From: Mr Larry James <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 02:26:07 +0100
Subject: Contact Barrister Festus Keyamo
*Attn *
*Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,i pray this mail
find you in good health.*
*I am *Mr Larry James* the managing director of Eco bank Nigeria,i have an
urgent business proposal of $2 Billion United State *
*Dollars in our bank.*
*Note that one of our notable Italian customer who just pass on due to
CORONA VIRUS here in Nigeria it was a painful strategy *
*anyway but at this point we have tried to contact member of his family and
we find out that the children and wife member of **his extended family die
in fatal car accident 7 years ago when going for holiday in ROME.*
*No wonder the late deceased stated in his WILL that the $2 Billion United
State Dollars was awarded to his CAT as the next of **kin so without
wasting time you are to act as the next of kin that we have contacted and
what is needed to be done now is the **CERTIFICATE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP that
needed to be change to your name as the next of king so you will have to
contact the **legal department of the bank and send application claimed of
funds of next of kin to MR MARIO MARIUS who just pass on **03/13.2020.*
*We are going to spend $18,900,000 to get some vital documentation in
which my personal lawyer has started his own job getting *
*those document done until your response to me but that does not concerned
you because i will be handling that $18,900,000 fee by **myself here with
my colleagues here,.The only thing that can make us to be successful in
this transaction is for you to **follow instructions,as been told you will
contact the legal department of the bank,the only thing you will have to do
after **which the bank has acknowledged your application is to pay FEE for
the CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE the legal department **will ask
you,in which i know it won't be more than $3,000,000.00 and you will have
to send it direct to them while my personal **lawyer will take it up from
*Please you must pay these $3,000,000.00 to the bank so we can proceed
with the transaction on ground because after which the legal department has
received this $3,000,000.00 payment from you the **CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP
CERTIFICATE** will be approved on your name then every other things will
be successful,it is mandatory that this $3,000,000.00 must be sent with
immediately effect after make contact with the legal department.*
*Your percentage is 40% while i myself and members of the bank that are
involved in this $2 Billion United state dollars is **60%.*
*Keep me posted as soon as you contact the legal department.*
*Barrister Festus Keyamo*
*Email:[email protected] <Email%[email protected]>*
*Email:[email protected] <Email%[email protected]>*
*Mr Larry James*