From: "interpol office"<[email protected]>
Reply: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 09:20:12 -0800
We hereby confirm that the diplomatic luggage belonging to You was registered in the name of Stephen Wallace is in our custody. The luggage was detained at Dubai international Airport, United Arab Emirate and was designated to be delivered to you in your home town. The reason the luggage was detained was because of the cash of 10,000,000 million United States dollars found inside and because there was no anti-terrorist certificate attached to it. Without the anti-certificate the luggage cannot be delivered to you. The money in the luggage will be totally confiscated if the anti-terrorist certificate is not procured. The total cost of procuring the anti-terrorist certificate is 1,300 usd.
We already liaising with Alicia Zikri of Today Express and we have agreed to grant an extension until 13th february, 2020. We have taken the money out of the luggage and it is now under our protective custody in a safe deposit. The attached pictures is the safe deposit.
Contact us today on how to make the payment, as recommended.
Yours faithfully,
Kelvin Brown
INTERPOL General Secretariat
Same to me appeared the story of a captain of a big container ship that had a technical problem in the canal of Malaca in Asia and that because of a big risk to be stolen by pirates, he mentioned that same name Zikri lady to whom a had to send the money 1500 € for sending his luggage for him that he couldn’t do himself cause all his money is in an offshore account……
ik ben ook via Tinder benaderd voor dating. via [email protected] verliep het kontakt. na 5 intensieven dagen kontakt kwam het eerste verhaal van eens schip wat door piraten mogelijk overvallen ging worden en de persoonlijke bezittingen moesten van het schip af. schip was op weg door suez kanaal naar Japan. pakker werd verzonden via todays express, shipping compagny mvr alicia Raihana zikri en ik moest minimaal 1500 euro overmaken.
ben er niet op ingegaan. melding gemaakt met politie eindhoven en nu deze site aan invullen.
emails worden geblokkeerd. datum 14-06-2021.
Google translate from Dutch
I have also been approached via Tinder for dating. contact was made via [email protected]. after 5 intensive days of contact came the first story of a ship that might be attacked by pirates and the personal belongings had to be removed from the ship. ship was on its way through suez canal to japan. packer was sent via todays express, shipping company mrs alicia raihana zikri and i had to transfer a minimum of 1500 euros.
didn’t go into it. reported to the Eindhoven police and now to fill in this site.
emails are blocked. date 14-06-2021.
sono stata contattata Tramite Tinder , dopo due settimane di lettere affascinanti la stessa storia di una nave cargo con possibilità di essere attaccata dai pirati gli averi personali dovevano essere scaricati a terra in un’isola della Malesia e la ditta spedizioniera aveva come responsabile Alicia Raihana Zikri a cui inviare 1500 euro . il contatto che mi scriveva era
non ho effettuato il pagamento .
Google translate from Italian
I was contacted via Tinder, after two weeks of fascinating letters the same story of a cargo ship with the possibility of being attacked by pirates personal belongings had to be unloaded ashore on an island in Malaysia and the shipping company was responsible for Alicia Raihana Zikri to which to send 1500 euros. the contact she wrote me was
I have not made the payment.