admin This is update

From: "admin" <[email protected]>
Reply: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 20:00:11 +0700
Subject: This is update

This is update for the beneficiaries their names was among the DATA file
that will receive

inheritance sum of U.S. $5,800,000.00 with care of Intercontinental citi
bank of Benin


The bank here are hereby to informed you that your name was among listed
at DATA file and

which you have been waiting for you to contact and receive your funds
before the ending of

March as the Government signed that who never received his/her own till
the March ending

will finally know that there can not be any opportunities again to
received it rather been

forfeited into government account.

Therefore, take note that every preliminary of bank charge for opening of
your account will

bank will be taking care of by you as whom bank signed on the ownership
certificate that

will receive funds, and as this is foreign bank that has the same services
formula with

your local bank and all services would be directives to your local bank
till the bank

successful transfer to your local bank.

For bank opening of domiciliary account with your name as we verified
earlier,it was only

cost of $105 dollar and that after you will have access unlimited transfer
to your local

bank with out (BANK-LOGIN) sectors.

Indicate and provide us your information so once after the payment you can
proceed ahead

with transfer of your funds to your bank.

Douglas Terry: Email: [email protected]

Mr John Daniel

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