20:54:39 +0100
Subject: GOOD DAY..................

*Attn: Sir / Madam . My wife and I won Family Lottery of(161,653,000
Million Pounds), and we have done lot of charity donation, so we decide to
give $1.5 Million Dollars each to 5 lucky people, your email,was selected
from a Data Base of Internet E-mail Users,from which your Address came out
as one of our lucky precipitants. Send Name, Country, Date of
birth/Age,Telephone Number,Occupation,Identity card(crate identity). &
Phone No. via email please get back to me on my Private Email *

*Address: colin.m10@aol.com <colin.m10@aol.com> Congratulations & Happy
Celebrations Thanks and God bless you and your family. yours truly,
Mr.Chris Weir.C.Colin *

Aarushi Kaur 5 Important Reasons to Redesign Your Website

From: "Aarushi Kaur" <aarushi@kharerawebtech.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 16:16:09 +0530
Subject: 5 Important Reasons to Redesign Your Website

Hi, nigel@brendinghat.com

We will redesign your website according to your brand and the latest trends.
Affordable and professional website.

We are from website design and software development company.

Are you looking to redesign your website with new modern and as per the
latest industry standard look and feel?

5 important reasons to redesign your website:

1. Your content management system or website technology is out of date

2. Your website design looks old and outdated

3. Your website is not mobile – friendly

4. You are not getting the results you want

5. Your business focus changes

Business goals change over time and you want your website to support these

Do let me know if you are interested.

Email us back to get a package/action and price list.

Kind Regards,

Aarushi Kaur
Digital Marketing Executive

Note: If need a quote, please share your website info and requirements.

Our Mailing Address: 79, General Patters Road, Mount Road, Chennai, Tamil
Nadu 600002.

Mrs.Christina Johnson God bless you my dear

From: "Mrs.Christina Johnson" <mrs.christinajohnson2012@yahoo.com>
Reply: "Mrs.Christina Johnson" <mrs.christinajohnson2012@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 08:54:41 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: God bless you my dear,

God bless you my dear,

My name is Mrs. Christina Williams Johnson from France and I am very sorry for the attachment, I am a 59 years old woman. I was married to late Mr. Williams Johnson who is my husband, and also one of the best contractors here in France, and also a seasoned contractor in London. He was poison to die on, 7th January 2018 by one of his friends in London.

My late husband and I were married for years without a child of our own and after his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home. As i speak to you, I have been diagnosed with congested heart failure, of which the doctors have confirmed and told me that I would not live long. After my husband passed away last year, I realized he deposited a huge sum of money with one of Security Company in London.

The money that was deposited in the Security company was a total of (5.500.000.00 USD) Five million Five Hundred Thousand USD. As I write to you, I feel that the money in the Security company would be a waste if I die and that is why I have come to a conclusion of donating the money out to the less privilege and also the motherless babies home.

My husband's brother is an addicted smoker and drinker who spend his money on expensive drinks and unnecessary things and so I do not wish for him to have any of the money which my husband worked so hard for all his life. After going through your profile over the internet I decided to contact you for friendship and assistance for distribution of my inheritance. Please, my dear friend I have come to you to help me carry out this last wish of mine earth because I am too weak to move about and also have been confined to a wheel chair in my home in France due to the state of my health and so I can't travel all the way from here.

It is true that I don't know you, but I have been directed by God to do this. If you wish to help me, write back to me at your earliest convenience so that I would direct you on how to contact the Security Company for the transfer of the funds to you in whichever way you may wish to nominate for this purpose. Please send me your name, address, occupation, age, sex, marital status and contact telephone numbers to enable me forward it to the security company for the release of the fund to your custody. I will give you my lawyer contact information for I may not be able to carry out, I am weak less privilege to write or talk.

I await your urgent reply.

Thanks for your kindness and God Bless you,

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Christina Williams Johnson.

Mrs Karen Pierce Compensation:…….

From: "Mrs Karen Pierce" <postmaster@supersecure.email>
Reply: barrcareybcowartt@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2019 03:53:41 -0700
Subject: Compensation:.......

You have been compensated by IMF with the Sum of 550,000 Usd.For more details on how to make your claims,Contact our Uk Customer Agent,Dr Carey Cowart via email below,

Email: barrcareybcowartt@gmail.com

Karen Pierce,
United Nation Ambassador.

Ronald MacLeod Re: The Truth about Your Consignment Box

From: "Ronald MacLeod" <info@iamwatch.net>
Reply: storageunit202@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2019 14:28:54 -0700
Subject: Re: The Truth about Your Consignment Box

Cargo Inspector and Transportation officer,
Miami International Airport 2100 NW 42nd Ave, Miami,
FL 33126, United States

Attn Friend,

Your consignment arrived your city this morning in about 11:45AM. Registration #: JG1N8875BS, Custom ultra scan result revealed a huge sum of money in a metal trunk box weighing approximately 101LBS. According to some documents following the consignment box, The box is estimated to contain about $8Million USD. with weight of about 101kg (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm). Effective capacity: 110 LBS.) approximately, the details of consignment including your name, address and the official document from United Nation office tagged on the Metal Trunk box which made you the actual beneficiary of this consignment.

Please i need you to contact and re-confirm your current details such as your name, phone number and your current home address including the name of the nearest airport around your city and other details so i can verify with the one i already have here. As soon as i receive your current delivery details, I will get everything concluded within 48hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery. I appreciate we keep all communication with extreme confidential for security reason(s).

Please reconfirm the following information for verification and for your delivery.

(1) Your name………..
(2) Your phone number………….
(3) Your complete address………………………
(4) Nearest airport to your address……………..
(5) Your Occupation………………………………….

Your urgent responds is highly needed.

Text or call Only : (+1) 305-417-4193
Whatsapp Only : (+1) 619-259-8383

Yours Faithfully,
Ronald MacLeod

JOHN ALEXANDER Project Financing Alert

From: "JOHN ALEXANDER" <financialbrokers@mail2broker.com>
Reply: JOHNALEXANDER@mail2broker.com
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 22:59:54 +0100
Subject: Project Financing Alert

Dear Sir, Our record on project financing in the past decades has remained
unbeatable with our wide network of affiliated financial institutions and
investment advisors, We provide funding for both Government and private
enterprises as well as personal financing need.
I was wondering if you or your clients still require our professional
services for the procurement of Financial Banking Instrument and cash
loans for new and existing projects i.e: MTN's, BG, SBLC, CTD, Bonds.
Bitcoin and advisory.
We have available BG/SBLC Lease Offer @ 8% from 50 World Top Prime Banks.
MTN, BG/SBLC Sales Offer @ 47%+1 from 50 World Top Prime Banks
Availability of Credit Line Facility for Credit Enhancement, Project
Funding and Monetization against Strong Collateral
Hoping that the above helps.


Mr Spencer Larkin Attn: Beneficiary REF: PAYMENT NOTIFICATION OF US 1.700 000.00

From: Mr Spencer Larkin <bankkimoon772@yahoo.com>
Reply: Mr Spencer Larkin <office_file_2014@mail.ru>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 17:10:19 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Attn: Beneficiary====REF: PAYMENT NOTIFICATION OF US$1.700,000.00

Attention! Dear Beneficiary

The United Nations have agreed to compensate you with the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($1.7) after your name and email was submitted by the Internet International Monitoring Group during the UNCC Conference Meeting which was held this 03/09/2018 edition with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in Geneva Switzerland.This payment Program is organized for charity organization//Scam victims and development.

Your name appeared among the beneficiaries who will receive the sum of $1.7Million USD, Credited to Online Bank ATM Card account that was set
up for you in the Bank and it has been approved for immediate delivery to you.

Your urgent response to this email will help facilitate the onward delivery of your ATM card to you.

Contact Our Representative officer:
Name:Mr.Martin Tschopp
Phone +229-62358721.

Send To Him Below Mentioned Details
(1) Your Full Name
(2) Your Receiving Address
(3 Your Private Telephone Number
(4) A Scan Copy Of Your International Passport Or ID

Your fund to be released via ATM MASTER CARD in act to uphold the rule of law which we represent.You have to re-confirm the contact information above for security reasons and therefor the only charges fee you are obliged to pay is the delivery and shipment charges fee of your ATM visa card only.I expect your urgent attention to this email to enable me monitor this payment effectively. Most importantly you shall be requested to pay the shipping fee of your ATM MASTER CARD with 100% no extra charge or hidden fees involved again.

Mr Spencer Larkin
United Nations Liaison Office
Directorate of International Payment


From: "PAUL.J.FRANK" <charles.samuel377@gmail.com>
Reply: paulfrank708@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 17:18:27 -0700


*how are you doing over there i hope all is well with you there Are you in
need of a Loan/Funding for a project? Have you been trying to obtain a Loan
from any of the Banks or Loan Companies and got Ripped off and they have
refused to grant you the Loan because of bad credit? we offer all types of
non-recourse Loan and funding at a low Interest Rate of 3% both long term
and short term.The categories of Loan/financial funding offered include but
not limited to: Business Loan, Personal Loan, Company Loan, Mortgage Loan,
debt consolidation and financial funding for both turnkey and mega projects
E.T.C. from a minimum of Euro / US$1Million to Euro / US$5Billion Max.*
*Kindly get in touch for further details and procedure.*
*Arc Investors LTD*
*Financial Director.*
*The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient
specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of
this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender.
If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and
follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not
occur in the future.This message has been sent as a part of an aid (loan
assistance) and the addressee whose email*
*address is specified above. Should you receive this message by mistake, we
would be most grateful if you informed us that the message has been sent to
you. In this case, we also ask that you delete this message from your
mailbox, and do not forward it or any part of it to anyone else. Thank you
for your cooperation and understanding reply me in this email
( paulfrank708@gmail.com <paulfrank708@gmail.com>) thank you so much*

european union From Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher

From: european union <europeanunion2016@yahoo.co.uk>
Reply: european union <europeanunion2016@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:30:29 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: From Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher

Good Day My Dear

I am satisfied to send you this mail now,though we do not know each other but i believe after some change of ideas and massages we will get to know each other very well. I'm Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher by name the wife of late Engineer George Christopher a politician and businessman who was murdered by assassins in my country.

After I lost my husband and one of my Daughter by the gunmen because of the Political Compromise and Post-Conflict in my country they kidnapped my last born after the funeral of my dear husband with my Daughter and has not been found even until today. I discovered that my life is in danger in that country, then I have to fly the country with the help of red cross association in Nigeria with my remaining kid.

Before the death of my late husband,he deposited a sum of (3,700,000.00 Dollars) Three Million, Seven hundred Thousand Dollars in one Bank,which he used my name as the next of kin. meanwhile if you can accepted to stand as my trustee to receive this money for proper investment in your country or any other place, then I will give you all the complete information that may be required.

This is because after my explanations to the bank about my living status now, they advised me to look for mature and trusted foreign partner who will help me to conduct and transfer the money to his or her position due to the policy of where am living as a refugee that is prohibited for me to have direct claim over the deposit.

In the meantime, I pledge to give you 40% of the total fund for your assistance, while 60% will belong to me and my remaining child for a bright future for her. I hope and wait for a positive reply from you as soon as possible.thank you i am waiting for your respond.

Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher

grace christopher From Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher

From: grace christopher <gracechrist14@yahoo.com>
Reply: grace christopher <gracechrist14@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:13:38 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: From Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher

Good Day My Dear

I am satisfied to send you this mail now,though we do not know each other but i believe after some change of ideas and massages we will get to know each other very well. I'm Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher by name the wife of late Engineer George Christopher a politician and businessman who was murdered by assassins in my country.

After I lost my husband and one of my Daughter by the gunmen because of the Political Compromise and Post-Conflict in my country they kidnapped my last born after the funeral of my dear husband with my Daughter and has not been found even until today. I discovered that my life is in danger in that country, then I have to fly the country with the help of red cross association in Nigeria with my remaining kid.

Before the death of my late husband,he deposited a sum of (3,700,000.00 Dollars) Three Million, Seven hundred Thousand Dollars in one Bank,which he used my name as the next of kin. meanwhile if you can accepted to stand as my trustee to receive this money for proper investment in your country or any other place, then I will give you all the complete information that may be required.

This is because after my explanations to the bank about my living status now, they advised me to look for mature and trusted foreign partner who will help me to conduct and transfer the money to his or her position due to the policy of where am living as a refugee that is prohibited for me to have direct claim over the deposit.

In the meantime, I pledge to give you 40% of the total fund for your assistance, while 60% will belong to me and my remaining child for a bright future for her. I hope and wait for a positive reply from you as soon as possible.thank you i am waiting for your respond.

Mrs.Sandra Anita Christopher

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