Wang Jing Re : Hello

From: "Wang Jing"<[email protected]>
Reply: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 08:36:59 -0700
Subject: Re : Hello


I hope this email finds you in good health, especially this period the
Coronavirus is destroying human health and life.

The Chinese Red Cross sponsored by chinese Billionaires Wang Jianlin, Jack Ma and others have donated 100 Million Dollars for saving lives of Coronavirus patients and other people in isolation or Quarantine worldwide, the sum of 1 million Dollars will
be sent to kind hearted individuals with integrity and honesty to provide Face
masks, protective hand gloves and medical wears and shoes to reach out to people in different countries or your own country.

If you are willing to volunteer for this humanitarian task in your country, the
sum of 1 Million Dollars will be made available to you.

You will be able to show some integrity before approval and acceptance

Best Regards,

Wang Jing


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